Welp, its been real boys..
see you in the future for the Mid Season premiere...
Talking Ded here we come..
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theres still a half hour left
Has coral died yet
Are you not watching the episode?
>implying people actually watch this shit.
Nigga you know people just look at the spoilers for the 4 episodes that actually matter a season.
Congratulations to The Talking Dead. It only took them 8 years to realize when you announce "a surprise guest", it means someone on the show will die
Just now
The twist is that carl is a special snowflake and won't turn.
where were you when carl is kill?
>People think its an actual zombie bite
>Doesn't realize its Negan rusing the shit out of Rick
stop this
>Carl goes into a coma from the bite and wakes up after fuccboi graduates
>Carl dies a virgin
We have something in common
yeah...don't walkers usually take out a huge chunk of flesh when they bite?
>I know that episode sucked a fat dick like this whole show now.
>Just bear with me while I try to act enthusiastic about it.
>Carl is dea-
Coral will be the "cure".
are we ever gonna see the group using the helicopter? and comicfags can shine some light on who they might be?
>sir the ratings are the lowest they’ve been since season 2 what can we can do about?
> ideas people? Come on don’t be shy
> yes you with the funny hat
>we could kill Carl?
>sold to the man in the funny hat.
Yes. It's obvious that it's a bite from a human.
>whole show is about a dad raising his son during an apocalypse
Carl isn't going to die.
Yep, Carl is not dead. Scott basically confirmed it.
>2 months of carlfags saying its a human bite hes fine
Nah he went out for a midnight bite
Carl got bitten by a Whisperer.
carl will drive a garbage truck of peace into a negan convoy
Have YOU EVER actually tried to take a chunk of flesh off of someone by biting and pulling as hard as possible? Didn't think so, it's not so easy like it the movies
So it was a dream then?
Did this dude just confirm that it's not a zombie bite?
I hate how the show writers made Daryl and lesbian girl make some a team losing move and are still trying to play it off like it wasn't their fault, even having Michonne tell them it wasn't their fault and burn face saying it was only Eugene's move that did it. Half of Rick's group went off plan and caused things that screwed their group out of the war, even his son dying, and I bet you nobody is going to get yelled at when the show resumes. They can't even use Ocean Side's people after the whole "Let's screw the plan and not come back empty handed" crap those other two pulled. Seriously, If Rick doesn't at least swing on Daryl...
If you think that's a bite from a walker, after seeing how walker bites normally look like, you are a fucking idiot.
it wouldn't be the first or last time that TWD cops out
basically means that this isn't worth dicussing at all because it's a straight 50/50
Remember to record CORAL vocaroos to send to Chandler
I wanted to see the girl lick Carl's empty eye socket.
I want to believe
Oh my god if they do that it will be the worst plot twist in the history of television
>Carl got bitten by a Whisperer.
I would die laughing
You guys do realize that Carl will be immune to the walker bite, right?
> hard episode to watch twice
Yeah I barely survived the first shitshow
Oh jeez
>thinking Carl will really die
but this is the walking dead, where that happens all the time.
Time to make cure of Coral soup.
>walker bite,
A long ass boring episode with a few interesting pieces. Then it ends with Carl being bit, but not actually dying yet. Of course, this is so they can get a shitload of people hooked watching the premiere in February. The actor AFAIK is going to college so likely Carl is gone forever. But maybe not
>spoiling that it's a human bite 5 seconds after the episode ends
That fucking death stare Rick gave them is enough for them to know they fucked up
>>sir the ratings are the lowest they’ve been since season 2 what can we can do about?
>> ideas people? Come on don’t be shy
>> yes you with the funny hat
>>we could kill Carl?
>>sold to the man in the funny hat.
That's not why it happened. Carl's actor got accepted into a big college and wanted to focus on that, so they basically had to write him off at any point this season. They did the same thing with Morgan's actor waaay back in S1 or in S2. He was either supposed to stay with Rick for a bit longer or return way earlier, but was too busy (I think it was a movie he got called for) and couldn't make time for TWD.
if you think someone bit Carl for God knows what reason and they never showed it happen you are a fucking idiot
why is the black woman from scrubs on talking dead
>the scene that will be seared into our minds and hearts
Yeah it's right up there with 9/11 and the return of the McRib
>So did he really get bit by a walker
>(((Gimple))): Uhhhhhhh, he definitely has a bite
That would be a pretty good twist but damn would that be pushing the bullshit.
Carl is immune and they will heal Gabriel with it to confirm it.
see You retarded idiot.
Except Carl was wearing clothes ya cuck.
>big college
>Auburn University
Get bit
Rick doesn't even know they did anything yet, unless someone told him off-screen while he was making his way back. He literally only found out that they got free and rushed back to this when the garbage people... to nobody's suprised... flip flopped AGAIN...
which scene did carl even get bit in? i cant recall
>Except Carl was wearing clothes ya cuck.
>implying that has made a difference before
HAHAHA remember Noah?
she has no other acting gigs and no one really likes her so she just leeches onto the talking dead to stay semi relevant
Who the fuck's gonna send it to him
>just calling it a bite
>not calling it a walker bite
hope you kids are ready for Negan rusing you
what human bit carl
Rick and the rest of the Alexandrians have to be sewer people now...even the trash people in the garbage dump are above them now.
Also, is Coral confirmed kill or will Gimple pull a ruse on us? Maybe they will amputate him and he will be a stump boi.
>carl doesn't get an infection and die
>they get muhammad to lead them to where he got bit
>find out that the walker that bit him was actually a whisperer
I found a bone shard in my first McRib and haven't eaten one since.
not an argument
it was off-screen. fucking bullshit.
I want to play that but id need to use the google browser app and play it on my pc and playing mobage on my laptop would make me feel like a grade A cuck
Last episode in the woods with the muslim guy
Giving up all this money for a dead end college career
When he got tackled by like 3 walkers trying to save the sandperson
They just alluded he got bit in the sewer helping Siddiq, they never showed it.
>mid season Premier
When the under the dumpster equivalent is revealed
> stump boi
did you even see where he got bit you fucking dumbshit?
But I want Negan
Well that's what I heard. Regardless of which one it is, it's not uncommon for child actors to leave shows when they eventually grow up to get into colleges while their show is still running. The walking dead isn't going to be around while he's in his late 20s, so he's going to at least need some form of backup while he's waiting for other shows to pick him up.
>Muslim guy tells Carl he tries to kill all walkers because his mom says it will free them
>Carl tries his philosophy and fights some walkers
>Gets bit and dies
>Muslim guy lives
so this confirms Kirkman will be killing Rick soon then?
Look at previous post plebs
>people ACTUALLY believing it was a WALKER that bit carl
Go to 1:25. Tell me Carl isn't bit by the walker that goes for his side when he has both of his hands on the walker on top of him.
Fucking try and tell me he didn't get bit there.
I feel like it's almost too obvious, but I guess we'll see.
Abuse me again senpai
Does this mean Carl won't get to taste Negan's spaghetti again?
If it's a human bite then why is Carl pale and sick and literally dying?
It was when he was trying to help the arab. The entire thing about him being willing to sacrifice himself was because he knew he was dead anyway. He even told Negan that he was a dead man anyway, but Negan and everyone else probably thought he meant something else.