Download the early Simpsons because someone told me its worth watching

>Download the early Simpsons because someone told me its worth watching
>All this fucking kino
>Literally every episode is good
What the fuck happened?

Other urls found in this thread:

Like everything;


You have shit taste


Oy vey, you were supposed to buy the DVD boxset for every season, goy!

>You were supposed to pay for the product you consumed.

>What the fuck happened?
Writers left for other projects. It also stopped being counter culture which neutered a lot of the appeal.

Season 3 is where the real kino starts

thankfully you can tell a shit episode from a nonshit episode almost instantly, the crisp and clean style of the post-2000 show is a dead giveaway

Seasons 7 through 13 are the best seasons

please explain

I actually can't believe this isn't common knowledge. Why did you think the Simpsons became so popular in the first place? I remember when the Simpsons became crap. It was like a family member died, I couldn't believe this was happening. Simpsons seasons 2-7 are the highlight of television history


season 2 is already very good, in my opinion actually the best. you have to get used to the raw drawing, but the writing is top tier


>Referring to watching a movie or show as "consuming"

Simpsons died in 2000-1999.
It should be common knowledge.

>not watching content providers

It started to get bad after the movie came out in 2007

S1 and 2 are cinema, 3-6 are kino, 7-9 are back to cinema, 10-13 are movie and 14 onwards are pure unadulterated flick

I hope you seeded it and aren't just a leecher.

>food analogy

underage b& or the best bait of 2017


>feed analogy

Favorite clips of simpsons?
that 3:43 scream

These are recommended for me on youtube all the time

would you refuse to borrow a DVD off your friend because you hadn't paid for it?

this is very accurate

Watching a bad episode from season 11+ still hurts me. Around season 12 it became so bad that it almost gave me anxiety the new episodes. It was painfull to see the metamorphosis to Zombie Simpsons.

I unironically bought the DVD boxsets for season 1-10 for $8-10 a pop for the commentary since I couldn't find a torrent with all of it synced up. One of my best purchases in a long time.

oy vey borrowing it's like another SHOAH

>Seasons 1 and 2 are lackluster

this is pretty decent, contrary to the opinions of neets on a popular Malaysian soy sauce enthusiast board.

10 has lots of great content.

11 is where the cracks start to show. While it still has a few redeeming episodes ("Behind the Laughter,"E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)","Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder") the season as a whole relies on a lot of cheap gimmicks and lazy writing, the episodes are a significant downgrade over the previous seasons.

12 is a bit of an uptick as far as the number of decent episodes in the season vs 11. Again its nothing compared to seasons 7-9, but it was a slight glimmer of hope that they may indeed write the ship and return to a lesser forum.

Season 13 destroys all hopes of the series returning to watchable forum, the series loses its soul and continues to shuffle forward decades on as a husk for guaranteed ad revenue for fox.

I'd say season 12 was even worse than 11. To me, it was the exact moment the show started to have more awful episodes than good per season.

Simpsons Safari, Tennis the Menace, Bye Bye Nerdie, Homer vs Dignity and of course: HOMR.

Season 1 is a completely different show and Season 2 is the show getting on its feet.

good summary. I even continued to watch after season 15 in the desperate hope that the next season would go in the right direction again. it's absurd that that 2/3 of the series is crap. would have never thought that as a kid

Anyone have a list of all the time/future related episodes? The one based off of Boyhood was pretty good.
All I can remember is the one where Lisa becomes president and Bart works for Nelson, and the most recent time-episode with Lisa growing up

>What the fuck happened?

You don't like Simpson Safari? I personally count that among the better episodes of 12, while all the others you listed I would agree are pretty bad.

To each their own, but I believe the good moments of 12 made up for the awful ones, where 11 was a pretty constant meh with some good laughs sprinkled between.

All good things must come to an end, lest they rot and ruin what was good. So you had seasons 2-9 that were good, season 1 was finding itself, and the rest was garbage. All of it, garbage. We're at season 29, with 20 goddamn garbage seasons. Less than 1/3rd of the show was good.

Let go, user.

This article from 2003 is both prophetic and sad

>The hype surrounding this Sunday's 300thSimpsonsepisode (actually the 302ndbecause Fox isn't counting two holiday "specials") has underscored the show's decline. To celebrate the milestone,Entertainment Weeklypicked thetop 25 episodesinSimpsonshistory: Twenty-four of them come from 1997 or before, meaning that only one comes from the past five seasons (which, not coincidentally, is the time period from whichEWselected its "Worst Episode Ever"). Similarly,USA Todaypublished atop-10 listwritten by the fan who runs thebestSimpsonssiteon the Web. He picked nine shows from 1993 and before, and the other was from 1997. The newspaper also askedSimpsonsstaff membersto select their 15 favorite moments and episodes, and only one person (Al Jean, the show's executive producer) chose something that happened within the past five years. Even as fans, critics, and staff members rejoice in the show's amazing longevity, they all agree: The past five or six seasons just haven't been up to snuff.

14 fucking years ago and the simpsons is still going

Season 1 is good too. Its the true pleb filter.

>watching season 4 with friends
>every episode is hilarious
>out of morbid curiosity we decide to watch the latest episode that aired
>it's a punch of awful set ups and absolutely zero punchlines
at least modern family guy, while being garbage, has some absurdist shock value. this lacks even that

Who still watches the simpsons anyway? Nobody I know does. Do kids these days care about the simpsons?

I have the first 9 seasons on DVD and still think people here are way too nostalgic about this show. its good but you guys take it way to far.

I don't know a single person that does
It's doesn't appeal to casual audiences and its turned away even hardcore fans. I have absolutely zero idea who the audience is for this.

you had to of grown up with it or been there when it was a legitimate cultural force to truly appreciate the genius and value that the early seasons hold.

I don't know anyone who still watches it. Everyone I know gave up a long time ago. I assume someone must still be watching or they wouldn't keep it going, but I have no idea who.

Honestly people say part 1 isn't in the golden age but season 4 beyond is?? They become so flandaraizes, Infact it should be called Homerized because by season 3 homer is a bumbling retard because the writers got too butthurt about mean homer so make him a clown instead. Just listen to homer's intro scream in season 2 compared to later seasons and you'll instantly know what I'm talking about, the voice actor admits he changed the voice to sound more retarded because homer was becoming more retarded. Every episode of season 1 and 2 is deep emotional, controversial poignant and from it's time, By season 4 it just becomes the silly show about a bumbling retard man and his 2 brilliant always right everybody else but lisa and bart are strawmen kids.
They were almost like a real family in season 1 and 2. Whatever let's watch the funny loser dad hit his bum bum and say d'oh lol while his kids lecture him for the 400th episode.

It was bad well before that.

Exactly Bart is the most marketed drawing in the history of the world with his face being on literally everything in the early 90s from video games to kids toothpaste you could not avoid him.

So when people think of early Simpsons its tied to 90s culture and makes people super nostalgic about it. Its unreal on this site how bad it is though when you consider the show has 20 fucking 20 bad seasons but people completely overlook that

>What the fuck happened?

There was a Halloween episode a couple of years ago that was really fucking good. Lisa was afraid of the Halloween decorations and the whole thing was her overcoming her fear. Lisa was a kid, Homer was a dumb but loving father, and the whole thing was just really sweet. It could have slipped in anywhere in season 3-9.

It was like watching a family member with dimentia suddenly become lucid for 22 minutes before slipping back into stark raving lunacy again.


No Simpsons episode in the last year has gained more than 3 million viewers. It's rightfully been on a steady decline in the last 5 years, year over year.

>having little grasp of the English language
fuck off Pajeet

I'm not familiar with that episode but there are a few nuggets of enjoyment in the trash pile that is the last 18 years of Simpsons, they are very rare and dont even compete with golden age Simpsons but they do exist.

>this episode was bad because was "muh after the 8th season"
Yall can suck a dick.

This, seasons 3-9 are unwatchable to me now after going back to the Ullman shorts and the first two seasons.

>Download the early Simpsons
where m9?? asking for a m9

Season one is a special kind of kino. It takes me back to the days of renting the VHS copies of Bart the general and the other classic episodes. Honestly, season one always brings tears to my eyes, they represented a much simpler time.

Wow. Even back then people could see how far it had already declined, but they kept it going anyway.

fair enough, but that boils down to a question of how one should evaluate a series as a whole, do you judge a series for the best of the best it has to offer? or must you consider all of the content of the show and average it out? I personally don't like to compare what I see as almost two entirely different shows. There is enough substantial differences between the old and the new content I think its justifiable, but thats getting off track. The praise the early seasons receive I believe is justified for a number of reasons, but at the end of the day it's just an opinion on an anonymous Japanese soap sculpture board that will inevitably be sneed.


Matt Groening got bored and took all the best writers to make futurama

I bet you're soooo proud of this

if you get a chance check out the commentary tracks for the first two seasons, they provide a pretty interesting look into how everything came together

>the virgin seasons 3-9

>The chad Ullman shorts Season 1&2

Not afraid to admit that multiple episodes from seasons 1&2 made me cry like a bitch
>Homer tries to kill himself because he feels he isn't good enough for his family
>Bart gets beat up everyday and is frustrated because he can't do anything about it

I know some families who continue watching the new seasons out of habit. They acknowledge the huge drop in quality, but at the same time they laugh at the dumb new jokes and enjoy the references. These people don't reflect over the garbage they watch and they certainly don't discuss their shows and movies on a Bangladeshi Kite testing forum .

For me at least the devotion comes from laughing at the more obvious jokes while watching it as a kid and then as I grew up I picked up on the more elaborated stuff. Also I realised how fucking accurate they were about a lot of stuff that happens IRL.

>ever implying season 4 isn't the apex of The Simpsons

I just did the same thing about a week ago. Three episodes into the first season and I'm thoroughly bored. Why do reddit pissboys hype it up so much?

What are you talking about? Classic simpsons was and is one of the most normalfag things ever.

kek, the first two seasons are an interesting case study for the decline in moral relevancy in popular comedy culture TV, in the sense that those seasons deal with morality more so than anything in the preceding seasons and its a trend you can outline in the early to mid 90's where moral lessons start to be watered down and then essentially disappear entirely by the early 2000s.

I see what you mean, but I disagree. I think of it the same way as a band that keeps going with only one or even no original members. Some people say that it's not really the same band and so should be judged as it's own thing whenever they release a new album. The way I see it is that they're still using the same name, so it's still fair to compare them to and base our standards of critique on the early work. It's the same with the Simpsons. It may not really be the same show anymore, but the title still says "The Simpsons" so that's still the standard I judge it by.

You should check out The Cleveland Show, it's probably more your speed

S1 isn't great, Golden age is actually roughly 3-7 though I'd say it extends a little beyond that and just turned mediocre rather than took a sharp nose dive.

We should really get a hunting party for any lost post-season 10 gems, make a whole list cause that's when I gave up

>going christmas shopping UH OH BART GOT A TATTOO PISSNIGGER
>Homer loses his job and does some other stupid bull shit idk
Nothing about season one is funny
Duly noted.

And that's completely fair as the bulk of the content is indeed trash.

>tfw remember when Simpsons used to come on Thursday instead of Sunday

lol what as dumbn analogy

animated tv cartoon sitcoms cannot be kino, fucking retard

Season 2 is by far the greatest comedic writing basic cable has ever seen.
Only a few other shows even come close in terms of being consistently funny for years on end.

>He missed the point if season one
>He's too conditioned from deep space homer to realize not everything has to be jokes and references, but an actual story with consequences, morals, and redemption

Thanks loser, shouldn't you be watching kiddie porn or talking about RLM?

Simpsons Bible Stories

You watch film, not consume it like a fatass.

Kill yourself pleb

how depressing it must be to be a millennial and not be able to relate to the beautiful human emotions depicted in the early seasons. To be this much of a heartlet around Christmas should be a crime.

the people who call everything kino are literally the people who post in Lost and Breaking Bad threads, GoT generals and RLM threads though

Shit back in the 90s I'd go over to a friends house for dinner and guess what they would be watching?


Lisa is so fucking sexy.

poor little poo in loo

>a fucking cartoon
Is this why you classic Simpsons pissboys are always overweight, neckbearded soft boys that play video games for fun? You guys drinking Ensure milk or something? What the FUCK is wrong with you?
Classic Simpsons fucking blows.
>staking this much emotional capital in a cartoon
Blow your fucking brains out, little feller. Alright.

>eat, drink, or digest (food or drink)
Exactly, retard.
Film isn't food or drink.

The act of watching a film is consuming the information it contains.