>2016 was the year of celebrity deaths
>2017 is the year of rapists and perverts being called out
What does 2018 have in store for us?
2016 was the year of celebrity deaths
The year of forgiveness, user.
the year of resurrections
This. I assume many of these guys "career deaths" are going to last about as long as the deaths of comic book characters tend to do.
is this real? of course he would defend his pedo friend
Decline in female and gay employments?
Revenge of the Pederasts
Superman Re-Returns, please.
Perverts raping the corpses of celebrities.
Only a few will be permanently affected. Johnny Depp is already bouncing back with that Grindelwald movie. No one cares about what Stallone or Alec Baldwin did and everyone is getting tired of these accusations. Weinstein is the only one who's fucked because he's the first big name to come out and get the ball rolling.
the cultural reset
Bryan Cranston?
Year of Sneed
What year do we get to start calling out women who agree to sex for workplace advancement as whores?
>Starring Kevin Spacey
>Directed by Bryan Singer
>Produced by Harvey Weinstein
Ronan Farrow, having failed to take down his mortal enemy Woody Allen in #MeToo purge (which is what this was always about -- not Weinstein), will begin asking the Jewish Question in public, and eventually start advocating for a pogrom.
>What does 2018 have in store for us?
dude, what if
leaked nude photographs
hopefully the takedown of Singer, Geffen, Spielberg and the destruction of Hollywood
>tfw it's just the two of them fucking
The year of celebrity rapist suicides
I'm guessing their project includes little boys.
the final solution to the wh*te question
But the real question is who's top/bottom?
But he's a PC fairy. He'll never name it
2018 will be the year of celebrity sex changes
The destruction of hollywood
Celebrities coming out of the closet probably
a string of celebrity murders by the jaded and tolerant left who used to worship these idols
The year that Star Wars and Capeshit Woman teach cis white males that the patriarchy is over and cultural enrichment and compulsory re-education makes America stronger.
I smell a come back!
Southern California is literally on fire right now
Hollywood loves a comeback story!
>implying all the rapists and pedos have been outed in Hollywood
2045 every male will be turned into females
No one's implying that.
The year of unJUSTing
A year of Chinese Action film knockoffs
>What does 2018 have in store for us?
The year that drumpf gets impeached
male only
full frontal
fully erect
god pls I need it so bad
Is "project" some sort of slang term for an underage boy?
the year of written and directed by george lucas
year of spoony
Is he even still alive?
The last thing i heard about him was he was about to loose his house or something like that.
This gets me hard.
drumpf gets impeached
2018 is the year studios are stopped from raping sequels to death
Rise of the JUSTice League, led by Jake Lloyd and AJ from the Sopranos
That's what they get for wasting all of that water on faggots, illegals. niggers and their degenerate propaganda factory.
Year of the rope