So the biopic is inevitable at this point. Who’s playing him? Who should direct it?

So the biopic is inevitable at this point. Who’s playing him? Who should direct it?

Other urls found in this thread:

what's all this about?

Idris Elba to play him.

Nearest female to direct.

I wish celebrities told me how great I was when I got bullied at school.


poor little white boy being a poor little white boy

The kid is ugly and talks like a retard.

Enjoy the sympathy while you can, because in ten years you're gonna be on /r9k/ with the rest of the incels and then the same celebrities fawning over you now will be mocking and demeaning you as everything wrong with society.

He got bullied and his mom put up a video of him talking about it. It’s nothing you haven’t seen before but I teared up watching it. Kid is getting tons of support today.

Might work, some people are saying he looks and sounds British

This is going to start a whole thing of single moms filming their weeping children about how the poor kid is getting bullied and they are gonna be all "THIS IS JAYDEN. THIS JAYDEN'S STORY" like every single we'll be seeing this shit

woah thats fucked up bro, you really shouldn't be mean to this kid hes a victim


We have to stop celebrating and rewarding victims for being victims.

>Who’s playing him?
Maisie Williams, not even joking

It’s called support you fucking idiot.


all single mom's already do this shit, this one just caught on

his mom's a cunt btw, your kid shares something personal like this and you blast it on social media for likes

>tfw too intelligent to get bullied


This is Sup Forums personification.

Is he /ourboy/ now?

So how long until someone says that people felt bad for him because he's white but that no one cares about minorities being bullied

Even worse than the bullying.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan is already out for revenge.

Just wait.....

some kid's being championed for being a victim

Gooby pls.

Seriously though how many rounds would it take for this kid to heem Schaub?

No, it's called social media slacktivism of the day.
Tell him he's brave and pat yourself on the back, tomorrow it'll be something else to feel good about.

A hatchet?!

Its nice that they are doing this for him, but there are many kids that are probably getting bullied worse and not even their parents care

You’re either black or a democrat because your world view is warped and inhuman. Scumbag.


>and his mom put up a video of him talking about it
So instead of addressing the problem, she violates his privacy and outs his personal struggle to the entire word? Single mother, I'd guess.

>I'll have a chat with anybody getting on your nerves
Oh snap, Mr. Badass Actor is sending out threats to children. What a guy!

>the real story is that he was actually the bully and the kids he bullied pushed back

Here’s the video. It’s pretty sad.

>tfw the autist who always got bullied at my high school got expelled for stabbing his bully

Everyone knew he was in the right though

A great twist!

t. amerimutt

At least he's actually getting something

>Tfw was bullied and mocked by both teachers and students for my illness and I got fuck all in the end not even an apology when I graduated

The irony is now all these people who bullied me are now hopping on the PC, SJW and acceptance bandwagon even though you can see they are bullshitting.

>they made fun of my nose

user, don't delude yourself. What said is a total conservative/hick thing to say.

I first read this thinking it was actually Trump, and I was taken aback by how articulate it was. The president of the United States is so retarded that seeing him string together a coherent sentence gave me cognitive dissonance. Dark times.

Are kids nowadays so much more mentaly weaker than previous generations? I mean bullying has been a thing for hundreds of years, but only in the past 10+ years has there been so many suicides, activism and general bitching about it.

holy shit he looks inbred no wonder he gets bullied

he looks like a typical britbong kid

What does this mean?

someone tell me what he says i don't like cringe

>DAE Trump is dumb?! xD

Maybe moving to England might help his situation?

kek underrated

ITT: beta bois who were also bullied but feel superior to a kid because they didn't do anything about it

>Your kid is crying and having a really tough time and the first thing you think of is not to console him and help him but to make a video and post that shit on twitter or wherever for free brownie points.

Its just that now thanks to the internet these cases are more widepsread and known.

>he even posts with his retarded articulation/syntax

what the fuck is wrong with this man? What kind of English teacher lets this shit happen?

This shit just reeks of exploitation. First of all his mom recording and posting it, and then all of the celebrities on twitter showing support.

Sure it could be coming from a good place, but the end result is that the celebrities get into a news article and win nice guy brownie points while everyone forgets about this kid by the next news cycle.

Bullying is inevitable and unavoidable. There are things we can do to improve current school policies to minimize the impact bullying has on kids, but none of that will change on the account of this kid. Simply showing sympathy is not a solution.

Maybe I'm just overly cynical, but I don't like any of this.


Twitter used to have a character limit that shaped how people talked you retarded embryo.

Thank god theres no hand gesture emojis for him to use.

God, I can only imagine how effeminate you are.

It's due to the fact that the outliers can be broadcasted to a wider audience. As in, instead of this generation being weaker we're just being exposed to the weakest ones

The internet

You sound underage, anti-bullying campaigns have been a thing for 20, 30 years

Mommy coaching little Jimmy into being a permavictim and putting a video of him crying display on the internet for millions of people to see. I'm sure this will really help him.

What illness? How did teachers mock you?

Looks like a bad case of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS).

So Twitter shapped how Donald Trump speaks in real life? Was he mute before 2007?

>we have to ____
No, (You) need to go back, is what.
Signalboost culture is the only thing we "have to" stop celebrating.

dude perfect

Unfortunately, there are still much better-far superior-ways, to construct a sentence.

>le all hope is lost :(

Fuck off numale

>tfw can't understand his english
Am I a brainlet? What the fuck is he saying?

They've been working really hard to prevent people fighting back. Plus they keep trying to tie bullying victims into people being bullied because they're "different", whether it's because they're retarded, or faggy, or race. As opposed to the kid just being a little shit and deserving to get knocked in the head a couple of times so he stops acting like a tosser. Which is what's probably led to a culture of soft cunts, but there you go.

Also, it's never the kids you want to get bullied that get shat on. I teach a kid that's basically the biggest faggot on the planet, and every day I sit there wondering why no one else in the class is making fun of him for being a giant fag

>and the first thing you think of is not to console him and help him
You don't know if that was the first thing she did or what came first or later stop pretending so it fits your narrative.

Stop being a bitch boy and you won’t be bullied.

You pick on disabled kids, it's not their fault they're damaged goods. If you're going to pick on someone pick on douchebags that deserve it. Like fedora faggots, I remember they would all stand in a circle being fucking losers and we'd throw their hackysacks on the roof or rip up their Pokeman cards. Those people deserve to be picked on, hell it's why I still picking on them here now. Watch how much butthurt from /reddit9k/ my post creates and how triggered the fucking permavirgin losers get. Get a girlfriend already you fucking fags.



>woodshop class over a decade ago in 10th grade
>turn in some crappy box project for a grade
>teacher asks why I used dark putty on gaps since I was using light color wood
>jokingly say it looks artisitic
>he joking says "more like autistic"
Getting btfo by a 80 year old man aside, if that happened in todays world I could have sued and owned that school disctric.

>but I teared up watching it.
Imagine being this pathetic.

I am involuntarily celibate.


He has a speech impediment ya prick. Clean the potatoes out of your ears.

lel top tier bants he fuckin rekt you

>le twisted psychopath
Imagine being a nigger with stunted emotions and no empathy for your fellow man.

My frens of Sup Forums sometimes bully me but its ok because they still are my dear frens

Incoming Oscar for /ourgirl/

haha funny faces

Kill yourself you frog posting fuckhead

Lol a sociopath larper. Get fucked

Haha nah brah just be yourself dude calm down it's easy.

>getting your daily emotion fix from some jew-made sob story on Twitter
I bet the Clockboy Ahmed thing moved you to tears too.

>get whats coming to them

Is he threatening kids? Seriously why are people still so unaware about the online mob mentality? Yeah bullying is bad but dont start a witch-hunt or lynch-mob because of that.

heehee :^)

Guess the box was for your remains you utterly shrekt cunt

No one likes you even on Sup Forums. Kill yourself subhuman shitskin nigger.

>do woodwork over a decade ago
>kid in class with fucked up eyes, has vision problems
>teacher decides he's the first one to use the bandsaw
Pretty certain there's legislations against that, but the motherfucker didn't care. He used to let us have free roam of the shop pretty much

Why didn't he just shoot up the school like all the other bullied wh*te bois?


that's not twoo

>fellow man
Real men don't cry about clickbait videos.

He's from Tennessee, everyone is walking around with a revolver belt there
