>I like Deadpool
I like Deadpool
yeah it was very unbearable
holy shit
>ads make it look like a Mel Brooks version of superheroes
>turns out to be basic superhero movie with a handful of meta jokes
Kinda disappointing really, the middle
Of the movie is unbearable
I thought it was fun. I didn't expect a whole lot. I wouldn't rewatch it but it was a good time, can't complain.
>Dedpul bad becuz redit
I literally rolled around on the floor in agony when I saw this flick, murmuring "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes"
no deadpool bad because not funny
Holy, imagine being THIS obsessed with reddit. Living rent free
Pretty sure you're missing the 2 preceding sentences.
Sounds like your to stupid to get it's humour desu
u spel gud
imagine being THIS oblivious
>turns out to be basic superhero movie with a handful of meta jokes
I had the opposite reaction. Based on the trailers I thought it would be the most annoying film ever made. 90 minutes of Ryan Reynolds dancing to "UPVOTE REDDIT STYLE". But for the most part it was the usual numbing capeshit so I managed to make it to the end without killing myself.
The parts that weren't quippy lol so randumb pandering were pretty good. Most of the humor is pretty bad though.
I'm not gonna lie I laughed out loud when he broke his arms on Colossus' face and pretended to be a T-rex
I liked it. It was a fun movie. Lots of new ways to kill people in fun ways and they actually did a lot of awesome kills for a marvel movie. It's pretty much what I was hoping for in a Deadpool adaption. Would be fun to go darker and with less reddit memes though.
>I liked it. It was a fun movie. Lots of new ways to kill people in fun ways and they actually did a lot of awesome kills for a marvel movie.
Reminder that the retarded wojacks picture are a forced meme coming all from BUTTHURT DCucks. Notice how there are less response about pajeet shill in super heroes movies thread ? How after many rumors destroyed the reputation of the justice league movie, no DCucks even dared to even use based Armond White reviews to defend it, it isn't a matter of winning or losing. Warner Bros shot themselves in the foot by asking whedon to cut a snyder movie in half, that's it, one of the stupidest move in the history of cinema production. So now, you these posters can no longer hold to the reputations of DC movies to defend themselves against marvel fans or anyone else who will criticise super heroes movies. They themselves can't defend it and they are reduce to call everyone who even mention anything related to capeflick stupid, vainly trying to gain a little feel of superiority. Remember, they adopted the terms capekino and capeshit for dc and marvel movies respectivly, they were in majority having the childish behavior of calling capeshitters stupid and retarded and now they are using the same methods behind those wojack pictures. They can't fathom that their favorite brands failed so they spam in capeshit related threads in attempt to disengage any discution in that category. They will respond by telling you that you are defending marvel if you criticise their thoughs or tell them that taste in movie is not directly related to intellect. All the while trying to persuade themselves they hate all kind of comic books movie. They can't accept that they have always seem retarded by exposing they're stupidity. So by believing that everyone who watch anything they hate is dumber than them to feel superior for some (you)s. It is not even subtle that its dkeks cryings..
>I liked it. It was a fun movie. Lots of new ways to kill people in fun ways and they actually did a lot of awesome kills for a marvel movie. It's pretty much what I was hoping for in a Deadpool adaption. Would be fun to go darker and with less reddit memes though.
Thank our Lord that Disney will cancel this trash and Feige will put the X-Men films back on the right track.
is this a copy pasta?
no one mentioned dc until you ddi
>Cancel the sequel to the most profitable superhero movie ever made outside of The Avengers
yes, i know
is this the face of autism?
I actually went to see this with a friend and some people he knew from reddit.
I liked it, a little reddity but at least the humor wasn't watered down
I fucking watched Deadpool when I was drunk and didn't even laugh once
I'll say that at the very least the film looked good for 60 million
Colossus looked better than Thanos and StevenWolf
I went and saw this with my buddies and we all agreed it was a fun watch
not even at the Zamboni?
This movie was literally boring as shit, and the ending was unrealistic and broke all walls of disbelief.
Yeah, like a 10/10 like her would accept that melted potato face, or even kiss him.
As if THE MOUSE would allow anything geniunely subversive (or simply funny) in their cash cow property known as Marvel. The suits probably saw Deadpool as a risk already.