Ready Player One

Get fucking hype lads

how can you be excited for this?

How can you not?

because it doesn't seem interesting and the book wasn't anything special?



so should I feel hyped just because some faggot is leveraging nostalgia to make up for the fact the story is just simpleton shit?
There are fucking overwatch characters for fuck sake. I would be surprised if there isn't any nu Wars characters or shit flavour of the month Disney is trying to market.

Stephen Spielberg presets: "Pixels 2, a journey into plagiary territories surrounding Spy Kidz 3d"


ew no thanks! i thought it was a Disney movie for a minute.


>generic CoD, Need For Speed shitfest game
>original Gundam out of fucking nowhere
The fuck

The Mouse is afraid.

I think Spielberg's going to transcend the source material. I'm fucking HOOOOOOYP!

Grrrrr I hate forcing references in everything. That's so Reddit. Goddam. What would Sneed think about this movie?

excited for a movie for its pop culture nostalgia than the plot

because I was over commercialized nostalgia after Wreck it Ralph came out, and you should be too

No the movie looks pretty solid, the pop culture thing is just icing on the cake.

Will this overtake The Martian and Deadpool as the most Reddit movie?

>What would Sneed think about this movie?
It was formerly Chuck's y'know!

except half of those posts reference a review that makes fun of a Disney movie, you sperg

I’ve never understood the meme hate for Andy Weir

shills shilling shit

No, I shall not get hyped. This is a homosexual cum fart.

The book is absolute trash.

>everything I don't like is bought by some corporation
You should join the dead Occupy movement, they're as tin-foil as you

>white people still exist

Yes, absolutely

The only black character I remember from the book was a lesbian, so I assume whites were saved through the evil power of having children

>white people having children

If you race in a time machine delorean and hit 88, do you like jump immediately to the finish line?

how much do you get paid? Honestly curious

Wasn't this an episode of South Park?


i dont watch capeshit

kek, sure kid

the book is incredibly awful and the movie looks like a waste of time

for a 13 year old / 10

No, that's infinity war's job

This movie has to bomb. Not just because I want it to, but because if it succeeds we're in for ten years of garbage. At least the cynical, repetitive capeshit we get aims for new takes on characters or tries to bring you the best version of them, so it has some (if weak) semblance of originality.

This is literally memes and references and nostalgia and nothing else. Its core plot is offensively generic. It's a disgusting work of commercialized pop culture.

I know right, it just breaks the scales in it's awesomeness.

>defending capeshit

>March release
Why is WB so shit at predicting winners? Spielberg directing and they're shuffling this into the end of Losing Money Quarter.

I can only presume they're reacting to TLJ by giving it a wide berth. Since there is a strong audience overlap they want people to be burned out on it before this lands.

>post apocalyptic escapism
it has the colour range of Children of men, with a Pixar storyline
and also, brunette people with "a resistance"

That's how you know it's bad. I hate capeshit because I thought it was the lowest we could go, but we're going even deeper with Ready Pander Shit.

>"i don't mean anything irl so i play vidya"
>"lol i died now go find one piece"
>big bad corporation/gubbermint wants to find the treasure
>"who is this xXxNoSc0p3Sh@doWB1@D3xXx and why is he so good?"
>big bad corporation/gubbermint uses deadly force to shut down other player
>"dude I don't want to die I just want to play vidya!"
>"welcome to the resistance, kid!"
>pop culture reference every second like dopamine hit for "nerd culture" enthusiasts

looks great!

>white dudes who didn't get laid in high school: the movie

>adaption of book aimed at teenagers
>why'd Sup Forums be interes-


It literarally looks like a movie for the 10-15yo audience (imagine its a mid 2000 movie) but with references aiming to cater to 20-30yo (millenials)

That means a LOT and its fucking sad.

Name a better capeshit.


>a-at least its not as bad as capeshit
end yourself if this is how low you set your bar

ITT manchildren who can't even have fun.
This looks unironically fun and the visuals are stunning

Why not go beyond capeshit?

kek he said kek lmao kek kek kek


which this movie will not do

It look like the same bullshit cookie cutter plot. Here let me guess the entire fucking plot.

>hero lost dad or father figure to game

>love interest is introduced as a rebel who is snipy and flirtatious but plays hard to get

>big bad is gonna kill em, its a corporate committee in the trailer

>they go into the game and meet his dad

>dad dies or heroically sacrifices self or is already dead and plays a message for him

>this gives the main lead a boost that helps them win the big battle save the day and get the girl.

Wow I've already seen this movie but oh shit, it's got the white devil, the GUNDAM ITSELF, and it's got the akira motorcycle too, WOW.

>its another movie with a resistance
when will it stop

>get fucking hype for capeshit #38492347!!!

The fuck is Overwatch?
Senor Spielbergo should have used half life and portal instead.

I cant wait to see how the opposing narratives clash at this, I wonder what the next big meme will be.

Book was kind bad, your typical book aimed at young teens with barely any plot or interesting ideas.
Still im pretty surprised that of things that it did right it outs them out, the protagonist was a fat ass, and the main chick had an ugly birth mark covering half her face, accepting their real life image over the escapism avatar version was huge part of the book.
But here? Why bother, might as well just focus on the REFERENCES LMAO.
The nostalgia callbacks were the worst part of the book, but here they seem to be main focus..

remember Tomorrowland? me either

is this bait?
if so it worked

>Paddington 2
>12 Strong
>The 15:17 to Paris
>Game Night
>Tomb Raider
>Ready Player One
>Life of the Party
>A Star Is Born
>Ocean's Eight
>The Nun
>Teen Titans GO! To The Movies
>Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
2018 the year WB finally fucking dies

>Halo AR in the background
Why can't they just make a fucking Halo movie?

Whenever Hype guy comes here you just know he is a payed shill, specially by universal.

wow fuck if i was a WB exec i'd kill myself right now

Looks like another "ayyyyy nostalgia LMAO". Gotta pass.

looks pretty good desu

why is the main kid so jewey

OP here; I get paid a nickle for everyone response.

That would require one of the 70 year old Jews who made this to actually know something about the vidya instead of just googling what's popular this year.

Not gonna lie, the RX-78-2 doing the ZZ Pose was a nice touch.

paddington 2 is kino, tho

This entire movie is nothing but a nostalgia-porn cashgrab for advertisers. It's literally The Emoji Movie repainted for "geeks".

And you faggots are clapping for it.

when they referenced that video game and anime i liked i clapped. i saw it. and i clapped. this movie was made for me.

I'm excited to mock it.

>All these people sperging out over all the pop culture references
It's being realistic.
Look at Second Life or any VRChat video on youtube. Even with the limited technology we have today, when people are given the ability to have anybody as your onscreen avatar, a vast amount of people choose to be their favorite anime/vidya characters. Yeah it's definitely product placement, but you can't pretend that this isn't EXACTLY what would happen if the Oasis were a real thing.

The book was fantastic, but I'm not expecting too much from the movie. It'll probably only get a special effects award. A fun movie to kill 2 hours, have a couple of laughs, take in the visuals, and move on.

[clapping in american]

>The book was fantastic

OK fair enough that looks great.

I can't be arsed with this thread though because it'll just be edgy faggots trying to de-construct an entertaining premise and suck the joy out of it.


'member the power glove? Oh no I don't because i'm a teenager. Weren't the eighties and nineties so cool though?

should have played ball

Cultural cancer.

>The book was fantastic, but I'm not expecting too much from the movie.
I'm the exact opposite. The book was "meh" but this movie looks great going from the trailer.

VRchat is actually entertaining.

Goddamn I hope there's an EVA in this. There's a Gundam so I have some hope.

kill yourself

kek what is this? looks fun as fuck.

>not posting the official poster

VRchat. Sup Forums has webm threads about it pretty often and they're all pretty funny. wish I could afford a headset.


Is Warner Bros. going the way of Sony Pictures?

Fantastic beasts will make money though

Nah, Potter fans hated the first movie, it went against a lot of the shit JK made them love in the HP films

Looks like total shit for autistic people.

If I remember correctly the guy was fat in the book.

>first movie bombed and was hated
>focuses on a spouse abuser
yeah no

that's why it's good.