Long awaited new instalment of a beloved franchise

>long awaited new instalment of a beloved franchise
>objectively a well made movie for what it was going for (fairy tale in space for viewers of all ages)
>it's plot is about (((bankers))) working with (((corupt politicians))) to undemocratically expand their power by means of creating fake conflicts and staging terrorist attacks behind the scenes
>suddenly panned to hell and back by (((critics)))
>even though they usually eat up every shity movie as long as theres a big companys name name attached
>especialy hated on because supposedly scenes with politics it was talking about were boring and too long
>literally every (((critic))) hated the politics
>even though actual scenes about politics took maybe half an hour of screen time, not more than in A New Hope
>it started years long campaign of hate towards Lucas that caused him to change his plans for the rest of the PT and eventually to sell the franchise altogether
hmm, I wonder, what caused such rabid and unheard of reaction to this one exact blockbuster? who would want to condition the audience to become allergic to political themes Lucas was trying to tell us about and never mind them and why?

>Sup Forums contrarians will defend episode one

Conspiracy theory: It was purposefully panned so that Disney would eventually acquire the IP

>>it started years long campaign of hate towards Lucas
Maybe he should have tried making a good movie then instead of being a lazy and arrogant idiot who couldn't be bothered to hire another screenwriter to tell him what he's doing wrong.

But please go ahead and feel sorry for a guy with a personal net worth of $5 billion, you absolute cuck.

there is literally nothing wrong with Episode 1

It's still lightyears greater than ROTS even if it is a disappointment. ROTSfags show their age whenever they come out from under their rocks.

cheapest bait maybe ever

it was purposefully panned because of what Lucas was trying to say with political plot. and (((Disney))) acquired it only to subvert it.

But I still don't understand the current mindset. Everyone supposedly LOVES the sequel trilogy despite it lacking in plot yet it has identity politics shit shoved in constantly yet the prequels are panned because they at least tried to be something different if no a little complicated.

>tried to be something different
Always the same fucking argument from you cucks.

Reddit will come to Sup Forums and cry.

>3 of the 4 main characters are monotone sponge-people.

I just watched Ep 1 again. explain me why is it so bad and deserves such hate because I don't see it. it's a well made fantasy for all ages in spirit of Willow or Neverending Story

Not to mention pic related...who used anakin as his little boy slave lol

I don't get the hate the first movie got. It was legit a great flick in my opinion, but Lucas made it far too easy to hate Episodes 2 and 3 with how he wrote Padme and Anakin. I also wasn't too fond of the action choreography. Whenever they fought, they always looked like they were dancing. That's one thing the new trilogy seems to have gotten right at least. The best light saber fights in the prequel were in the first movie, particularly the final one.

The hate that Jake Lloyd got was especially undeserved.

what you mean blood for oil and invading the middle east with jar jar bush working for the toydarians? woah what a new revelation my fellow gen z er.

George Lucas was killed for making this movie, and we will never see the "real" cut he intended.

>pod racing
>young anakin’s dialogue
>I don’t even need to say his name

that's what you get with the standard Bush family "we farm out all foreign policy to neo-con jews" arrangement

The pod racing was great...

Anakin's dialogue is a problem? He was a stupid young kid who said cringey things like all stupid young kids.

ROTS probably had the best concept/storyline but Hayden Christensen singlehandedly killed any chance of it being good. He makes Anakin seem so edgy it makes Kylo Ren look like Vito Corleone.

>even if it is a disappointment.
Compared to what?
The last Star Wars movie was RotJ and nothing in TPM drags as much as the copious Ewok scenes in RotJ.

>>pod racing
great and tense action scene
>>young anakin’s dialogue
whats wrong with it? kid asking questions about stuff he doesn't understand, subtly setting up his eventual fall
>>I don’t even need to say his name
movie series where literally every character is an archetype has got The Fool archetype? such a terrible thing!

I do agree.
I like all six Star Wars movies, but I recognize that Attack of The Clones and Revenge of The Sith are border line disasters, filmmaking wise.

But TPM feels like a real movie, much more like the OT.
In fact, I think it's easily on par with the OT.
It's so much more well made than AotC or RotS, technically speaking.
I think all three tell a great story, but TPM just does it so much more professionally.

This. Episode 1 is the best out of the prequel trilogy.

Damn Jews forcing him to eat burgers every day until his heart gave out

The Phantom Menace is almost a standalone film in terms of its plot, all it does is introduce a few characters whose actions one could understand easily just by starting at Attack of the Clones. With a few more competent people in charge it could be a better formula for making one of Disney's spin-off SW films.

>had the best concept/storyline
This is why I think it's the worst--it drops the ball the hardest. Even with all of the moments we wanted, it still shit the bed on every count. TPM at least was dumb fun, even if it felt like extended universe fanfic. Darth Vader was character assassinated with the weight of a thousand dead younglings.

If you cut out Jar Jar and that dumpster fire of a CGI job for the Naboo battle, Episode I isn’t all bad. At least Anakin wasn’t an angsty bitch yet.

>even if it felt like extended universe fanfic.
TPM does not feel like fanfiction. The Force Awakens is what that looks like.

>With a few more competent people in charge
Lucas was in charge of all six movies though. Yes, even Empire. He personally financed the whole thing and had 100% final say on everything.
Doesn't mean he didn't value other people's opinions though.

TPM feels like a standalone film compared to the other movies in the saga. That is either considered a burden or a benefit to this movie since it feels a lot more complete, but it feels alien to the other episodes, which is why people like to cut it out of the order of movies while watching them, thinking it's unnecessary (Though I believe that's not true). TPM is a good movie in my eyes, though it undeniably has issues either by the horses beaten to death years ago or by some of the pacing issues when the story is focused on Tatooine, which is why I probably would rank it as the weakest in the saga before the Disney Death Mark, but it's miles better than Disney's shit movies.

I think it served important purpose narratively, it showed us Republic in decline just before the war. But Clone Wars should have started at the end of this one or beggining of Ep II and take most of the two other episodes. ending of Ep II was too late, Clone Wars and their ramifications were really glossed over

TPM is fanfic, but TFA is even worse than fanfic. It's like some 70s/80s Italian production company made a knock off Star Wars movie but with 2015 effects.

I realize that this does not make the PT better necessarily, but The Clone Wars does an EXCELLENT job of building on the foundations of the PT.
Political episodes, large scale battles, character dramas, force lore, etc.

>TPM is fanfic
Youre retarded faggot.

The Clone Wars was the last good thing to come out of Star Wars
it's a real shame the rebels show couldn't accomplish the same feats

>it's a real shame the rebels show couldn't accomplish the same feats
It did, but only once. Vader vs Ahsoka was pure kinography.

I enjoyed Episode 1 when I first saw it in 1998 aged 10, still think I would enjoy it now too. Thought at the time Jar Jar Binks and the Gungans were generally annoying and detracted from it, but otherwise enjoyed it a lot.

Those critics who didn't like it, and those who just copy whatever the popular opinion is to fit in, can fuck off.

Pretty much this, except for Grievous. Dave Filoni fucked Grievous up bad, even if it was George's vision.

Phantom Menace is the best prequel.

Thank you kind sir.

I agree that Filoni dropped the ball there, but I don't think TCW Grevious is quite the same as movie Grevious either.
His TCW design is kind of shit is the real problem.
RotS Grevious>Edgemeister Genndy Grevious>TCW Grevious

Though even TCW Grevious has his moments. But the show seemed more interested in Dooku.

There's always a bigger nerd.

I do wonder if AOTC and ROTS were worse films because George Lucas was affected by the negative reviews for TPM.
Qui-Gon is my favorite Jedi character from all the films, even if he didn't free the Tatooine slaves...

I'll take Midiclorians and Jar Jar over Death Star 3 and Maz Kanata.

>even if he didn't free the Tatooine slaves...
That's not his job. There aren't enough Jedi to completely end slavery in the galaxy, and they only help people to help themselves.
Freeing a few slaves doesn't attack the root of the problem.

>I do wonder if AOTC and ROTS were worse films because George Lucas was affected by the negative reviews for TPM.
I think so. They REALLY feel like they were made by someone with much less confidence than the man who directed TPM, which feels at least as sure of itself as ANH did.

you sound like a dumbass kid desu.

You guys give me a little hope for this board.

Just watched that fight, and goddamn was that fucking great
>I won't leave you! Not this time!
>then you will die.
Hearing their voices again after loving TCW series, in that situation was fucking great. Thanks user I wasn't gonna even try anything Rebels

rude desu

the prequels are excellent kids' action films

Anakin gets way too much hate and I want to clarify things about why he's actually a great character.

Limits. Anakin is defined by his limitations. As a child he was a slave, as a jedi he was shackled by the code and obiwan, as a sith he was shackled by his suit and palpatine, and as a man shackled by his fear of losing those close to him. Anakin is a supremely powerful being, the chosen one, and the slavery he must endure never allows him break free, to be himself, to have free agency. Imagine having all the power in the world and never being able to actually use it, thats Anakin.

Anakin craves freedom, to pursue himself and choose for once what he wants. Podracing as a child helps with this, he is able to build his own pods and race. He does this on his own, he carves it out for himself and ends up winning the championship. It buys him out of slavery, yet only to wind up locked into a new set of chains, the jedi order. Even in freedom, Anakin is not free.

they definietly were. George just got disheartened, stopped caring and just wanted to get it over with. can't say that I can blame him. thats why he just shot the rest of the prequels on green screen and CGId everything. just compare the CGI shitfest of II and III with TPM, which was mainly shot on locations with real scenography and lots practical effects. If George stopped caring even about special effects which always were his passion, I can only imagine he gave even less crap about story and dialogues

His dialogues hint at this, as he gets older. The infamous sand line, one reviled by many, is actually a very poignant remark about who Anakin is and gives a glimpse into his psyche. Anakin was born in sand, lived in the sand, knows nothing else but sand. In a way he IS the sand. Anakin is also gifted technologically, constantly building and repairing machines. The sands of tattooine no doubt ruined his machines many times, and once again limited him in what he was trying to achieve. Now with Padme as he tries to explain his emotions he comes off as sand, coarse rough and irritating, spilling spaghetti everywhere. He longs for the soft smoothness of padme, the idea of no limitations, no sand to get in the joints and lock it up. This smoothness is the breaking of limitations, the freedom he so desperately craves. Padme can see this, its why she gives him the chance, she wants him to break his limitations. As we see in the Colosseum scene, she breaks the limits between them and kisses anakin proclaiming her love for him before they are led out. That limit is gone, and in the fight scene next in the colosseum we see anakin and padme grappling with two sexual metaphors (BIG RED HORNY BULL AND FELINE VAGINA WITH TEETH) exploring that new freedom with them both conquering their new sexuality and climaxing with the death of the monsters (obi wan has to battle kink shit and then fight a BDSM monster mash in 3 but ill go into that in a different analysis).

The irony is those same ((critics)) are now crying about the real world version of that same occurrence.

Let me move onto Palpatine and how easy it was for him to prey on anakin. The promises of no limitations, the promise of freedom, unlimited power to do with as anakin pleased, the prospect of saving padme. All the sand is gone, and replaced with smooth. Notice how everything palpatine is around is smooth, watery, billowy, his lightsaber blade ignites in a slow smooth fashion instead of the snap hiss of the jedis(like the crack of a whip, get it), even his fucking lightning streams out of his fingertips like a geyser.

Anakin cant help but notice, and be enthralled by this man. The most powerful man in the galaxy, the one with no limitations at all. The one with no sand.

When Anakin meets Palpatine and Windu on that ledge, it is the shatterpoint (as windu calls it). Windu has this ability to find "shatterpoints" fault lines in the force that he could use to see what paths others would go down. the funny thing is, he never used it on anakin. he never thought he needed to, anakin was shackled, chained by the jedi, shackled by being the chosen one. In that moment windu realizes anakin is THE shatterpoint. Anakin finally gets to choose, and with the amputation of windus arm he shatters all the limitations he has. This is the true birth of anakin skywalker, the first choice he gets to make on his own.


Unfortunately Anakin then unknowingly gives one last chain to Palpatine. Believing Palpatine to be his friend and equal, he pledges himself to the teachings of the sith. This reincarnation of anakin is his destruction of all his chains. Following this Anakin cleanses the last remaining memories of his chains. He eradicates the jedi and their dogmatic indifference, those that would have kept him from his love and his potential. Next he moves to Mustafar and cleanses it of the separatists council, those who would dare harm his family and friends, those who would dare drag the galaxy into a war that claimed so many anakin knew and couldnt save. Then as anakin stands on his monument, his boiling planet covered in volcanic glass (see how the sand has been made glass and the ground turned molten, everything is limitless to anakin now on his planet) his prize arrives. His angel, in the form of a glowing chrome bird, arrives. Finally he can be with her, no more limits, no more secrets, no more hiding, no more death. But, he sees obiwan, and she is crying. This isnt what he wanted. Obi Wan has made her a limit, and like turning coal into a diamond he crushes her. He is limitless, and even she won't stop him.

Even when analysis like this goes too far (about any movie, not just the PT) I can never shake thee feeling that some of it is accurate.

Real quick lets talk about Obis and anis fighting styles. Obi wan uses soresu, the defensive form. Its a form based upon limits. Obi is neither the best fighter, the most aggressive, the most skilled, he simply is the best at knowing his limitations and how to overcome them. Anakin uses Djem So, a hyper fast aggressive style made of power attacking and rapid countering. Perfect for someone bursting with potential and needing a release from their limits. Anakins fighting style relies on no limits, he pushes himself to the edge every duel, and can sometimes tap into limitless potential. However the jedi restraint always made him hesistant to kill . As they fight it becomes apparent that it is an almost even match, anakins ferocity and limitlessness matched by obi wans slow, fluid defense. Obi wan realizes that anakin can not be stopped in this state, and so decides the only way to win is to use every available limitation to his advantage. He jumps to the highground, has anakin on a droid hovering on lava, and goads him saying the fights over. Obi Wan knows he has every advantage, and Anakin is severely limited. Unrelenting in his newfound freedom anakin refuses to acknowledge any more limits and hurls himself at his master. His hubris costs him his limbs, immobilizing him, limiting him. His only arm that works is robotic, yet another limit, and as he struggles to claw his way up the bank the volcanic glass turns back into sand, digging into his skin, corroding his arm and jamming it. the sand burns, kissing him like a long lost lover, welcoming him back to his slavery. Palpatine arrives, and not granting the freedom of death saves him. Now a cyborg slave, anakin has become exactly what he feared the most.

Anakins last act, his true rebirth, is the death of the emperor. The final chain he gave so long ago broken, and as he looks into the eyes of his son, as he feels his spirit become one with the force, he finally becomes free, fluid, all encompassing.

no more sand

tl:dr george is a genius and youre too stupid to understand star wars if you dont get what he was doing

>Believing Palpatine to be his friend and equal
Everything else is plausible though, even if the sand connection is tenuous, your "limit" theory makes sense.

That sperged out analysis is actually pretty great, too bad hardly any of that depth was conveyed in the movie in some form that didn't require massive reaching

>too bad hardly any of that depth was conveyed in the movie in some form that didn't require massive reaching
You can say that about most movie analysis though, even the accurate ones.

I don't really watch episodes 2 and 3 anymore, they are sluggish and weird, but episode 1 is actually a great film to watch between 5 and 6

It holds up the best out of the PT. the actual plot is really dark.

Plus, Podracing might be my favorite thing in Star Wars. I love that scene more than any other in the series.

You've got a point. Maybe I should've said too bad it didn't make it into the movie in a *satisfying* way.

Nothing is wrong with the broader plot points. It's the execution that was terrible.

>Sup Forums is so contrarian, it now defends the prequels
God I hate this board, why do I even come here

Disagree desu. That's like saying subtext isn't there because you didn't notice it until you read about it. I have my opinions on movies hanged all the time by things pointed out to me that I personally missed.

>It's the execution that was terrible.
No worse than RotJ and you know it.

Plenty of people like the prequels though. Beyond the retard enclosure of the internet, most people either like them just fine or find them to be meh.

Yeah, prequels are beloved so much that Lucas never made a sequel trilogy he planned and sold the franchise to Disney.

You must be very new

sheevs the only one who treats him like a real person other than obi wan and obi wan still pulls jedi bullshit from time to time. sheev makes it clear to anakin that he is his friend and treats him as such.

Reread my post you hyperventilating worm.

Agreed. Anakin acted exactly like a gifted freed slave child would I thought.

The 3 front final battle was great, Maul was threatening and I liked how he was so acrobatic compared to the jedi.

The hints at Emperor Palpatine were well done.

you confused Sup Forums with reddit friend, prequels were always considered to be very underrated in here

Most normal people actually like the prequels about as much. Only uppity faggots actually give a shit about some movie franchise.

Yeah, but I always felt that Anakin is very wary of Palp by that point, even if he is somewhat sympathetic to his point of view.
Anakin is in it more for what he thinks he can learn from Palp at that point than any delusion of friendship.

>Most *early 20somethings and teenagers* actually like the prequels about as much


>>Most *early 20somethings
And their opinions are worth less than bitter older 20 somethings and 30+burnouts because _______ ?

t. indignant child

wtf I hate me now


refresh my memory, what were the staged terrorist attacks?

dumb cringeposter

it's the only good prequel

t. pleb

Honestly I like the prequels for showing off more force abilities. For example the Sprint they do at the beginning of TPM. Also the lightsaber battles in the prequels are where its at.

>inb4 "hurr too flashy"

They are fucking space wizards it should be flashy.

trips confirm force sprint in last jedi

also i got spoilers

sounds right

its a good film that didnt work in some aspects

i mean you can't tell me jar jar is good for example. but there is some good stuff in it, and 3 is kino

The Real Episode I

>everyone shitting on ROTS

Why? That final duel between Kenobi and Anakin is emotional as fuck. Doesn't hurt that it literally has the BEST SW song playing during it as well.

No user. It is one of the best things ever to come out of star wars though.

execute spoiler 66 nigger

Rewatched TPM recently. Never realised Qui Gons lackadaisical use of the Jedi mind trick. He really spammed that shit. I thought they weren't supposed to do stuff like that.

that was the point of his character, he didnt give a fuck about you if you were in the way of what he wanted. shit he takes anakin from shmi and just leaves that bitch there to suffer. quigons a dick

That’s his character. His recklessness is referenced several times in the movie.

He's a gray jedi.

>Instead of just being a gifted Jedi that lost it Anakin is now the Chosen One of a prophecy that comes true through somewhat convoluted means
>Anakin built Threepio
I don't hate the prequels but their occasional contrived self-obsession feels insular in the same way a lot of fanfiction does.

ep2 was the best