I could give a fuck if she’s an ashkinazi heeb. Melanie Laurent is hot as fuck

I could give a fuck if she’s an ashkinazi heeb. Melanie Laurent is hot as fuck

Other urls found in this thread:


Jewesses frequently are

>I could give a fuck
Just nuke America already, Kim

I read somewhere she's an opera singer warming up.
Who cares, those are some great tits

How do I acquire a Jewish gf?

OK you faggots from Sup Forums if you didn't know she was jewish how would you distinguish her from an actual "aryan"? Checkmate racists

A) have a bank account with a lot of shekels in it

or B) be black

You're going to need a lot of shekels goyim

So take this shit to /s/ and fawn all over her as much as you want with all the other beta bitches.


That's exactly what's happening


Would racemix with.....

fuck off evangelical, the rest of us want to live

But she’s in movies

Drop a dollar on the ground and observe the reaction.



she got blacked in Inglorious Basterds, non worth it anymore fagget

>ywn defend your jewess waifu and daughter from nazis
>ywn die heroically sacrificing yourself for innocent jewish children

She is human perfection.

Jew here.

In grad-school now to become a librarian. You know, since that pays so well.

Do you have "gonnections?"

I'm on Sup Forums user, good chance I avoid connections.