Who is the cutest RWBY?

Who is the cutest RWBY?






Ruby, of course. How is this even a question?!

ruby and nora


Get out

combat ready


Where did all the RWBY generals go?

/trash/, until the hiatus is over
20 more seasons

Neo is the cutest by far. I feel like they try to hard to make Nora cute/quirky its comes off as forced. Ruby's voice is kinda half cute half goofy.

The answer is all of them.

dumb frogposter


The mods don't like them, so they're banned until the hiatus is over. We just normally turn specific RWBY threads into stealth generals

Still better than that dumb Cartoon Network trash.

i bet u think ur funy dont u m8

Not really. It was a pretty fucking lame joke but I couldn't resist.

Weiss is nice.

>no love for best boy