Thor passes Wonder Woman
I am honestly not surprised by this. We should be surprised by how well WW did, not that Thor beat it.
is thor actually good? the trailer looked bad and the previous 2 movies were lame.
Thor's nearing the end of its run, Wonder Woman miiight end up being slightly more profitable since it had a bigger domestic take and was cheaper to produce
Justice League is an inarguable catastrophe though, it may just slightly break even but that's still pathetic for what was supposed to be the DCEU's flagship movie
Yeah, it's a pretty great film. The first two are okay but you can never watch them and be fine. This one you wanna see.
It was Funkino
all that money isn't gonna buy you an oscar you jews
Based music
genuinely impressed with Wonder Woman. in a universe that is universally shit, it stood out and rose above it all.
also JL is laughably pathetic.
Unfortunately Thor still cost more, but this is a laudable accomplishment considering he’s a b-lister compared to the Superfriends. Spidey though should have been a bonanza
Spidey had THREE SHIT MOVIES before this one
>Every Marvel film this year has passed 800M (And will likely pass 850)
Can't handle this winning
proud of my nigga Thor. is homie an a-lister in terms of comic heroes now?
Why would they care about getting an Oscar when they can just get shitloads of money?
>posts Sup Forums memes while defending the liberal propaganda machine of Disney
>oscar for best makeup, or something
MCU = Hillary
DC = Trump.
Leftists have complete control over the movie industry so no surprise they're winning on that front. At least in reality they couldn't sink the chad.
No. Jane Foster is now Thor because of YAAS QUEEN.
Disney is probably the least liberal of the major studios desu.
>spiderman didnt pass a billion
>GOTG didnt pass a billion
fuck this gay earth
>Ezra Miller is in DC
Your cognitive dissonance is showing.
it actually is yeah, one of the best.
every post itt is ironic shitpodting. nobody really cares about capeshit box office receipts
You'd be surprised the state of this board.
amazing spiderman was better than homecoming though
how will dc ever recover?
wonder woman doing well was all they had and now it's been usurped by a fucking thor film
More accurate to say Man of Steel and Batman Vs Superman were Trump. Films with bold vision. Real "alt-right" cinema.
These were important films made with real truth and soul. But of course that doesn't bring in the big money when you're dealing with an audience of brainlets. So the artist was removed and replaced with marvel style happy meal shit.
fucking misogynistic foreigners
Every movie hero as of now is based on the og fit white guy master race in mcu unless it's part of the charakter (black panther), unless disney decide to not care about money they will not start adapting any new marvel sjw comics, cause liberal arts students and minorities (niggers and muslims) dont have money to go to the movies. And the chinese like the white heros and are pretty nationalistic, I was pretty bummed that they used hip hop in the panther trailer as it has nothing to do with africa, there no money in appealing to minorities on this scale that the mcu is, jew money isnt good enough here
>Gal Gadot is seriously being considered for a Golden Globe nomination
fuck this world
Jesus Homecoming made that much money?
We did it bros, Disney is making a lot of money I'm so fucking proud
>alt-right = pseudointellectual trash
It fits, I'll give you that
It's Spiderman, bro.
DC is trump because they're fucking white males
Also why was aquaman a sandnigger if hes soppose to live in water?
>that Justice League in the corner
Yea but it was far more unnecessary. The film getting bogged down into the origin stuff slows the movie. I mean the iron man stuff in HC is pretty bad too. Its hard for me to pick, but TASM is less inspiring and less complete as its trying to force a bigger world and unanswered questions. So that makes HC a better complete film. Though TASM actually is pretty good for what it is and if was the first ever spider-man movie it'd be a pretty stand out film.
And that oscar won't get you passable flicks
Because they're white males
Is this a joke?
>first line is literally "so you're all probably wondering how I got here?"
>nonstop quips
>color correction gives you cataracts
>multiple characters have nothing to do in this film besides fanservice
>CGI that could rival the first MIB movie
It's hot garbage, but everyone will tell you it's good because its """""""""fun"""""""""
If you didnt like the trailer you wont like the movie.
I thought it was great.