I think S5 Jack might not be the original Jack. Maybe he's a different guy that somehow got all of Jack's memories...

I think S5 Jack might not be the original Jack. Maybe he's a different guy that somehow got all of Jack's memories. His skin tone is different, his proportions are different, maybe he's hiding a different jaw under that beard. Even in the flashback where he loses his sword, he still has the yellowish skin he had in the original sseries, so it's probably not a mistake.
Maybe the blue spirit is what he thinks Jack would feel, and warrior in green fog is the ghost of the original Samurai Jack?

Or... it's just a shitty reboot that claims it isn't.

>Jack is so mad that someone else took his name he constantly haunts him, provoking him to sudoku

So, you're saying losing the sword turned him white? *insert triggered SJW rant here*

It's Adult Swim Jack pictured with intention for grown ups: both visual - hobo beard, blood, changed face, and psychological - monologues with his internal identity.

Nice bait faggot.

being a contrarian on an anonymous image board? How daring, how brave, bravo.

Or maybe his design changed. Even Aku is slighly different in design in S5.

not bait

It's the old design in the flashback though.

Not it's not, he's just less pale.

oh so you're just stupid

No, I just have a separate brain, as opposed to participating in the Sup Forums hivemind.

I knew a guy that had his brains severed, he had some serious problems every now and then but overall he functioned fine.

>Now do you remember? Who you are? What you were meant to do? I cheated death, thanks to you. And thanks to you, I've left my mark. You have too. You've written your own history. You're your own man. I'm Jack, and you are too. No... he's the two of us together. Where we are today, we built it. This story, this legend; it's ours. We can change the past, and with it, the future. I am you, and you are me. Carry that with you wherever you go. Thank you, my friend. From here on out... you're Samurai Jack.


In the flashback, his jaw is different

It's a continuation, or a revival. It still acknowledges past continuity and is not starting over from the beginning.

>His skin tone is different
you're right, it's the princess!

Oh yeah, it acknowledges past continuity... with retcon after retcon after retcon, not to mention a timeskip that defies all but Genndy's logic.

literally the only retcon in s5 is the part where jack had never killed a human before

>all the portals are destroyed
>Jack's father kills in front of him
>Aku doesn't know about the sword... but knows about the beard
There's quite a few more, as you can see there.

How are any of these retcons?

I'm not sure you understand what a retcon is.

You don't really know what a retcon is, don't you?

not him, and he is retarded, but how would Aku know about the beard but not the sword? Jack doesn't have the beard when he loses the sword so he must've grown it out afterwards.
Maybe Aku didn't notice, but that's a small plot hole.

not a retcon though

>not him, and he is retarded
t. samefag

>pose question unrelated to someone being too dumb to know what a retcon is
>lol samefag
are you OP? are you that dumb?

>still samefag

dumb frogposter


Why thank you! How generous.
Course, it doesn't change my opinion one bit.

Are we seriously doing "This character isn't who we think it is," theories?

That's the lighting

Jack was actually a robot all along and the robots he killed were actually humans

Screencap this post

how original

The beard-growing phase and the losing-the-sword point were probably both when Aku was losing interest, but hadn't stopped checking in completely. It's like that stage where you just check in on old, familiar shit because it's routine.

>Is the samurai still alive?
>Looks like it. And he has a beard now. Yeah ok whatever, close portal

I think S5 Steven might not be the original Steven. Maybe he's a different guy that somehow got all of Steven's memories. His mental age is different, his proportions are different, maybe he's hiding a different gem under that shirt. Even in the flashback where he leaves eyeball, he still has the testosterone he had in the original series, so it's probably not a mistake.

Steven Universe really degenerated over time, it's incredible.

The amount of sun you get doesn't change you from Asiatic yellow skin to Caucasoid pink skin.

You're thinking about it way too hard.

They wanted to give the character more complex shapes, and since the tone of the show is much darker in S5 it wouldn't make sense to keep the yellow-ish skin tone.

He's pale from wearing that armor all the time.


I like how people bring up Jack witnessing the deaths of those would-be assassins, as though he hadn't already seen faceless komuso thugs getting cut down as a child.

maybe the dad event happened before that

Still, it's different when you're safely watching the killing from the distance and you don't know the killer at all than when the one slicing is your dad and blood sprays in your face.

>His skin tone is different,

Do you know what a tan is?

>since the tone of the show is much darker in S5 it wouldn't make sense to keep the yellow-ish skin tone
How do you figure that? They're about the same brightness.

Bigger Jaack

Asians don't go from light yellow to light pink or vice versa when they tan.

Maybe he lost his sword a long time ago, before his skin became whiter over time?

And it could be argued that's not a retcon.

A retcon is not a contradiction user.


the dad event may not have been the first time he saw people killed, it's just him trying to remember what his dad did when he had to kill so he knows what to do

Why don`t Aku just cower samurai in some toxic or radioactive or infectious substance?

Even if by some bullish plot device he does not die,
all the people he meets,
everyone will be dead because of the exposure,
i bet it will take EXTRA THICK toll on Jack`s mental health.

Maybe even make him kill himself.

jack would just cut the molecules in the substance and cause a nuclear explosion, then survive because he's jack

It might do over the course of 50 years, if you stayed in the prime of your youth.

Kojimbo please

Unless this isn't really Jack. How would this guy who thinks he's Jack know that?

And what if it some radioactive element or even wooping californium?

Cutting atoms would cause a shitton of hard radiation and surely would sterilize the Sol system.

So it would be only Aku, Jack and some clockwork robots because regular one`s gonna bzzt be broken.

So you are saying something like MGSV. God I hope not, that shit was a fucking bummer.

And also completely pointless.

Exactly. I hate that Kojima put that in. It feels like a big "fuck you".