>Gundam in a movie
>but it's the RX78-2
>not the superior ZZ
Fucking Americlaps, shitty taste as always
>Gundam in a movie
>but it's the RX78-2
>not the superior ZZ
Fucking Americlaps, shitty taste as always
Jesus fucking Christ get the fuck out of this board with your shit taste. Go back to /m/ and stay the fuck there.
>not a zaku
Feddies out
what movie ?
But it does make a ZZ pose in trailer
kys /m/
No user, you are the shitty taste.
All joking aside I'm actually impressed they faithfully recreated grandaddy AND inserted an in-joke referencing ZZ, a series that literally started with the pun "it's not anime, it's real".
You post on Sup Forums. You have nothing but shit taste.
Oh please tell me about glorious accomplishments of your non combat prototype
>Choosing the virgin hero suit over the chad grunt unit
You're a man of base and simplistic tastes.
Thank god there's virtually zero chance of the Z'gok or Hygogg being tainted by this faggotry.
>wanting that piece of shit brick over the classic white devil
>anime avatarfagging
Ready Player one
>RX-78-2 becomes the breakout star of Ready Player One
>WB put an 0079 movie directed by Spielberg into production
Given that Sotsu-Sunrise/Bandai would tie their hands into doing it faithfully or withdraw the rights, I'd be strangely OK with this.
The series, movie trylogy and origin remake are enough. If they ever adapt Gendums as live action then it should be a separate AU unburdened by old stories and designed to translate well to the medium.
>gangman genjii main skin
>it's one alphanumeric code instead of the other
>better post on Sup Forums
Shouldn't weebs just kill themselves?
It'll never happen because "muh brand recognition" but I'd love to see a live-action side story set in the 0079 universe, following a different cast of characters and a different RX-78 prototype.
It's actually the one franchise that I believe this could work. Gundam has long tradition of launching one shot timelines. Perfect for say - a movie trilogy to sell to westerners who never heard of it before.
Which could lead into a live-action Gundam Sentinel adaptation. Because god knows you'd probably need Hollywood money to convince Model Graphix to allow it to happen.
>Not Kampfer
t. Pleb
War in the pocket is perfect for a stand alone movie.
It's an unwatchable clusterfuck. I tried watching ZZ and could only stomach til episode 3.
That would even get diversity points for the female Feddie pilot and black kid.
What's point of adapting an already niche story that nobody in audience will understand without context.
UC impossible to adapt well unless it's boiled down to the point of who cares?
The only way to get us some genuine gundam kino is to make something entirely new, maybe with familiar name but not dragged down by previous installments.
>ZZ Gundam
This meme needs to die. Sorry it wasn't edgy enough for you, Coldsteel.
I don't want to watch the same story again but with shitty actors. Give me something fresh.
Just do a title crawl like Star Wars.
>not Turn A
>not a rick dom
They lost my 10 bucks
Alright then, who aside from Idris Elba would you cast as Char?
jake gyllenhaal as char
ryan gosling as amuro
Pretty surprised it's not the Wing/Wing Zero though, since you know, it's basically the gateway show for the weebsterners.
I'm pretty sure the goose can't pull off being a teenager
>"Yeah so good shit happened but you won't see it here. Now watch this movie and be drowned in references you won't get and pretend you're excited over things you need to already be a fan to pay attention to."
UC is oversaturated. It's like saying that marvel should have MCU immediately pick up whatever plots were going on in the comics at the moment.
Where's my eva type01 reeeeeeeee
F91 is the best Gundam design tbqh
>If they ever adapt Gendums as live action then it should be a separate AU
You rang?
as Lalah
>G-saviour is very late UC
There's no way to adapt Tomino for the West. None.
>It is the year 0088 of the Universal Century
>Nine years previously the group of colonies furthest from Earth, SIDE 3, declared their independence as the PRINCIPALITY OF ZEON, starting a war for control of space with the EARTH FEDERATION
>Both sides lost half of their respective populations in what came to be known as the ONE YEAR WAR
>The EARTH FEDERATION government became corrupt and insular, turning its interests away from space and ceding military authority to a ruthless private body known as the TITANS
>An alliance of colonies and EARTH FEDERATION rebels formed a resistance known as the AEUG, who after a bitter struggle defeated the TITANS
>Now, a group of former EARTH FEDERATION officers have seized the asteroid base PEZUN and declared themselves the NEW DESIDES, committed to carrying on the TITANS' totalitarian ideals...
>I don't want to watch the same story again but with shitty actors. Give me something fresh.
considering the number of people outside of Sup Forums that are even aware of Gundam let alone war in the pocket i'd say it would be fairly fresh to most people.
Pls help...I wanted to get back into Gundam for yrs now. Used to watch old reruns on late night toonami/adult swim when I was a kid. But it was always random airings.
And there are so many fucking different series. What's the essential proper watch list or order of viewing to jump in? Are they all connected? Is there continuity? Does it matter???
compilation movies of 0079
If you want nostalgia, jump back into Gundam Wing (Aired in the 90's on Toonami and was the first pivotal in american anime).
The main Gundam timeline is Universal Century (UC). This is the only series with more than 2 instances of continuity. It started with the very first Gundam in 1979 and is still going today. You don't NEED to go back and watch the almost 40 year old series, but it will help with references (The Origin manga tells this story better anyway). If you won't want to watch the original, check out Stardust Memory, War in the Pocket and 08th MS Team for smaller side-stories to get yourself in universe.
Essentially, the main story revolves around the Earth Federation and Space Colonies. People left for space colonies and wanted their own independence with one colony starting a war with Earth.
Other than that, some standout "alternate universe" series that you don't need UC to enjoy include Gundam 00 (Privately owned Gundams become the sole planetary war deterrent), ∀ Gundam (pronounced Turn-A Gundam) Earth vs the Moon)) and Build Fighters Gundam (Kids build Gunpla (like the real life gundam models) in a battle series)).
Thnx for this bro. Saving your post and starting tonight . Just needed some direction
Has anyone actually manage to watch the whole thing? It's awful.
The first Gundam series and Zeta is as good as Gundam gets.
I did during my gundam marathon, easily the worst series outside of Seed Destiny and IBO, the whole thing is literally poor man's Char's counter attack with complete idiots on all sides.
>Giving a shit about stupid unicorn "mechs"
Is G Gundam it's own thing? Faintly remember it
cast him
>must watch: 0079, Z, CCA, V, G, 00
>shlocky fun action: G
>only watch if you want to see why nostalgia is a bad influence: W
>only watch this after you have seen at least 6 different gundam shows made before 00: Turn A
>skippable but still good: everything else
>unredeemable trash: seed, seed destiny, W, IBO, Age S1
andre vejic or ezra miller
there is a proper graph out there, but Mobile Suit Gundam 1979, Zeta Gundam, Double Zeta Gundam, Char's counterattack, F91 and Victory (in that order) along with some OVAs are the core works in the universal century. Other than those you can watch the other shows in any order you want
>must watch 00
00 is one of the worst gundam series
>one of the worst
It's much better than ZZ, Wing, 08th MS, and X
the original mobile suit gundam (called gundam 0079 after the year it was set and released) is the best, and the OG. You can find it on nyaa.si most likely, and it is 43 episodes long
not when Seed exists.
Didn't include it because I never watched it myself.
If should add that if one isn't that much of a fan of anime/mecha in general and doesn't want to waste at least 43 hours to see if he likes the entire thing or not he could just go for the 3 movies, but this only applies to 0079 and not to Zeta.
>08th MS
You were doing good until this, kill yourself
You start with 0079. Then you watch 0080 War in the Pocket, 0083 Stardust Memory, Zeta Gundam, ZZ Gundam, and finally the Char's Counterattack movie. Everything after that like Victory, Unicorn, Thunderbolt, etc is up to you.
>muh chronological viewing
fuck off, go release order or go home.
It's not as bad as Wing but 00 is still much better.
for a split second i thought it was Canti and got excited
I'd normally agree but if you know what happens in Zeta and ZZ, 0083 is basically ruined.
it would only be about 18 hours though, the episodes are 22 minutes
dont do this
oh right, my mind wandered off for a bit there.
18 hours is still a long time for someone who isn't into anime in general, I'd imagine the graphics in 0079 will scare a lot of people away.
I envy you.
That's like saying any preqel is ruined by knowing what happens in the older movies.
0083 should be watched after Zeta because a new viewer would have no idea who people like Bask Om and Jamitov are and what Anaheim Electronics is or why they're significant.
>08th MS is bad
You have bad opinions. 0083 while having kino scenes and kino music has one of the worst protags in all of UC. He regularly goes AWOL, and is cucked in the end by the antagonist. The plot is all over the place.
Jamitov and Bask Om barely even figure into Zeta, they only exist to be betrayed by Paptimus.
X is better than 00 despite being cancelled, much better. I love that people will willingly watch 00 and then pretend they watched any other series
Kids these days don't know what cucked is.
It was hard to really get a good look at it in the trailer, I hope it has as much detail as the Odaiba Gundam did
It was cancelled because not even Japs watched it.
It's shit.
It's legitimately good, especially the first season. It's better than G-wrecko, SEED/Destiny, ZZ, Unicorn, Wing, Victory and IBO.
Oh and Age. It's so shit it escaped my mind.
X is alright, it just barely took advantage of its post-apocalyptic setting. Like people have been out of the under bunkers or whatever for only a year or something and yet they seemed to have rebuilt society instantly. Only the very first arc feels like it fits what the setting is supposed to be.
The replaced Ultraman with the Iron Giant, so I don't think they're really that beholden to the book when it comes to references. It's nice that the Gundam got in, just be thankful for that. And they've got Kaneda's bike in there when that wasn't in the book, which is pretty great (of course because they happen to have the rights to Akira), so there's the possibility of other properties being in there as a replacement for Unit-01 if it isn't in it. Here's hoping for King Gainer.
I think it's possible that Weta still has the rights to Evangelion? Or maybe not, it's been a while. It'd be nice to see one on the big screen, this film is the perfect way to facilitate that without the threat of butchering the original property's story in a full Hollywood adaptation.
ZZ sucked but the DAHBUL ZETAH was a pretty cool Gundam. Doesn't beat the MkII or V2 though.
If you are a fan of anything "nerd" you wouldn't want your thing to be associated with that shit heap of a movie.
somebody start posting pages from that book already, I didn't saved them from the last thread.
Age 2 got better and Season 3 was 6/10.
He was literally cucked. Are you forgetting when Gato was like, "lmao I fucked yo gurl" I did like how it ended though. With the government just throwing everyone under the bus.
>Posts man who was murdered while taking a shit
So if your gf has an ex you're a cuck?
Every Gundam that isn't G-Savior is objectively garbage.
That's only shameful for the killer.
I can see why 00 might offend some people.
It's a bit silly and exaggerated.
But if you can get over that, it's one of the most enjoyable Gundam series.
No. He was a dipshit and was murdered for being one.
Yeah. Why would you ever fuck someone who isn't a virgin?
but the rx78 is the pikachu of gundams, it's just a meme reference to bring in the weebs
leave turn A alone
>If you are a fan of anything "nerd" you wouldn't want your thing to be associated with that shit heap of a movie.
Yeah, the writing's pretty bad, but why does that matter when it comes to the nerd references that are in it? Outside of a few things, all the stuff that's referenced is just visual icing, completely divorced from its original context - and that's obvious even to a casual viewer who doesn't necessarily know what any of the references are, so I don't understand why you think that'd taint it in any way.
>Hey, I've got Akira on DVD, want to watch it? I heard it's good.
>Akira... isn't that what the bike Art3mis rides in Ready Player One is from? That movie sucked ass and I hated that character in particular, no way I'm going to watch Akira, you can fuck off
Does that sound rational to you? Even from the most retarded person? Take off your fedora, dude.
Funny how you can't advance any kind of argument for why ZZ is bad, just parrot the meme that it is for some reason.