A movie reviewer who is always positive about everything just shat on TLJ

A movie reviewer who is always positive about everything just shat on TLJ.

Wrap it up Disney, it's over.

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It's cute that you think this matters at fucking all to Disney.

This. It's still going to make over a billion dollars and be beloved by lots of people.

>it doesn't take any chances
>this should make any die hard fan happy

And that's all I needed to make my decision. I'm just so fucking done with these focus groups garbage.

the random c3po and r2 d2 cameo was smart?

I actually expected this review to be relevant then I saw it was Scott Mantz who pretty consistently has the worst opinions about films in the movie review industry. I'd trust Chris Stuckmann or that other youtube reviewer who does breakneck speed epileptic edits for his reviews before I trusted Mantz.

>to clarify I liked the last Jedi
Christ, why do people take these pussy type of stances, are they so afraid that someone is going to get mad at them just because of an opinion

You misunderstand what "smart" means now. "Smart" means "it made me feel smart." "Oh, wow, I recognized that, hmm, that feels good in my tummy."

Why do you think Ready Player One is going to get a two-handed old-fashioned? Because it'll be "smart" to "pull together such disparate sources to come to some narrative about how we interact with media and define ourselves and our world!"

It's Scott Mantz. He's pumped the tires of so many dogshit movies while simultaneously hating on kino in his time. His opinion is worthless.

That said he probably wants to still be invited to episode 9 so he felt he HAD to say that.

> the fan service was smart, fun, and exciting

why should anyone care about this man's opinion

Rogue One is a terrible film. Opinion disregarded.

ESB remake all but confirmed.

Someone will kidnap Finn, Rey will be maimed in a fight with Kylo, the rest will meet and be double crossed by some shady businessman.

Um, no sweetie.

Early reviews confirm it is LITERALLY EVERYTHING and that representation? Oh yeah, it matters!


because you don't want the mouse to suicide you by 2 shots to the back of the head

>It doesn't take any chances

Guess we can disregard all the fake spoilers now

>Its all very familiar, which should make diehard fans happy
So Empire Strikes Back remake confirmed?

The only reason I like the new movies is that's they're trying to round in the EU
Old Star Wars EU was a cluster fuck of covering up plot holes and telling fanfiction
New Disney EU at least has some semblance of direction to tell story and provide backgrounds that the movies didn't. Legends EU didn't even get like that since the Thrawn trilogy. Is it cringey and dumb at times, fuck yes
But at they're trying and I appreciate that more than Lucas throwing CGI at the wall and hoping it sticks

Mark Hamill implied he hated it and that George Luca's vision of the new trilogy was "vastly different"

why the fuck anyone would pay attention to what some jew faggot says about a movie?
what a fucking waste of oxygen are you people, a bunch of fucking cucks.

It wasn't just that it was different, he flat out said he wished Disney used George's treatments.

Yep. Reading between the lines of his interview, he fucking HATED the writing for Luke and was eventually cajoled into performing it anyway. Someone in the creative staff used some ju-jitsu to make him accept it begrudgingly, and the best he can say in interviews was "I eventually came around to this remarkable and thoughtful portrayal of Luke in ways I never imagined."

In Hollywood, that's more or less screaming "I did this for the paycheck and can't alienate anyone involved in this production, so I'm giving a few peepee touches."

>He loves Rogue One
>He loves TFA
>Only "likes" TLJ

That means TLJ doesnt go the way the soyboys and feminists expected.

Fuck off disneyshill

Disney just uses focus groups

"we will use a girl, a black, a gay, bring back old faces for the older fans, kill some of them for the feels etc..."

There is no fucking story.


Box office drop of 1 billion in just 2 years is what Disney wants?

Look at DC. Shit movies still made money until people said enough.

Why is Luke such a smouldering hunk?

Hardcore SW fans pretend that Battlefront 2 is a good game.

Daily reminder: George Lucas loved the EU and wanted to make standalones of some of the plotlines after the full Skywalker saga of 12 movies was finished(he completed 6 as we know and had written plots for 7-9)
He also made a fanmade legion into official canon for their charity work. 501st Legion "Vaders Fist" marched with Anakin into the Jedi Temple. The front line troops were all actual members of the charity organisation on set with CGI doing the long line behind.

Lucas was /ourguy/


It literally is a ESB remake.

Rebel fleet can't escape through Hyperspace because FO have a device that can track them after jump and keeps following them. It's just like Falcon asteroid field stuff.

>According to Hamill, George Lucas’ trajectory with the “Star Wars” prequels at least took the films down a brand new terrain, while J.J. Abrams’ “The Force Awakens” instead tried to tap into what made the original films so popular.

>When I asked Hamill whether that was Abrams’ intention, he responded, “Of course! He was trying to figure out what was it about the original movies that everybody loved. And that’s a different thought process than what George would have done. Because he would go, ‘I had a beginning, middle, and an end’.”
Kek, what an endorsement.

What do you think happens to reviewers when they talk shit about Disney? Their invitations to premieres are gone forever.

It’s one of the best SW games out there. Sadly it’s also over a decade old and hasn’t aged very well

he grew up in an era where star wars was a huge cultural entertainment phenomenon, like others his age he's a sucker for nods to nostalgia. Most of us here were born at least a decade or more after the OT. Doesn't discount his opinion

So it's official? They officially copied Empire?]

The more we head into this shit, the better it would've been to just adapt the best EU stories, since Disney doesn't seem interested in coming up with their own ideas, might as well take from stories not everyone knows about. Thrawn and KOTOR could both occupy their own trilogy alone.

You can't even slightly criticize Disney schlock without havind to reformulate, clarify your position and end up on a positive note. "The fags will love it". When a guy like this actually despise a Dinsey SW movie, it's alarming. Even these fanboys are opening their eyes. This is not Star Wars anymore, they are lazy and offensive cash grabs capitalizing on our fond memories.

Are you kidding me? only with TFA they have more plotholes than 30 years of EU B canon.
Seriously you shills need to improve

Of course they did, why wouldn’t they? It’s all about getting the most money for the least amount of work. Creating something original takes too much work


>They officially copied Empire?
J.J. Abrams literally said he would copy the old movies.

I mean I can't say I am surprised. The trailers kind of gave me an idea that they would. But still I hoped they wouldn't. I gave a little bit of slack for TFA because it was their first SW film so it made some sense to play it safe. But doing it again? Not really acceptable.

All mainline Disney releases since 2007 have objectively been shit

This, unfortunately

Really? Source? That's fucking pathetic. Does he not have an original idea in his body? You'd think a man who makes movies would want to put original stories out there. I mean what's the point? Just remake the originals and save us all some time, Why even call it something new?

It's not that people would be mad, but disney would take away the VIP treatment from these "critics", in every industry this is the case. Even my dad who works in the car industry and knows people from big car magazines/sites tells me about it. Let's us BMW for example, they let one of the writers have their brand new most expensive car for like 6 months for FREE so they can "review" it, with the obvious implication that he's going to write a positive article about it, if writer talks shit no more cars. If he plays by the unspoken rules and says people should get the car he doesn't even need to own a car anymore, he'll be getting a new kick ass car once every few months or so, no cost.

You can tell he's not even allowed by contract to say it was bad. Only, "I LIKED it, but to those of you reading, please understand why it sucks." Fuck Disney.

>The fan service was smart

All the book leaks practically confirm it. The only thing missing is character fates.

>tfw this movie is almost TEN years old
>Kat Denning was 21

>that jewish star wars fanatic is disappointed on first watching
it's gonna be worse than episode II

>It doesn't take any risks
I fucking knew disney would do this

rogue one is the worst movie of the franchise

It's as close as Hamill can come to being negative regarding the movie without violating his contract. Seriously. Actors are beholden to fluff up a movie, even with mandated appearances on television properties, or they'll be found making actions inimical to the financial success of the film.

See: Bill Murray making muted appearances on late-night TV for Ghostbusters 2017. He was not a fan of the film. Notice how he didn't say anything worse than faint praise, while Ernie Hudson (while left out in the cold and not yet under contract) made some negative comments about the "all-female" direction.

I suspect the same happened with Will Farrel and his blanket refusal to "shine" for "Zoolander 2."


Remember this bit? It was funny, but it was when he was SUPPOSED to be giving the movie a fluffer-job. He didn't. He didn't believe in the movie, and based on reviews, he was right to disbelieve.

That picture is beautiful. That right there is star wars. I don't get any feeling of this with the new trilogy or standalone(s).

I'm not even hyped for VIII. It went from "MUST SEE!11"(pre VII) to "meh I'll watch it on a torrent a few months later" now.

I see he got nervous about his future career there. But he still can't bring himself to praise it wholeheartedly. It's all dripping with negativity.

Riding the line there Scott.

>It had some great #StarWars moments
Fanservice and rehashed bullshit.

>it's too slow
>too long
Badly paced and meandering. No story focus.

>doesn't take any chances
>it's all very familiar
The nail in the coffin. They followed the same instant formula TFA used. Same shit every time. Welcome to McD's, would you like pew pew with that?

Are you talking about the new one or the old one?

user, Star Wars was always something of a cash grab. If it weren't for some great camera work and particularly good use of older storytelling, even New Hope would have fallen on its face.

It was old wine in a new bottle - but somehow the first three films captured something wonderful. Now they're trying to resurrect a corpse from the mid-80's, like every OTHER reboot/preboot/soft-boot/hard-medium-soft-boot/Viagra-boot.

The magic's gone. I don't think Disney is smart enough to realize it until they've run Star Wars completely into the ground by 2030 with endless spin-offs, "origin stories," and "brand new realms."

Reminder that Lucas could have done any project he wanted at any time while sitting in his money vault but he didn't and subsequently pawned Star Wars to Disney.

He had plenty of time to do...well anything he wanted. But he didn't.

I can name every single character off the top of my head on that poster. If I saw a poster of only the characters from TFA and Rogue one I could name maybe 20% of them.

I can't find the source because I saw a long time ago, but before the release of TFA he explained the work for the new Star Wars movies and are like this:

>The Force Awakens is going to be a copy of A New Hope
>The Last Jedi is going to be a copy of The Empire Strikes Back
>Episode IX is going to be a copy of Return of Jedi with a cliffhanger to make another trilogy
>secondary movies (like Rogue One) are something separated but hitting to the new stuff and pre-approved by Disney

Having characters wave to the camera is the current state of movies and it sickens me. We're literally pandering to children and retards "OH LOOK OLD CHARACTERS" Cause they elicit easy emotions in people and fondness and bam, people think they like it. It sells and no one stops to think. Fuck this generation and the next, everyone gets a trophy, everyone is happy, offend no one, take no risks, no more niche markets, no more treating people like they're different. Middle of the road everyone is the same all content is bland and they eat it up cause old characters waved to the camera.

I feel the same way. It's amazing how much I don't care about this movie. I'm only here for the shitposts because mockery is the only thing Disney Wars deserves.

>George Lucas loved the EU
Wow, I dislike Disneywars as much as the next guy but don't try come up with that unbelievable bullshit.

>> the fan service was smart, fun, and exciting
>why should anyone care about this man's opinion

If the dumb cunt liked Rogue One because it was slightly more fresh than TFA, the fact that he doesn't like The Last Jedi should tell you with confidence it sucks and blows.

So? Maybe he didn't want to.

Yea, actors either have to be positive or say nothing. You are paid to promote the movie. They can at a certain point not talk about the movie. In some interviews you may see an actor talk about what it was like to work with BLANK or how it was to do BLANK because they're just gonna talk about what they did and not hype up the movie. They did work on the film so they have plenty to talk about besides "I think the narrative is trash and it's derivative garbage"

I hope Mark lives long enough to be free of his contract and shit on the movies. He basically did in that interview where he talks about money and transformers. How they're poorly reviewed and make a lot of money.

We all should have known TLJ would be a rehash when JJ said he read the script and wished he was directing cause it was so good. JJ's never loved anything original.

>Georgefags thinking he ever gave a shit about what made Star Wars good and didn't just want to make money and """""pottery"""""
prove me wrong

When the movies actually come out will we finally see people shitting on it? Seriously I hope people tear these unoriginal fucks apart. Maybe it will light a fire under their asses to create original content.

>good Jeremy, now appeal to those disgusting republican 21-30s and you can take your fifteen

>it will make people who will like the movie no matter what, like the movie

Wow. JJ is a huge fucking faggot.


Wait. The Last Jedi is in theatres? Where was the hype? This movie is going to get bad reviews because Disney forgot to make the movie trend on twitter and reddit. Normies won't flock to it like before. It needs the social experience, it's not going to be able to stand on its own.

(You) for pew pew

Shhh shh shh it's okay user it will all be over soon

>it's too slow

TFA was too fast
now it's too slow?

Me too. You know what pisses me off the most? Knowing in my bones that such an unforgettable moment as "I know" could never happen on Disney's watch.

>'it's overly long'
>get curious and check
>it's 2 and a half hours long
What the FUCK. Star Wars does not need to be this long

Not gonna lie thought you were talking about the European union for a second

He also said "there is no episode 7" when asked

>tan/ brownish skin
>no hair
>squinty eyes
>all the aliens look like this
The designs in these movie fucking suck

The fact I can name all of those characters but can only name 3 characters in the new canon really says something about the state of the franchise.

Yeah I loved the scene in Empire where the imperial fleet was chasing the rebel fleet for half the movie.

Christ the lengths people go to bend over backwards to draw parallels is quite laughable.

It just had it's premiere. The movie isn't in theatres until the 15th

If you stop to take a breath you can go see articles that Johnson has been greenlit to write and direct a new trilogy of films that has nothing to do with the saga films.

It's the same general ideas you stupid fucking autist

Rian Johnson is a crappy editor, watch Brick to find out.

>it-its the second chapter in a three part story, so it's the same!!!
Youtube film critique has rotten your brain.

This. Shit annoyed me so much when they said Star Killer base is a copy of the death star

>destroying planets=/=destroying solar systems
>moon sized starbase=/=planet sized star base

>He basically did in that interview where he talks about money and transformers. How they're poorly reviewed and make a lot of money.
Got a link to it senpai?

They were, the focus just shifted to the Falcon then sky city. Watch the source material for the shit you shill.

Kek this is TFA premiere all over again. Disingenuous
fanboys INSISTING it's not just a lazy rehash, flash forward one month later and the new argument will be it's SUPPOSED to be lazy and safe.

George had better taste

Yes that makes it the same movie. Forget the fact that the original Star Wars also borrowed plot elements from various other movies. The only thing original Lucas did when you really get to it is throw on a sci-fi coat of paint to established Hero's Journey tropes and had the benefit of layering it with revolutionary special effects. We live in an age where no director doing a Star Wars movie has that luxury anymore but to sit there and sperg on about using similar "GENERAL" (fucking kek) ideas like Star Wars didn't do this throughout the entire saga is fucking risible. And on the subject of Lucas, he did the same shit with Indiana Jones too. He borrowed from adventure serials heavily and in all three sequels he recycled plot elements and tropes like crazy.

So go on. Keep telling me how loose similarities make it the same fucking movie you fucking cum dumpster.


