How can she keep getting away with it?

How can she keep getting away with it?
Literally all of season 2 is anti Trump propaganda.

Other urls found in this thread:


>watching cable tv

*votes for shillary*

it's not propaganda if it's true

rosanne barr is legit insane

No she isn’t. She just doesn’t give a fuck.

[citation missing]


disinfo agent

This is getting out of hand, how do we stop her??

So... It's propaganda.

She's just loaded and has no career to worry about losing. Pretty refreshing to see honesty.

>anti Trump propaganda

Trump supporters are so deranged that they see anti-Trump propaganda everywhere

we just imagine it all and in no way are bombarded with it daily

>pointing out the objective fact that Trump is a bad president who behaves like an immature child is being "bombarded with propaganda"

Not him, but you can't be surprised. The dude antagonizes like a quarter of the country.

Checked your test, lately?

These are starting to get disturbing

>no career
Roseanne revival on ABC premiers in a few months dum-dum

>The dude antagonizes like a quarter of the country.

Yeah but that quarter gets antagonized when they see a white male hero in the latest Star Wars film

It's actually a quarter of the country who gets antagonized when they see a non-white non-male in Star Wars

because she showed her tits

Isnt she on netflix now?

She's based. She doesn't even agree with Trump, she's just fed up with Hollywood's bullshitting.

oh my god what the fuck

>objective fact

As much as Dicky Spencer thinks otherwise I don't believe the alt-right are a quarter of the country

Why didn't her "joke" audition sex tape that got the CEO of Comcast to give her a show ever come out?

I see Chelsea Handler as a challenge, more than anything. Here is a woman who, in every single aspect, is absolutely revolting - her exterior AND her personality - yet I can't help but wonder what would be like, to plunge balls-deep into her repeatedly.

That's right. Balls-deep. With no protection.

I won't lie, I'm extraordinarily-hard while typing this. I want to grab this... thing... and that's what Chelsea Handler is, let's not delude ourselves, a "thing"... by the hips and ram mercilessly in and out of her quivering, malformed cunt with the force of a gladiatorial chariot, while she makes stupid faces and contorts orgasmically, unable to control her bodily reactions even if she wanted to.

I would erupt violently inside that corrupt and corrupting womb as though the entire fate of humanity depended on my seed penetrating the foul walls of one of her ovaries, the electrical fusion from this coupling creating the Antichrist, as our combined, guttural, Chewbacca-like roars shattered glass and walls alike around us, the house toppling down while we lay there in a filthy, disgusting mess.

Yeah. I reckon Chelsea Handler does it for me.

The he'll are you talking about. It's the Trump supporters that lose their shit when a movie like Get Out is released. Minorities have been seeing whites in leading roles for decades, which makes sense of course since whites are most of the population, but a single film with a black lead comes out and Trump supporters scream white genocide and Jewish propaganda.

Nice pasta and would you look at those Jews

The alt-right is merely a faction of the confederacy of morons called the Republican Party

>and Trump supporters scream white genocide and Jewish propaganda.

You really should spend less time online user

/bant/ & /r9k/ never cease to degenerate deep enough.

You seem triggered by the mean people on twitter do yuo need a safe space

I follow her twitter and have screencapped dozens of her tweets. She began supporting Trump not as a fan but because of her intense hatred of Hillary, because she’s personal friends with one or more of the women Bill Clinton raped. But she quickly became very supportive of Trump and often speaks fondly of him. Since she’s a vocal Jew she was also very happy with Trumps recent announcement re Jerusalem.

>screencapped dozens of her tweets
Post 'em

>"i was a fan of yours, but now" trope
>gets called a cunt



I'm obviously talking Twitter. Most people aren't stupid enough to say that in public, barring some try hard guys that go on marches literally yelling "WE WILL NOT BE REPLACED".


ahahahahahaha, fucking gold.

I’m away from my computer but I’ll see wht I’ve got.



can't be a coincidence

That was me liking it. It has so few likes because it was like 30 seconds old. I don’t use twitter so I just made my icon moot.


Fucking hell, this is James Woods tier

I would legit marry her - or at the very least, give her some charity dick


Literally the ramblings of a Sup Forums user.


Literally dying atm, holy fuck, this woman is too much.


>Literally the ramblings of a Sup Forums user.
So she's /ourgal/? What a legend.


I always like the Roseanne show, thought it was grounded in a way I've never seen any other sitcom even attempt to replicate, where the Connors are all fat slobs or dysfunctional retards, just barely scraping by in their shitty house eating shitty food that Roseanne cooked and only staying alive because of their forced familial connections. Now I like it even more, minus that last season.

Same. Growing up and seeing Roseanne and Dan have a fight and start throwing furniture around was groundbreaking. It happened in so many American homes and no one dared put it on tv until then. I don’t think anyone else has done it since. It’s a phenomenal show.

My parents loved the show, they talk about it now and then.



>How can she keep getting away with it?
Here's a video of her enjoying a golden shower.

Nobody watches this wretched hag.

leftists are literally psychopaths

>waaaahhhhh change is scary

no, someone drinking pee is, degenerate

Little thing called Freedom of Speech.


>dead-end careers
They seem to be making a living off the machine just fine, and will probably continue to do so for a long time. Some of them may transition into management positions.

times have changed ... 1 season and done

Didn’t both her shows just get canceled? Looks like this is a far as she is going to get away with it.

Wtf do wildfires have to do with Trump.
The left has lost it

Is this normal for liberals?

That episode where dan beats Fisher for hitting Jackie was insane. The idea that spousal abuse was in a sitcom. she was always pushing boundaries. Leon being openly gay, her mother being such an abusive enabler, her father being even more abusive, Dans dad just being a complete piece of shit, mark and David having just the worst parents ever, dan getting arrested and the cops buying him friend chicken because he knocked someone out, literally all of dans business ventures and dreams failing one by one, the factory closing for good, it really was a rollercoaster. In my mind, them winning the lottery was the final episode. I liked the idea that they just ended the series with them winning and never showing what happened next.

>and would you look at those Jews

Reinforces my feeling that Stephen King's gotta be the product of inbreeding.

Watersports is actually a kino fetish no shame to anyone who enjoys it

>season 2

Of what? Why does this literal who keep getting show deals?

Even if he was a bad president, there is a difference in pointing out the things he does and then replying multiple times to every single one of his tweets, even the ones he speaks about how we should help *insert sad story of the week*.

Fucking based