What made him do it, Sup Forums?
What made him do it, Sup Forums?
Decent human being.
instagram likes
white guilt
He only saved (((them))) so he could virtue signal the fuck out of people
fuck you
Wasn't he just a businessman? Nigga needed cheap labor
Prove me wrong
Pro-tip thous't kannot
Khazar milkers
He was one of the few people being able to think for themselves instead of eating blatant government propaganda.
>Wah he thought for himself and wasn't a puppet
Yeah the part the movie doesn't show is what an utter piece of shit he was and just how extensive his war profiteering really was
> (You)
>>Wah he thought for himself and wasn't a puppet
>Yeah the part the movie doesn't show is what an utter piece of shit he was and just how extensive his war profiteering really was
I've forgottent he film except for the meme moments
Did he want to save juden from the start or was it during his whole factory scheme that he realized he could save these people from the horrible conditions
he was a business man and felt a connection to merchant race.
probably was part merchant imo
In the start he was just trying to get rich. Then he hustled some Jews and took all their money to buy a factory. Then he eventually grew a conscious because the guy Ralph fiennes plays in the film was legit a worse psychopath than in the movie
If you read the book it's based on you realize the treatment towards the Jews was completely incidental. Schindler was in the Abwehr and participated in espionage against Czechoslovakia and the invasion, he loved recognition and rich living as well. He knew he was above the law since he was a somewhat large provider to the war effort and had connections everywhere. He was a Nazi, he just didn't care about the laws regarding race. His Nazi status was also nominal, in everything je did it was for his career. He loved the war since it made him rich and somewhat influential. The movie lionizes him way too much, the book as well, the final scene where he is crying about saving just one more Jew never happens. He actually lined the interior of his Mercedes with diamonds and gold and fled to the Western lines with a few Jewish collaborators. He left the rest at the factory to be picked up by the Soviets. I don't doubt the Jews cleaned up his image and sweetened it as propaganda.
Fun fact- Amon Goeth was tried by the SS for brutality and corruption.
Hmm, interesting. But I read that charges were brought against him but he was never actually tried until after the war ended.
He knew little Annie was the chosen one after reading his midichlorians count
cheap labor + having a heart