Well fuck me... I had lost faith, but looks really good. Is Cameron our savior? Again?
Alita: Battle Angel
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holy shit i assumed from the picture that this was a cartoon but its actually live action with giant cgi anime eyes lmao what the fuck were they thinking??
>looks really good
oh no no no no no
Your trying to start a meme we already know the outcome to.
>Is Cameron our savior?
What sort of fucking hyperbolic poof are you?
Blatent shill posting. But I'm not betting against our saviour JC, ever. He's got a lifetime pass.
looks good to me, what si the problem?
they prolly want the weeb audience
>Sup Forums would say no to this
looks like a WB show but with goofy cg eyes
nigger it looks fucking dumb
I remember when the first trailers for Avatar dropped I thought the CG looked extremely unrealistic and underwhelming. Then I saw it in 3D and had to promptly eat crow. Not making that mistake again, I bet this will look amazing in the theatre.
Sup Forums would fuck her eye sockets.
exactly this, when they polish it for release it will be 10/10
it's not the final product, cunt
I am legitimately hype for this. I found the trailer oddly moving.
Finally a non-shill, thank you user. All the haters make me lose hope for this place.
Directed by the same fucker who directed some of cinema's classics, such as Spy kids, Spy kids 2, Spy kids 3-D, Sharkboy and Lavagirl, Machete, and Machete kills. Written by 3 hacks (yes, Cameron can't write), produced by someone that doesn't give a shit anymore. This cinematic abortion coming soon. Why import your crappy CGI from Bollywood when you can burn 200 million to develop a stronger, more resilient shit. Guaranteed to make back it's budget in China. FUCK IM MAD. This thing is going to be a cinematic abortion shat out by greedy producers trying to siphon the appeal of an outdated property and sell it back to retards and foreigners.
Looks dumb tbqhwyf
i would but i also would say yes to an uncouncious junkie whore in a back alley because im that desperate
the cgi looks bad
no it doesn't, kys
This desu.
He actually did it, the absolute mad man.
He made anime real.
Stop this meme. He's not directing it
>From the producers
8 years boys
wow and it looks fucking shit
Will Anomaly make an appearance???
Please tell me she takes it.
She looks so fucking creepy.
Not looking to good for this.
Special Effects
Weta Digital
Captured Dimensions (3D scanning)
Gentle Giant Studios (3D scanning)
That shot literally looks like TinTin.
Only in the squeals.
Let's just say it ended in a nice climax :)
It's not about the execution this time, it's about the idea itself. The big animu eyes look fucking retarded and no amount of polish is gonna change that.
I don't know what Alita is about, but I know that trailer is completely neutered. They're clearly going for the hunger games audience.
That constantly annoying singing throughout the trailer.
Alita is only shown in casual clothes, nothing form fitting or sexy.
No hint of a plot, only a vague statement about her being special after looking angst ridden.
Highlights of a romance, even giving away what is probably a significant moment in the film with her heart.
Almost no action shown, and what little action there is only highlights the character's facial emotions.
And no, having big eyes isn't "making anime real". It's just a weird uncanny effect, done by westerners who don't fully understand the anime aesthetic.
I was reading through the imbd for this movie and it mentions motorball several times.
I honestly thought they'd skip over that and go for something original but i'm kind of impressed. Also Casper Van Dien is in this.
It looks awful.
just because manga have stylised big eyes doesn't mean that the young female characters are meant to literally have deformed, inhuman skulls.
Dr. Ivo also has a big, cartoonish, disney-like nose that sticks straight out but they didn't CGI or add prosphetics to Christopher Waltz or make his nose point straight out.
Fucking Americans are at it again lmao. They just can't help themselves can they, like that travesty of the upcoming Peter Rabbit film.
By around 2030 we should see somebody who gets plastic surgery to look like this. Although it could be way earlier.
This movie is looking more and more like a pleb filter with each and every thread.
women already get surgery and wear makeup to make their eyes look bigger. This technology has been taken to the limit possible without artificial organs.
As long as they clean up some of the CGI and not cram too much into the movie, it'll be amazing.
Isn't this PG-13? It's already ruined, then.
It hasn't even come out yet you fuck, movies at least have to be out for you to call em pleb filters
Where is this coming from? We don't know what it's rated yet. Only thing that backs this up was years ago when Cameron said they'd go for using green blood or something.
Oh, good. I don't mind green blood or whatever. But you can't tone down the violence and call it Alita.
Every character in manga/Anime has those eyes. If they thought this was something they'd have to bring into the live Action movie, every character would have big eyes.
>lost faith
you are already going to hell you piece of shit
oK...here we fucking go:
I'm optimistic..to an extent. I like the idea of cgi eye's, but there's some moments in the trailer that look off, or unfinished. Yes, I know the movie is in post production, so they're still fixing things, BUT...that last shot in the trailer ( OP's pic ) is quite bad. Like...why make her fully cgi ? And it's so fucking obvious. I just hope the whole movie doesn't have moments of unnecessary cgi like that scene.
t. pleb
Why didn't they just cast anya and save money on the CGI?
If the scene where alita saves ido from rasha and old grewishka and doesn't smash rasha's head off his shoulders, i'm not interested. Looks like that scene is being replaced with that stupid looking mantis bitch.
the most blatant shill post I've seen
Imagine sucking those irises during fuck, lads. Darting your tongue in her mouth, salty tear ducts. Diamonds.
Someone spent money to make a perfectly fine actress look like this. Someone explain to me why would this be greenlit.
Directed by le all style no substance man.
I want to ejaculate my semen all over her face
I dunno the avatar people have giant eyes and I'd still fuck em
Looks like those old Playstation ads.