>Han dies in TFA
>Luke dies in TLJ
>Leia dies in TLJ
>we get a goblin as the protagonist instead of based Luke
What's the point?
>Han dies in TFA
>Luke dies in TLJ
>Leia dies in TLJ
>we get a goblin as the protagonist instead of based Luke
What's the point?
Other urls found in this thread:
true if big
>still giving a shit about muh childhood franchise
the sooner you permadrop the corpse that is Star Wars, the happier you'll be faggot
The funny thing is it makes Luke's storyline completely meaningless, much like TFA made the fight against the empire redundant and void of meaning. They could have done nothing, and Rey would still be around as the "chosen one" force child, it all was for nothing, all the people that died and were lost. Snoke isn't even a sith, and again, it makes star wars a much less interesting universe once again with big bad guys popping up out of no where to replace the defeated big bads. It's just comic book garbage and anyone that says otherwise needs to get the fuck out because you're the reason star wars is the normie-central experience that it is nowadays.
Remember when Star Wars was about actual nerds, and we made fun of them for liking something that normies perceived as "nerdy?"
Yeah, but you'll all go pay to watch it anyways.
the normalization of nerd culture was a targeted attack on young people. nerds should be ostracized and made to form their own groups. it is necessary as the nerds find peace and happiness on their own. nowadays stacey and chad are "nerds" as well, and ostracize the real nerds from their own fandoms. nerds have nowhere to go anymore.
Those space shellfish ain't gonna crack themselves.
Space shellfish new big bad confirmed.
The OT was all for nothing. Luke learning the ways of the force was all for nothing because he went into hiding right after
Han and Leia was for nothing cause they broke up right after
Defeating the Empire was for nothing because the First Order are now bigger and badder
>tfw luke straight up abandons his training with yoda to go save his friends from the empire
>TFA “nah I’ll fuck off and go hide away from the galaxy when it needs me most”
Bravo JJ
>Luke learning the ways of the force was all for nothing because he went into hiding right after
>Han and Leia was for nothing cause they broke up right after
These things both happened between 23 and 30 years after the events of RotJ, you fucking tard. Luke going into hiding and Han & Leia breaking up were direct results of Ben Solo turning to the dark side, which happened some time between 27 and 34 ABY (after the batle of yavin aka. the first Death Star being destroyed, which was 4 years before the second Death Star was destroyed.
Doesn't negate the impact you fucking tard
And you bring up a good point, only 23-30 years since all that happened and yet there's a big mythos about it "It's true, all of it"
Fuck you
>I was wrong and made myself look like an idiot
>better change the subject and act like user is the retarded one instead of me
>that'll fool them
>Imply my points I made are negated by what you said
He still throws away all his training, they still get separated, Empire still gets stronger all because Disney wants their version to be THE version
Star Wars is now just a vehicle for the progressive liberal agenda, OP. There is nothing Sup Forums-ish in this sentiment: it is objective fact. They are trampling all over the previous installments for the sake of money, money, money.
It's too late, bud. Nothing you say can be taken seriously now. You blew it. Just stop. It's embarrassing.
>Remember for three movies we fought to destroy the empire?
>They just going anyways and we didn't accomplish anything
>Remember how Luke, the main character of Star Wars, becomes a Jedi and brings back the old ways and becomes a bad ass?
>Yeah he just dies really quick and didn't do anything after they blew up the second death star.
>He just fucked off to some island, went insane, then died when some mary sue bitch found him
Based Lucas called out the Coconut niggers a decade before they became a meme.
Is everybody in this thread retarded? There were 30 years between movies. During that time, Han and Leia were married and raising their son and Luke was rebuilding the Jedi and training students at the temple.
TFA doesn't pick up immediately after RotJ. That's why everybody looks old as fuck and Hand & Leia have a 30 year old son.
God what a bunch of idiots.
>being this buttflustered
Well gee, I guess galaxy dividing wars have to happen every few decades
I guess lessons learned through Jedi training and hardwon marriages through space battles don't last 30 long ass years.
How depressing
I'd actually prefer having him back at this point.
>implying nu-Wars is cannon
>implying it's unrealistic for marriages to fail
>implying it's unrealistic to have constant wars one right after the other basically
>implying people don't change or grow at all over 30 years
I always knew manchildren were dumb and detached from reality, but this is just sad.
>those old Jedi masters throughout history must have ditched their teachings and mission because of one bad seed too
I always knew nu-Wars cucks were becoming increasingly desperate in their defense of the abortion this franchise is, but this is sorrowful.
Why would Luke go into hiding because of that though? He never gave up on his father, who was tempted to the dark side, and he certainly should not have given up on his nephew who was tempted to the dark side.
I could see how he thought it was his fault, but he should have fucking fixed it if he thought it was his fault instead of leaving the galaxy in fucking turmoil so he can go fuck off and cry on an island somewhere. That is not what Luke would fucking do. Sure Han and Leia can break up or whatever because of the stress of their son turning to the dark side and blaming one another, but Luke, no way would he have done that.
They completely butchered his character, and it makes absolutely no sense. It would maybe be a little different if he realizes he fucked up at the end of Episode 8 and then goes to rescue Rey and Kylo from Snoke, but if he fucking dies then what is the point? They completely ruined his character and I'm not seeing another one if they fucking kill off Luke like this.
She goes full retard, I can't stand this new hyper acting Hollywood is pushing.
>being over the age of 15
>caring about Star Wars
you guys are literally the definition of the "soyboys" you make fun of
it's 2017. it's time for him to stay in his lane and let women have the limelight for a change.
>They completely butchered his character, and it makes absolutely no sense
>it makes no sense
No? The cold hard truth is that Hamill is no longer marketable. Daisy is. She's a stronk pretty womyn who can do everything better. They need an excuse to get Hamill out of the way so the heroine can do her thing.
I'm not defending the movies, I'm refuting your retarded criticisms. Nice try, though. The new movies suck ass, but not for the laughably autistic reasons you're giving. I don't expect you to understand reason, though, I know you spergs have trouble with that.
>replying in this thread even though you don't give a flying fuck
No, it's true none of the things you listed would be problems by themselves. The problem is when you put them all together for the sole purpose of resetting the plot to where it was at the beginning of the first movie.
>Why would Luke go into hiding because of that though?
Gee I don't know, I wonder if maybe they'll explain it in The Last Jedi?? So I guess we should all probably stop being autistic and wait until we're actually told the story before we shit on the story since at this point we literally don't know shit about it?? Maybe????
>I'm not defending the movies
>Nice try, though
>I don't expect you to understand reason, though
>you spergs
Luke would not have gone into hiding in the first place is my point. He would have tried to save Kylo or stop him from killing literally billions of people. There is no excuse for this. The only excuse would be Luke is secretly evil and that would fuck his character even more.
>we should stop being autistic??
Not saying the explanation will be good, it's extremely possible it will be retarded, but as of right now we don't know why Luke actually went into seclusion, so everything you fags are saying is based on the varying stories you've made up in your own tardy imaginations.
But this is what always happens with these manchild sperg movies. All the fa/tv/irgins get all riled up, huffing and puffing, choking on their tendies, over their own imaginations. It's unbelievably pathetic.
>replying to yourself
So do we have accurate spoilers for TLJ at this point? I have no plans to ever watch it, I just want to laugh at how badly Disney have fucked up.
Sometimes it's good to be a Macross fan. The rights for Western distribution being in a legal black hole of epic proportions coupled with fans of the actual Macross franchise generally despising its nostalgia-friendly American Robotech incarnation means it's one of the few old-school insular fanbases left.
Show some respect, she is a xenomorph.
>Daisy will never ever shit down your mouth and give you this look.
Why live?
Every board should be like pol.
this but unironically
>Daisy is.
Fucking gross. She's even trying to steal Mark's trademark pointing.
Leia didn't die though
>Legends Luke Skywalker
>total badass, dealt with deserters and turners with Emerald Lightning.
>made revisions to the Jedi code that minimized the chances of people turning just because of passion and romantic feelings
>'Canon' Luke Skywalker
>Whimp, hobo, pussy.
>has to be BTFO'd to realize that the old teachings were full of bullshit.
I think if Star Wars had the sequel trilogy first before the prequels, it would have been for the better
The returning actors would have been much younger and the stories you could have told now with the prequels would probably not be perceived as toxic as the new trilogy is
That's the whole fucking point of even going to see a space fucking fantasy movie, you stupid fuck.
People watch Star Wars to get away from reality for a couple of hours, not to watch depressing shit like in real life. We expect a fucking fairy-tale ending.
There was a period of over 1000 years of peace before AotC.
this is the sheer irony that people go on and on about a dreary, gloomy DCEU, but Disney's Star Wars is even moreso, especially given that the heroes of the previous trilogy are shown as failures
>Daisy is. She's a stronk pretty womyn who can do everything better.
Women don't sell movies you stupid fuck. TFA and R1 were successful because of the brand. Remember Ghostbustyrs? Remember how hard every media outlet in burgerland and bongistan tried to push it on everyone? Remember how hard it flopped?
pretty much