I was pretty disappointed desu. Why do critiques and the masses seem to speak highly of it?
What are your thoughts on this movie Sup Forums?
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It's great, you're a brainlet sorry.
I dislike horror and gore, but qt girl makes me wanna watch it, will I be okay?
What makes you think your autistic brain is capable of understanding why people liked it?
help me understand it, please.
It's pic related for pretentious people
Didn't live up to the hype and the ending was laughable.
Emily Perkins a cute.
Standards for “good” movies are in the fucking gutter right now. Actual good movies are so rare these last few years that slightly above average mediocre Netflix-tier shit like this is raved about now.
>using sex and cannibalism as metaphors
I expect nothing from french movies and they still disappoint me
Metaphor what?
It was great you pleb.
>ywn get a blowjob form her and when you climax she bites your dick and eats it
why does she look so uncomfortable
It was fucking great and you should feel bad.
It amazes me how an overhyped, pretentious piece of crap could have such high rating. It tried to be disgusting but the gore turned out to be really tame and uninterested, and shock value doesn't really work if you don't have a decent plot/story-line.What the characters do makes little sense and during the film it is noticeable it tried to be edgy and use metaphors to indicate subjects like sexual awakening but it fails miserably at even trying to deliver the messages with its own ludicrous narrative.
It's just a bunch of nonsense with an awful soundtrack in the mix, trying so hard with all those artsy colorful shots, overdone theatrics and hardcore party music but sadly couldn't even emulate with its precursors in the French horror scene that have done a much better job.
>It tried to be disgusting but the gore turned out to be really tame and uninterested
For what it's worth I felt really uncomfortable during the finger eating scene, to the point of almost pausing the movie. The part where she was trying to tear off the flesh felt a little too realistic and made me a little unwell.
It was deeply flawed, but for a first feature, great.
I thought it was very original that it was a purely female horror film. Horror is normally about the masculine urge of penetration (shooting, stabbing). Raw was about the female urge for enveloping, engulfing, sheathing (consuming, eating).
Brainless plebs who couldn't distinguish between actual good movies and shit tier trash calling others plebs.
Yeah, she'd be great in a strictly platonic friendship.
Justine's sexual awakening obviously
>I thought it was very original that it was a purely female horror film. Horror is normally about the masculine urge of penetration (shooting, stabbing). Raw was about the female urge for enveloping, engulfing, sheathing (consuming, eating).
Martyrs did that years ago. You must be rather new to horror if you haven't watched it.
>dat scene when the faggot histerically screams complaining about fucking girls
A scene worth the entire movie
How can sex be a metaphor for sex?
It's dogshit
Its a twilight zone episode spun into a whole film, complete with cheezy zinger ending.
If it wasn't foreign, nobody would hive a fuck about it. But critics think subtitles make a film immediately more artistic.
Is there a requirement in Europe that your film has to have at least one techno dance party scene? Because I swear that every single modern European film has one and it usually feels pointless.
Lets stay stuck in the early 2000s please, anything is better than the French/ German/ Italian rap music that euro kids listen to now. It is SO bad compared to American hiphop
Umm watch more horror user. As a horror fan maybe I'm just paralyzed and unphased to blood and gore by the amount of horror I've watched. This movie didn't even come across as disturbing to me. It bored me to death, on the contrary.
It was pretty bad and felt amateurish. Typical coming of age flick with a gore twist
But that's the thing. It wasn't that gory but it still made me feel queasy.
That doesn't make sense, you should say; "On the contrary, it bored me to death", Francaisanon
I didn't say it was a good metaphor
American hip-hop has turned into something worse than 90's pop. Worse than 2000's pop.
This is better: youtube.com
It's completely abysmal and devoid of substance, only kids/teens listen to it.
even blacks, after adolescence they listen to R&B
t. american
euros fell for the meme, lol enjoy your flaming bag of poop. You'll never be able to wipe it off
Don't worry grandpa, I bet you're completely out of touch with film and tv as well.