Was this an appropriate representation of a frogposter?
Was this an appropriate representation of a frogposter?
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in libturd minds maybe
No, because he does more than post from the safety of his pc, cell, or tablet.
no he went from hating everyone to just a misogynist. Liberal writers see us.
I don't know, I'm a dedicated Sup Forumslack and he kind of looks like me except I have an undercut.
I really liked him in that role but a shame it had to be about political BS
no, this is
I'm literally this guy except I'm fat and a manlet
Why didn't they actually portray frogposting, digits, kek and meme magic as entirely real? Internet trolls accidentally invoking an Egyptian chaos god seems like a good premise for a horror show.
So it is accurate, we're just butthurt about it.
dying your hair an unnatural color is a liberal thing.
That ending was pure horseshit. I mean if I had to call a single thing about that show horseshit and nothing else, it's definitely the ending. Fuck.
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
Heinz 57 sauce is pretty good, I don't know why that cartoonist is talking shit.
>unironically defending sauce on steak
Kill yourself.
Who said anything about steak?
Why do leftshits project so much?
>argues that charter schools are a failure
trashed that stupid kike there.
Both sides do it, mostly because it's easier to portray your polar opposites in a cartoonish and dubious fashion than to argue against specific things they say.
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
If you want to talk about steak, that's fine, but please don't pretend I said anything about it.
Hahaha good lord, the left is painfully unfunny.