Is this worth watching? Honestly, it looks pretty dumb, but I'd watch it if it has any of the other Marvel show characters in it.
Is this worth watching? Honestly, it looks pretty dumb...
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Nothing marvel or dc makes is worth watching you absolute brainlet. Read a book
A lot of it's dumb, some of it's okay, breaking into the cool range on rare occasions. The corporate storyline is actually better than the ninja shit, which is kind of a problem when we're dealing with a character like Iron Fist. I wish it had more self-consciously styled itself after the old kung-fu movies the way Luke Cage was channeling Blaxploitation. It's a tragedy that it didn't have a soundtrack like this:
I'm going to watch because Alice Eve is going to be in season two. Mmmm!
It was low budget as fuck and you could tell. They really phoned this thing in. The show deserved its negative rating though for the wrong reasons. Finn just isn't a compelling actor. He was a little bit better in Defenders.
No, but I liked pic related.
waste your time in something else
oh yeah me too
Yeah she's qt
Why does she always walk like she's heavily pregnant?
Its not worth, by far the worst marvel shitshow
If you like Marvel-TV then it's worth watching.
It's better than Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Defenders, but not as good as both seasons of DD and Punisher.
What the fuck are you talking about?
I loved it Op, most hated the business stuff but was all good to me.
I honestly don't get the hate with fight scenes, when the main actor gets gets 15 mins to prepare for a fight take, the fact most actually work are nothing short of miraculous.
The main character is annoying as fuck and makes retarded decisions. I dropped it after the third episode because I just couldn't endure him any more.
It's a natural side effect of being fucked by THE IMMORTAL IRON FIST
It's an enjoyable show. A lot of the hate was ridiculous SJW nonsense.
Daredevil > Jessica Jones> Luke Cage > Defenders > Iron Fist
Iron fist? You mean THE Immortal Iron Fist?
Protector of Kung Lung, Sworn enemy of the hand?
There was only maybe three things I didn't like about it, but it was good. People only complain because it isn't exactly like comics and he didn't fight a dragon on screen.
Daredevil > Punisher > Iron Fist > Luke Cage > Jessica Jones > Defenders
Watch it for our guy
SJW run media for you, the fact they allowed a strong cis white male charqcter at all is something.
Notice though his last role was playing a victimised gay, the only strong white cis males allowed otherwise either have a disability or are portrayed as homocidally crazy.
least likeable protag
not worth it
Barefoot ninja chick is the only reason I got through the entire season.
>otherwise have a disability
i really wouldn't consider daredevil to have a disability when he has sonar vision and super hearing/smell
All the marvel Netflix shows are garbage, especially The Punisher
I thought the story had potential but absolutely horrendous execution. Bad bad show.
unpopular opinion but it's the only marvel netflix series i liked
I actually liked it better than Luke Cage, but that's not saying much. The plot is super bland but some of the side characters keep it interesting.
Because she has huge child-bearing hips and she has an instinctual aching for her womb to be filled.
The worst part of the show is Iron Fist is yet another PG rated good guy with a no kill policy. That makes no sense whatsoever. He was a child soldier trained to do nothing but kill the Hand. What kind of warrior let's his mortal enemy just walk away?
Based Ward.
Most realistic character in the show. Solid redemption arc.
but the show is literally about a dysfunctional super monk who knows nothing but punching things. what did you expect?
This, do it for her
obvious fakies
once youve seen daredevil you've seen the best of all the netflix crap
I personally enjoyed some of luke cage, but it was a clear step down
Literally the only good thing about this show.
A warrior monk that punches ninjas to death. How hard is that? Is Iron Fist a pacifist pussy in the comics?
Do I need to watch Jessica Jones/Defenders/whatever other super hero series to get this?
The only Netflix super hero series I've watched is Daredevil season one.
theres no crossovers of any significance, in fact I suspect their are obvious plot discrepancies if you watch all of them
because LC spends a lot of time in prison at a certain point, so it makes no sense how he could be involved in these exact plots and relationships both before and after that imprisonment
its been too long for me to remember exactly what the discrepancy was, but the point is that it's not a complex narrative
the defenders continues the iron first storyline (unfortunately) so you should probably watch those together
No. Defenders is after Iron Fist season 1.
this. so much this.