I finished The Wire and The Sopranos, so whats the next greatest series after them?
I finished The Wire and The Sopranos, so whats the next greatest series after them?
mad men
The quality drops like an anchor after season 2, though.
Mad Men is shit
Ugly Betty for """"""""classy"""""""" men
Best television of all time (non-comedic)
>Twin Peaks
>The Young Pope
>Berlin Alexanderplatz
>The Decalogue
>The Sopranos
>Mad Men
>Generation Kill
>Show Me a Hero
>In Treatment
The Wire is shit for nigger lovers
Deadwood. The Wire-The Sopranos-Deadwood is the holy trinity of drama TV
It only goes downhill from here.
What? Breaking Bad first, Sopranos and The Wire are the next best shows after BB.
Deadwood +1
This series will ruin TV for you, because nothing will be as well written ever again.
Nice bait. That capeshit schlock isn't even worth mentioning. It's in the Game Of Thrones, Walking Dead tier of pleb shit.
if you're going to watch Mad Men stop after season one.
Mad Men, Lost, Six feet under, The big bang theory
tfw instinctively stopped watching The Wire after season 2.
I guess being a patrician is just part of my subconscious.
You're as bad as the people who think presenting slavery in historical movies is racist.
Deadwood for definite
I thought Treme was outstanding but some people don’t like it.
Absolutely this
this and Deadwood
debatable between this and Mad Men, which is why I don't think there's a trinity, you can't debate the Sopranos and Wire's places in there, but you can the other two
Just watch OZ,the original hbo drama series
Why do you guys hate post season 2 so much? I enjoyed it all the way through.
Rome and Peaky Blinders
Mad Men and Boardwalk Empire
dumbest thing i've read tonight
i couldn't connect to the characters on treme. the deuce is a big step up
The Shield
>All these people shilling Deadwood.
Deadwood S1 and half of S2 is great. The other half of S2 is strong, S3 is complete shit. It is not comparable to Mad Men, The Sorpanos or The Wire.
those are universally top 3. Picking a fourth is a crapshoot
Rick and Morty
well what are you gonna do? just stop at season 2?
I actually did this
>All these people shilling Deadwood.
Deadwood S1 and half of S2 is great. The other half of S2 is strong, S3 is complete shit. It is not comparable to Mad Men, The Sopranos or The Wire.
Fargo s1 and s2
>stops before seeing two of the greatest seasons in the history of television
Of sopranos? The quality definitely drops, I think because they dropped the humour. The gags made it a god tier show
the shield
1000x this.
You should be more ashamed of your bad taste.
Just getting back into the wire again and on the second season. Im telling ya this show actually gets better on each viewing
S3 is fucking amazing when Hearst shows up you fucking tard wrangler
S3 was absolute fuckery and you need to drink acid if you disagree
OP, try Utopia, it's unique, it's visually very impressive, the soundtrack is fantastic, the story is kinda edgy but kept me interested. There's some great characters and it's all very satisfying to watch. Unlike most trash on TV
Breaking Bad, but Sup Forums will deny solely on the grounds that the show is popular.
Glad to see Ziggy streaming from time to time
xqcow on twitch
You're wrong faggot Hearst alone made season 3 amazing. You're just pissed that it ended without closure
Band of Brothers or Rome.
Breaking Bad, Mad Men and Deadwood are horribly overrated.
Stargate SG-1.
Showtime's Brotherhood
>Mad Men
>Young Pope
>Black Sails
>Boardwalk Empire
Breaking Bad
The Night Of
The Night Of got worse with every episode. First ep was amazing, but by the end it was awful. Straight up Law & Order-tier.
>Nobody posts The Leftovers
You're all fucking plebs.
Mad Men is a shit show parading that its good. Its Sopranos and The Wire but hollow, having not much to say.
It's a good show but it's not even the best of the post-Mad Men era. The Knick is much better
Whats the biggest appeal of Rome?