Why did he do it?
Why did he do it?
>this will be your average Sup Forums in 1 year
is this the angry birds live action adaptation?
>flying penguins
This age has given me one last smile
to save billions
They didn't fly so good
did he died?
You, who have never stood upon the edge, would ever be able to know. You sit in your place of comfort and luxury, content with the walls you surround yourself with.
You, and others like you, will never be able to know what it truly means to make the leap, because you are afraid.
laughed till i cried, thanks op.
impressive, very nice
Yet he survives everytime, that's one hardcore motherfucker
this little guy is the first of a divergent subspecies of flying penguins
The sad part is that they think they're actually living a good life too.
>Going to see Disney Star Wars for the first time and hoping it won't be that terrible
His flying was GOOD, he just fucked up the landing.
I smile towards these digits.
Thanks Nature, thanks nature channels
Or perhaps I'm wondering why someone would evolutionary deprive himself of his feathers before jumping off the cliff?
because they live on water's edge and eat fish
If fish were removed from their diet, would they die?
It's probably a migration thing. Joe Rogan watched a video of birds doing something similar.
They would go extremely hungry
I can picture what Joe said perfectly
maybe the little nigger thinks its fun
: (
To learn, faggot
something you forgot to do.
He is indeed, hard 2 kill
How does that little shit know how to interact physically with the world?
How can I pass my memories to my unborns?
The simpler something is, the more programming can be passed on
>born literally 1 second ago and already climbing around on leaves
You could say that he works as advertised.
behaviour is passed on. it's called instinct
if they can't fly, how did they get up there in the first place?
'Tis instinctual
They can jump. There's probably a not too steep way up there.
i think she's saying that for the past decade she's been living in, sleep in, eating, drinking, and saving her fecal discharge.
This is a fucking blue board!!!
she doesn't save all of it though. She moves it into the transport bucket and dumps it into her yard
book recomendation too, this shit is so fucking great
I don't know Sup Forums
I believe she might have a mental disorder
youre retarded
Why Volume 14?
all volumes I mean
>he knows instantly to grab the leaf, and how to steady himself when that doesn't work
>it's 9 o'clock on a saturday...
>he knows instantly how to grab a tit and start sucking
>he knows instantly how to grab a tit and start sucking
That's a false equivalence. Being led to the nipple and sucking isn't nearly as complex.
It's still instincts
he just doesnt give a fuck does he?
>when they show how many predators are awaiting them if they don't make it to the water.
>foxes waiting on land to devour them.
>seaguls will straight up crash those mother fuckers into the ground or 3-4 will land where one crashes and devour it.
Shit was brutal, but that lizard vs snake webm is pure RULES OF NATURE.
>when your the main protagonist of the anime.
Geese are scary
>no bully pls
why is every /an/ thread outside of /an/ better than the entirety of /an/
Every off-topic thread is better than the board it belongs on, unless the thread is on Sup Forums or is requesting porn.
good point
must be due to fresh eyes or whatever the expression is
Holy fuck, I want that retarded puppy.
what happened to the little fella
All ravens must die before it's too late bros
I'm serious
In the business we call that Lion food.
The fucking state of capeshit/starwars general, i mean Sup Forums that this is the best thread on the board right now
What the fuck? I thought lizards laid eggs.
Did you never read the raven battle story.
This would have been the best thread on the board at any point in the past 4 years, not that you would know.
he grew up to be the king of the jungle and lived a long and happy life
Evolutive memory. It's a real thing.
don't tell me they win a war against the aussie army too?
Was this inspired by Berserk.
Ravens are fine. Crows are shitters, though
woah man thats so inspirational and deep. Mind if I post it on my freinds and family facebook society?
Lions eat other lions?
And here, my friends, is the epitome of animal adaptability.
Shark and some race of reptiles are keeping the egg inside the body, the hatching happen inside the body of the mother
nah he literally had that done for the photo just then. he's a show off.
Cannibalism is all over the animal kingdom.
imagine thinking you're a super deep high iq faggot then writing two run on sentences in a row
kill all pseuds
What kind of people save this shit
btw I'm a biologist
someone fucking give me a job
he's not being serious you complete and utter twat