Name a bigger plebfilter
Name a bigger plebfilter
Mr.Reddit, Prometheus and BR49
Better Call Saul filtered out a lot of people, including me.
nigga Breaking Bad is television excellence.
plebfilters are shit like blade runner and capeshit
horror and capeshit are the only pleb filters
going by this thread, the term pleb filter itself.
OP was referencing the fly episode, dumbo.
>tries to derail thread by calling bb excellent
>compares capeshit to blade runner unironically
Gus's Death
the whole show is one big filter just like walking dead, anyone who enjoys it is exposed as a pleb and thus filtered
Doctor Who, Rick and Morty, Bojack, The Walking Dead.
funny thing is, I actually stopped here. lol
>manchildren can't handle BraBa
Sons of Anarchy
twin peaks
My 2nd favourite episode desu. The utter pleb backlash increased my disdain for them.
I wish this wasn't so true but my cousin and uncle both told me that "The show is great, every episode is amazing, except this one episode that's literally just about a fly"
>soap opera for soyboys wannabe men
I pass.
i thought it was funny and intriguing on my first watch. i havent watched the series since then (3+ years ago) but that episode always stuck out for me.
I like da capeshit
Guys my mom says breaking bad is the best show of all time and she says this episode is the best one
Is my mom patrician
I wouldn't say its the best but its pretty good
Same, if you asked me to name an episode my mind would instantly go to the fly.