/our girl/ saw TLJ, we'll get the only review that matters soon
/our girl/ saw TLJ, we'll get the only review that matters soon
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When will her nudes get leaked?
ummmm she's pure so.... never?
I honestly wish I could eat her ass
Start dumping more photos of her please
how can she handle such a BIG, THICC, porg!?
Kill yourself you autistic manchild nigger.
That's a big porg
Sup Forums is a Jenny board, pls return to reddit
More like PAWG
Pls find some blade and cut your veins. Manchild star wars faggot. Even worse - you watch some autistic, ugly shit making shill vlogs about it.
she loved it.
The problem is that all those people are bind to Disney by gratitude of being on "first to see it".
I dont believe they are bought by Disney (they are more clever than that). They are just unable to give sincere review even if they try.
>we'll get the only review that matters soon
Such delicious meaty pale thighs.
>enter thread
>everything delete
Probably porn
Nah, they were just normal pics of Jenny, I saw them.
isn't she a disney employee or something?
if she shit talks it she can kiss her job and ever being invited to a premier screening goodybye
She talks like oh my god she's like still in high school so yeah
>I dont believe they are bought by Disney (they are more clever than that). They are just unable to give sincere review even if they try.
Twitter reactions aren't even reviews. They are REACTIONS. A bunch of nu-males just went to a glitzy red carpet event and saw their manchild movie; wow what a surprise some of them are having palpitations.
The real reviews will be forthcoming, the reviews that matter will be among them.
giv milky gf
she's part-time with screenjunkies, who are all but confirmed paid shills. i think she's just a fangirl, desu. she did have some snarky things to say about rogue one
>who are all but confirmed paid shills
Literally no one is a paid shill you dumb faggot. You clearly don't understand why that would never work. Disney would be under fire if it turned out there was a massive conspiracy to undermine journalistic integrity with pay-outs.
I guess you could make an argument that an invite to a red-carpet event is "paid shilling" but if you think they're actually tucking fat envelopes under the doors of reviewers you're an insane tin-foil conspiracy theorist.
Just some mild cleavage.
>tucking fat envelopes under the doors of reviewers
>"if you say nice things about our movies, we'll fly you in to the premiere and keep inviting you. you talk shit, you lose all privileges"
same difference
Everything I want is Jenny baaaaaaarping in my mouth though.
Usually you have to buy the plane ticket yourself. Unless you got proofs they're flying people in for favorable reviews, it's just an invite.
I know that makes people who never socialized at parties feel bad, but it's not paying off reviewers. That's that M.O. for Hollywood.
>not knowing about the offsite archive
fuck off newfag
didn't she say once that she browsed here?
might get in trouble, but here you go
Who the fuck do you think created this thread?
true if big
Imagine realizing you’ll die a virgin so you imprint on some YouTube chick who you’ll never meet and send her money because you convince yourself she likes you. You guys are fucking losers hahahahahahaha
>formerly chucks
Newfag here, please direct me to this archive.
>being too retarded to use google and basic search terms
kill yourself
literally who?
sorry we can't all be cool like you
>I literally don't care if like
Damn I missed the pictures
but user it's impossible not to
Anyone who responds to this reply with lewd Jenny’s is getting punched in the head
doesn't she hate us?
only the haters
Out of every non-Sup Forumstarded m-mug rational YouTuber I don’t think there’s anyone who better fits in to Sup Forums than Jenny
>watching womanchildren
Of course she did. She is mentally 5 yo and was paid.
t. paid shill
ugly cunt. you faggot nigs better stop meming this bitch otherwise i will track her down and kill her in real life blaming Sup Forums in the process.
She has nice legs. what do her feet look like tho?
Can we get photos of Jenny's feet?
Guys, pls.