Nigga I saw space shit
Nigga I saw space shit
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What exactly is a C-beam?
C-beams nigga, for real
>tannhauser gate
that in detroit or somethign?
never been, i can sometimes see it like when i look up but its rare i look up.
sea beings
c for light, i.e. a light beam
'i've seen things you people would believe out there, places you'll never see or even hear of. Gone like tears in the rain. Time to die"
A data pagan, and a cyber vegan
I have seen boobs you wouldn't believe
He saw Leslie Jones?
>i c
Putting the joke aside, what did they mean by outer colonies? They created settlements on Mars? It's the only viable world in the solar system. If they had the resources to travel to a distance star then why did the planet look so shitty?
sneed memes
>I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe.
>A tack ship sunfire
>Off the shoal,
>Hoff O’Ryan
what did he mean by this?
It's a rather tasty fish apparently.
In the book they had colonized space quite a ways out.
Mars was going through a social revolution.
They had been involved in battles both on Mars and farther out.
Roy's entire life was pretty much murdering endless numbers of persons.
The reason the planet looks so shitty is it still takes longer for new resources to make it Earth then it took for them to use resources.
So pretty much the super rich get all the new resources, the plebs get the scraps.
Mars wants to become a sovereign colony, because they could use the resources and become rich.
quick someone tell me what is the best cut of blade runner to watch?
>I've seen sea bean beams you soy boys wouldn't believe
The Final Cut
It was a battle. Literally explained in Soldier.