*breathes in*
*breathes in*
She looks and sounds like daniela andrade
About time someone made a thread mocking this, really, how the fuck does anyone think this is good?
>tfw I have already masturbated to it twice
Unintentional comedy of the year.
I find her super cute and wish she was real
The eyes don't bother me half as much as how small her mouth is
>le its supposed to make you uncomfortable meme
>everyone faps to her anyway
When will they learn?
Did they really think that high end CGI people are completely life like? Did they really need to have bug/anime eyes?
Fuck you faggots, she's beautiful
I still think the movies gonna be a huge box office hit despite how bad the CGI looks
americans love these types of movies
>americans love these types of movies
Americans hate anything different, it's gonna bomb.
What on earth makes you think that? The only movies similar to this one were the new Blade Runner and GitS, both flopped horribly. This is the type of movie that is always expected to have a terrible domestic box office but is hoping for China to save it.
It's an American adaptation of a beloved anime.
It's going to bomb hard and it's all James Cameron's fault.
Don't worry, if she was real I'm sure your tiny cock would fit in it.
Actually I have a massive cock and it definitely wouldn't fit
Pretty sure that she's intended to be attractive
Too bad you're the only one who'll ever touch it.
All that graphics for the eyes and mouth and they forgot to redo her nose.
>tfw no big-eyed gf
Why didn't they just cast Isabela Moner?
Looks like Trump really did make anime real.
and made normies pay for it
Whats the problem?
Everyone in the movie should have freak eyes.
Tell me I'm pretty.
how did this get past focus testing
What movie is this, just got moviepass and cut a hole in the pocket of my sweatpants so maybe I can slow jerk to it in a theatre near you.
massive uncanny valley.
creepy as fuck. if that was the intention, then good job, it works.
even worse in motion.
It's not that bad.
Obviously she was a sex-bot or something and the robot makers made a line with big eyes.
And then they make her a badass fighter and all the females cheer because you can be cute and girly and kick ass at the same time silly boys!
Which is really quite perplexing since one of her key features originally were her big, pouty lips. She wasn't called octolips for no reason.
I had some hopes for this seeing as Cameron has wanted to do this for so long and it's his favorite manga, and mine too, but I guess we can't have that.
We aren't getting that suit.
somehow looks better
not everyone in the movie is a robot though
dis dat bish from stranger things?
So every other studio realized they can't compete with based disney and just gave up then
What's wrong with this? She looks fucking hot.
2018/19 will have Asian and White girls clamoring for eye enlargement surgery.