Just watched this piece of hot garbage, what did y'all think?

Just watched this piece of hot garbage, what did y'all think?

Shit like the other Driver movie

I didn't like it but I'm old.

I'm 21 and this movie was shit, the audio design was the only decent thing about it

Easily one of Wright's worst.
Compared to everything else that was out this year it's okay

classic example of style over substance

I enjoyed it. It made a nice change from the constant stream of capeshit.

I baby, Drive.

Hated the musical bits.
When he starts doing his lel so extrovert dance on the street I skipped over that shit.
He also has a dumbo face and should've been more like the brother character from Good Time instead of some angry autismo.
What happened to spacey at the end and the way it happened was forced/fast/stupid. I get that it was intended to be like that(or I simply refuse to believe someone would be that incompetent)but it still didn't feel good. The music fucking sucked too. A bunch of normiecore shit to literally make people in the cinema dance on their seats.

His weakest movie, but still enjoyable nonetheless.

It's just OK.

Flawed but fun. Don't get the Sup Forums meme where it's treated as god awful when it's pretty damn good. love interest and the story around her kinda sucks and the resolution is kind of odd, but it had good action and soundtrack. Nice to just shut your brain off and watch. Never heard any actual reasoning for it being straight up trash other than

>music is a bunch of normiecore shit
Yeah dude everyone I know is always listening to bands like The Damned and The Modern Lovers

Drive for Reddit.

Wright hasn't made anything good since Hot Fuzz.

I'll give some of my reasons it's trash:

1. The romance is so forced and happens so fast. Literally 2 dates and she's ready to run away with him across the country. She even sticks with him after she finds out he's a hardend criminal

2. Bats was the stupidest character, and most retarded person to have on a team of professional criminals. Once he killed the gas station cashier over gum with no mask or anything,no one would have worked with him. Much less after he randomly opens fire on the arms dealers for no reason.

3.Doc had no constant character at all. first of he's this criminal mastermind, yet fails to give a lot of very important info to the team. Such as the cops from the deal being paid off. And what's with his change of heart in the end? He has no reason to even help baby much less sacrifice himself for him.

And that's just me barely thinking back on it

>The music fucking sucked too. A bunch of normiecore shit

What sort of tracks would you have picked, just out of curiosity...

Also this. Except I'd say it's definitely Wright's worst.

I'm 20
Seen it at 19, thought it was so gay
Seen drive at 19 made me feel good, kind of made me gay for goose like Kojima is gay for Mads

Using old underground bands is pandering to normies.

>Hot Fuzz > The World's End

It would've taken a while to type that up so I'll say I agree.

I agree but The Worlds End > Baby Driver

Some popular gangsta trash like Travis Scott to put it in an antithesis with his personality. It would also add more comedy and irony.

>hot garbage
I confirm this

I actually do agree with those points and they do impact pretty heavily on the viewing. At the same time, I still don't think the movie is complete trash. Hamm's character was fun and Baby himself was pretty interesting outside of his trash romance angle. The action and sound design are enough for me enjoy it with some of the decent character interactions thrown about, but it's by no means a great movie. It's just not complete trash in my view.

The World's End is his best work.
The guy hasn't really done much.

>using bands that people know is pandering to normies
>using bands that people don't know is pandering to normies
When you just use a Catch-22 and call everything under the sun reddit and normie you automatically win, I guess

ok this is just pathetic.

I wouldn't say definitely, I'm not a fan much of The World's End or Scott Pilgrim at all. But that's just me.

I think Hot Fuzz is his best work As far as story and foreshadowing goes. Worlds End was cool and the themes of trying to hold onto the past were handled well but I thought the epilogue was shit.

Baby Driver was stylish and everything was built around that but that's all it had. Everything else was just meh.

Someone wasn't paying attention to the movie. The waitress (whatever her name may be) is working for, and possibly related to, Kevin Spacey. Do you think it was coincidental that Baby met this girl that hits all of his quirks the moment he's "free" of Spacey? Nope. She was sent by Spacey so she could be used as blackmail to rope him into more jobs. They might have fallen in love for real by the end (Spacey reaction to seeing her at the end) but she was a bad guy guaranteed.

I think all his other films, even Scott Pilgrim, succeeded across the board with story and style a lot better than Baby Driver

What in the fuck are you talking about?

It's pretty good, but it's also pretty redit and has a bit too much soy in it. Other than that, pretty good. Honestly I like it a bit more than Drive, because it has less weird soyboy music and actually works really well with the soundtrack.

Im 18 and this movie was babby's first nu-movie

Horrible soundtrack, awful directing and acting, sjw themes all over, basically leftist propaganda

Honestly it didn't even really have much in the way of style either lol