>be Snyder
>only make movies based off of comics and other movies
>fail every time because he doesn't understand the characters
what did he mean by this?
Be Snyder
Other urls found in this thread:
I hate Snyder’s film school garbage movies but what’s even the point in beating the dead horse at this point? That boy is done.
because these snyder fans haven't learned yet
He's a chad with a surface level appreciation of art.
Are you retarded?
He changes the characters to fit his style, he is not like marvel directors that just make the most generic shit to please the lowest common
When will Marvel Pajeets learn to let go?
What was the point of that comic, that Superman could enforce his own way of justice because he was stronger?
>He changes the characters to fit his style,
And fails every time.
>he changes the characters to fit his style
only idiots think this is good. If Snyder wants to make his own characters, he should create his own story.
It's a shame to he could make a great Justice League: Gods and Monsters adaptation
>be fanboy
>be utterly incapable of seeing that what they got was precisely the heart and soul of the character simply because it's not a story they already know being told to them
Anyway, you won. Enjoy your Mary Sue.
>be manchild
>superman isnt my imaginary foster daddy
>cry over not muh years after
Also reminder that Black was product of butthurt manchildren over the fact the authority at that moment was a fantastic comic
this scene is pure kino
>Enjoy your Mary Sue.
It's not his mary sue, it's a selected number of issues that make him feel "feels".
> being this wrong
The Pajeets are overwhelmingly DC cunts. Nice try for a Trumpian smokescreen though.
Not with fans of his style. Maybe he fails with marlel soycucks but who cares.
Explain how Snyder failed to understand this. Oh yeah, you can't.
You won. Enjoy your victory. The smiling man in the sky will now fix all the problems and even the downs will only be downs in a relative sense. He'll be something you can feel comfortable worshipping and self-inserting into. Freudian insinuations absolutely intended.
Which comic?
Like how he changed the entire point of Watchmen to fit his style of glorifying violence.
What a revolutionary filmmaker.
You guys are so fucking dense. Didn't you get the point of Mason's death scene?
>fail every time because he doesn't understand the characters
>comic book nerds and hack writers who made dumbass stories about superman aren't the ultimate authority in superman
what did you mean with this?
Guys please refrain from bullying snyderfags, its like bullying a small child.
Snyder doesn't understand what drove Clark to save people in the first place, in MoS he comes off almost like a begruding and reluctant hero. In BvS he seemed checked out from human concerns when it didn't involve putting his Super Dog into Lane.
But Superman was always driven by a sense of selfless duty at the expense of his own happiness, he clearly knows he's the strongest fucking thing on the planet so that humbles him to reign back and check his own powers. He's a god to most people but the minute he steps off the path of altruism, the minute he allows himself to indulge his own desires, he knows that it's over. For other people (humans), you can self-correct your personality and behavior without much ACTUAL damage, Clark doesn't have that luxury, it's exactly why he gives Bruce kryptonite. Superman knows that the worst enemy is Superman, living in essentially a world made of paper. Clark will (and has admitted multiple times) that he'll never be fulfilled, actually happy or have a sense of normalcy in his life and instead of that making him bitter, it resolves him to protect others. The conflict came from him, from his absolutism for keeping himself in check.
Snyder is a faggot.
t. Doesn'tUnderstandSuperman
Are you baiting me? I just wrote a fucking paragraph explaining how I do...
So Superman 2 was also bullshit?
Did I even remotely say that? I'm talking about established character traits that have been in comics for what, 40 years now?
>In BvS he seemed checked out from human concerns when it didn't involve putting his Super Dog into Lane.
How so? Are we just going to ignore the countless scenes of him saving random nobodies?
>Are we just going to ignore the countless scenes of him saving random nobodies?
lol there is literally only 4 scenes showing him save people, 3 of which are all sequential and part of a montage that lasts for about a minute. Are you retarded?
>lol there is literally only 4 scenes showing him save people
>implying Superman didn't save the whole humanity when he gave his life to kill Doomsday
But in Superman 2 he gave up his powers to live an happy life with Lois. So everything you implyed here did not fit the character in Superman 2.
He didn't need to give his life in the first place. WW could have used that spear just fine.
Then of course, he comes back in JL (which was no surprise to anyone in the first place) and his death didn't matter.
>>implying Superman didn't save the whole humanity when he gave his life to kill Doomsday
Nice goalpost shift, you asked me about the scenes where he's saving people. It's so brief in BvS, I can write them all out for you:
>pulls a freighter out of ice
>saves a rocket
>saves two people from a flood
>saves a handful of people from the hearing bombing
>each time, he's scowling, or frowning, or looking generally annoyed
Woah, what an amazing portrayal of this beloved American character.
....we weren't talking about Superman 2. Jesus fuck, Snyderfags are retarded.
>>pulls a freighter out of ice
>>saves a rocket
>>saves two people from a flood
I should also add, that this is a minute long montage, they are barely scenes.
>saves a little girl from a burning building
>saves lex
> saves the whole world by killing doomsday
you're an autist
Oh I got it. You hate Snyder so if he twist a bit the character is an unforgettable sin but if another do the same its ok.
You Snyder haters are such soycucks its truly embarassing.
>He didn't need to give his life in the first place. WW could have used that spear just fine.
First of all, he didn't know he was about to die, he knew he was taking a risk by using the spear.
He doesn't know WW, he assumes she can die too.
>Then of course, he comes back in JL (which was no surprise to anyone in the first place) and his death didn't matter.
Because WB fucked up Snyder's movie. Superman was not supposed to come back this way but WB changed that, so you're kinda right, his death wasn't that important because of that.
>>saves a little girl from a burning building
That's not a scene in BvS, or I don't remember it. The movie was a forgettable mess.
>saves lex
Because he needed him alive?
> saves the whole world by killing doomsday
It was Batman's spear that killed him, Clark got an assist.
>you're an autist
Then you're straight up retarded if you consider a literal minute of a fucking montage decent character development and enough to build Clark as an altruistic protagonist in your underdeveloped, teenage brain.
poor snydercucks
You're just doing a whatabout you dumb faggot. This entire thread is about BvS.
You people are embarrassingly stupid and constantly mocked here. Why bother?
>he only kills Doomsday because he has to or else Louis Lane will die
>only gives a shit about Batman being a psychotic vigilante gunning people down in Bat-themed, military aircraft when his mother is captured
Yeah, what a selfless guy.
>That's not a scene in BvS, or I don't remember it. The movie was a forgettable mess.
This proves you're an autist, it is in BvS.
>Because he needed him alive?
You're such an autist, he saves him because he refuses to let him die, even if he want to.
>It was Batman's spear that killed him, Clark got an assist.
I refuse to belive you're that autistic.
>Then you're straight up retarded if you consider a literal minute of a fucking montage decent character development and enough to build Clark as an altruistic protagonist in your underdeveloped, teenage brain.
100% autistic
>he only kills Doomsday because he has to or else Louis Lane will die
>only gives a shit about Batman being a psychotic vigilante gunning people down in Bat-themed, military aircraft when his mother is captured
it's not like the movie showed him investigating about Batman during the whole movie or anything ...
That superman is not an edgy superhero that beats bad guys brutally.
>y-y-y-you, a-a-a-autistic! got em'
Jeez, this has to either be bait or your first day. Your arguments are terrible.
Again I'll ask (since you keep ignoring me), all the scenes in the first act of the film that focus on him saving people, round up to about a minute of footage. Is this good development for you?
>implying he doesn't save the whole humanity at the end of the movie ...
woah, I'm btfo. He's only there in the city in the first place because he magically sensed Louis being in danger, everything else is an offshoot of him just trying to keep her safe.
>it's not like the movie showed him investigating about Batman during the whole movie or anything ...
kek, it didn't. He pensively looked at a newspaper for 30 seconds and that's all we ever see. Quite the investigation there.
You're a retard.
>You cant BTFO my argument if you go off-topic
Imagine being this retarded.
Yeah, with Batman and WW. One of which literally invented the weapon that killed him, the other held Doomsday in position to get stabbed.
If you made it a point to get out and do something on a daily basis that you intended to make the world a better place and inspire others to do likewise, how would you react if instead of getting better, the world only seemed to get worse? Would you smile and just shrug it off? Would your efforts start feeling more and more like a pointless toil? Would you begin to doubt? What if you started to suspect that you were in some way responsible?
These films don't shit on Superman. They rightly shit on modern society. Everything they show is exactly the way our world would react to a being like him. And what would our media show us? Only the bad. Exclusively the bad, reporting controversy instead of truth, pandering to fear and paranoia and eschewing hope.
>>You cant BTFO my argument if you go off-topic
Right, you can't...that's called a whatabout, kiddo.
it's like you didn't even watch the movie lol
>If you made it a point to get out and do something on a daily basis that you intended to make the world a better place and inspire others to do likewise, how would you react if instead of getting better, the world only seemed to get worse? Would you smile and just shrug it off? Would your efforts start feeling more and more like a pointless toil? Would you begin to doubt? What if you started to suspect that you were in some way responsible?
Great intro to philosophy pondering there, but that's not Superman.
and ?
If you for one second are implying that you believe Superman would ask someone he'd just met to risk their life fixing a problem he feels responsible for, fuck right off. Never tell anyone you understand this character if you believe that.
I'm convinced you are just baiting me for (you)s at this point. So I'm just going to leave.
And without that weapon, Superman wouldn't be able to defeat Doomsday? Do you congratulate the bullet for being fired out of the fucking gun?
What a chickenshit answer. Enjoy your false hero. He smiles now. Didn't you notice?
yeah you probably didn't
are you autistic ?
Superman killed Doomsday
>it's a chickenshit answer to correctly state that what user typed out, doesn't represent Superman canonically
Do Snyderfags feel the need to just rewrite entire comic book history to defend this retard?
Because he thinks misunderstanding Greek myth would be more deep. Turns out a miss is a miss.
>But Superman was always driven by a sense of selfless duty at the expense of his own happiness
You mean like when he saves people despite what it might mean if he gets caught?
They showed him struggling with his selfless desire to save people, and not knowing what he should do because of how it could put his family in jeopardy if people found out.
>only make movies based off of comics and other movies
then what should he base comic book movies on faggot? your hentai collection you stupid nigger?
Yeah, I say it's a pretty spot-on depiction of how he'd react to our world. In case you missed it, he checked out turning into a place that made sense to him, a place where heroes really do take up the lance to slay the dragon.
But I guess that only counts to guys like you if someone says it directly into the camera with a wink and a smile.
>You mean like when he saves people despite what it might mean if he gets caught?
That doesn't happen in BvS, it hardly is touched upon in MoS...in what, two scenes?
>They showed him struggling with his selfless desire to save people
Except they didn't really. The film just tells you, without showing you...especially in BvS.
>and not knowing what he should do because of how it could put his family in jeopardy if people found out.
Again, the execution of that in these films is so piss poor, that it barely seems there.
It's bad storytelling, mate.
>capeshitters still don't understand MoS and BvS
surprise surprise.
>the "you don't understand Snyder" meme
but you don't
That's great and all, it's just not Superman. That's Watchmen.
>. Everything they show is exactly the way our world would react to a being like him.
This to be honest. American retards are scared of a bunch of mexicans who can jump a wall. You can assume how they would react to an all powerful alien.
Yeah, I'm calling you a dumbass right along with the other guy. I only wish you were here so I could say it to your face.
See anything Greek about pic related?
Why don't you show me that copypasta explaining how to be fair, you need a really high IQ to understand Snyder?
That's great and all, but you never answered my original question, because you're a chickenshit fanboy terrified of having to admit it.
Why don't you fuck off back to Sup Forums you philistine
>Come, come now
>You're a leader... I AM a leader myself.
>villain supposedly has a concussion but still is 1. Conscious 2. Walking and talking 3. Fully perceptive of his surroundings
>exposition, how I feel, exposition, how I know, exposition, ect.
Why don't you just stick to your comic books. They are truly the superior medium.
>Sophomoric Greek allegory is smart as long as it exists and you attempt to do it, in however bland, boring, unintelligible way you can
Or maybe, just maybe...your question is stupid?
The right path is to create a story and see how the characters act and react.
Changing the characters is just lazy.
why don't you go suck Snyder's pencil dick over on r/DCU_le epic or whatever brainlet subreddit you run where you discuss shitty and lazily done Greek allegories in capeshit?
Found the dumbass. That's an allusion to an entirely different pantheon.
If you'd like some time to think about what that's implying, take all you need, because I'm done explaining shit to smug, brainlet motherfuckers like you.
Watch more movies, idiot, stop being so obsessed with company wars.
>the Egyptian pyramid framing meme in BvS
okay, now I know your shitposting.
Not him, but isn't that sort of exactly what he did?
You've never met douchebros who read 1 comicbook and skimmed a wiki page and then try to lecture you for 30 minutes like they're experts on comics
Hack Snyder is their spirit animal, he's the embodiment of the modern day fake-nerd epidemic
>asks "see anything Greek"?
>talks about Egyptology
Please fuck off back to Sup Forums
Hi John Byrne hahahahhaa
>be Sneeder
>only open stores based off of feeding and seeding
Yeah, the fact it's in a scene where he's hovering above soldiers, a reference to a deity of both light and war whose name gets mentioned in the following movie and also happens to translate to "He who is Above" must surely be coincidence.
Fuck off.
>gets btfo as a Snyderfag (nothing new here)
>"y-y-yeah, well...uh...stop being obsessed with company wars!"
Insult doesn't even make fucking sense, nobody brought up Marvel in any capacity.
We both know what you are.
Everybody knows that, user. It's not smart or interesting. It's just an allusion between Superman and (insert deity of antiquity here). They do that with Christ, Horus and Zeus.
Woah, 5deep3me, amirite?
That's Whedon you're talking about. If that wasn't evident upon hearing him write dialogue for any superhero at all, then you're beyond help. He barely got away with it with characters who were largely nonentities in the popular consciousness of the time, but when he tries it with Superman and Batman, it's just fucking embarrassing.
Nice strawman. You just honestly don't belong here.