ITT: Oh yeah, that happened
ITT: Oh yeah, that happened
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literally the best movie they've ever put out, nostalgia and canonfags can go kill themselves in all honesty
Felicity is hot
absolutely fucking agreed.
>I clapped
Only nostalgiafags like Rogue One though. It’s literally the most fan service pandering thing ever made. It makes TFA look like a 100% original experimental innovative work of art that took the franchise in a new direction.
I have no idea how anyone could like this tepid crap. Especially with that fucking Buddhist wannabe intoning the fucking force every two seconds. Then the woman's sudden 180, her bland inspirational speech with triumphant music playing in the background, and all the other shitty dialogue that followed. Insipid garbage.
Faggots like this movie.
the last action scene with the fight on the beach is a great piece of film and would be praised as one of the best ever set pieces in film if it was any other movie outside a kids franchise
>Faggots like star wars
best SW movie since Empire tbqh
anyone who complains about "no character depth" got pleb filtered, and you should be embarrassed that a Star Wars movie went over your head
Fucking faggot. TFA was 200% more nostalgia baiting than RO
most intimidating Vader ever
also bunnyfu has godlike hips
I am one with the force, the force is one with me
TBF that Vader kino scene was the best thing in Star Wars movie since the original trilogy
wow he referenced the a star wars movie.
2 shitty sequels and a 3-season TV series based on this pretty good flick.
Which happens to be Tarantino's best role.
>most intimidating Vader ever
Yeah it was epic when he turned on his lightsaber and slashed a bunch of dudes. It was almost as epic as when Yoda took out his lightsaber and did a bunch of flips. I fucking love lightsabers.
Literally better than Star Wars 7
why didn't you mention bunnyfu's hips?
>decide to watch a "stand alone" movie
>it's the backstory about one thing mentioned in ANH
>there is no characters
>the first hour of the movie is almost entirely pointless
>tons of scenes that are seemingly random with no set-up or payoff
>but it had le cute girl and there was a BIG SPACE BATTLE AT THE END AND DARF VADER!!!!!
10/10 literally the best Star Wars movie since Empire
Worse than Attack of the Clones
Here's some user
Deleted and reposted with spoiler tag this time
no ban pls
I liked it a lot more than TFA, but I wouldn't say it's a particularly good movie.
those aren't hips, those are thigh bones
stop spreading false information please
Still better than TFA
nice thigh bones nonetheless.
She filled out with age.
Dat ass.
Look at that dumper.
Rogue One made TFA look like a masterpiece, and TFA was garbage.
It may have been less of a nostalgia grab but my god was it badly executed
>shit tier CGI
>emo Vader
>some of the most bland and forgettable dialogue of all time
>literally 0 memorable characters
>terrible cinematography and incompetent direction
>somehow manages to be a cringier guurlpower flick than TFA
>worse acting by a longshot
Great film in most aspects. Top notch direction and effects. Amazing cinematography. One of the few major franchise films that doesn't seem to seethe with contempt for its idiot audience.
Two things bring it down a lot:
-Ridiculous music
-Star Wars is now about a white girl leading a plucky band of minorities against the evil white man and falling in love with one of them. That is sad to see.
Unlike TFA it actually felt like it took place in the same universe as I-VI. So it's got that going for it
>oh yeah, that made over a billion dollars
>Entire plot is just the Episode IV screenplay with names changed
>Rogue One
>Has some of the vehicles used at the time it's set in
Gee which one's more fan service and nostalgia pandering hmmmm
oh yeah a good star wars movie what a novel concept
only reddit EUfags liked this trash
>Oh yeah, that happened
Star Wars fans only care about brand recognition, Rogue 1 was the biggest offender in this. TFA is a 100% rehash but mostly when talking about the plot, it didn't have as many "I MEMBER moments" as R1
>watching star wars past 1983
This is the stupidest post all day. Is your argument seriously just "they have the same vehicles and it was set in the same fictional timeframe as previous movies"? TFA was the same fucking movie as IV.
God I love women
I remember when this board couldn't stop sucking Rogue One's dick. Them RLM made their review saying exactly this, and now that's anything people here have to say about it.
There's things I didn't like about the movie and a few things I liked. Overall my response was "Meh. Okay."
But I really liked that guy and his mantra.
I thought it sucked as soon as I left the cinema
rewatch both again.
TFA is actually annoying with how many references there are and how fast they come. Example: millenium falcon appears, there's a pause for fans to go "oooh, oooh, that's the falcon!", and then they do a ship dive in it immediately after that, so people can go "ooh, ooh, I member that!" even though it's thoroughly impractical for them to do that in that situation. Then they meet Han and Chewy just a few minutes later, and there's another sort of awkward pause for fans to go "it's han and chewy! wow!". Then there's the sorting through the ship, and Finn tosses the training droid Luke used in ANH, except it's not done casually. He literally holds it up to the screen, pauses, looks at it, and then tosses it, so fans can again have a moment to go "ooh, I member that!". A few seconds after that, he trips over the space chess table, which boots up and shows the game chewy and C3PO were playng is still going--and pauses again, for another moment of nerdgasm by the audience.
In less than 10 minutes, there's at least 5 on the nose references, many with pauses and winks to the camera to show fans "yep, it's a star wars movie! look at how star wars it is, we've got so much star wars stuff, look at all these references! *wink**wink**wink*"
Rogue One had problems, I don't get the criticism that it was just a constant nostalgia explosion. The only times I rolled my eyes and thought "yeah, that's subtle" was when C3PO and R2 showed up for a pointless and extended cameo just so fans could know they're there. Besides that, there weren't any annoying pauses or winks to the camera about the references, and most of the references were just similarities in appearance and design of aliens, ships, uniforms, etc, which makes sense when you consider that ANH starts literally minutes after Rogue One ends. There should be tech and uniform similarities between the two, they're chronologically taking place just days or weeks apart.
>rewatch both again.
no thanks, TFA is mediocre, R1 is awful. TFA being a rehash helps somewhat
>it actually felt like it took place in the same universe as I-VI
It felt like it took place in two universes?
>first say stupid stuff about trash movies
>second user refutes
>lol I don't watch trash movies
once is enough for this shit, I'm not a fanboy
still better than shit sw7