Why is she friendly now?

Why is she friendly now?

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no one likes dinos here?

Yeah. Just not Jurassic world.

because the dumb masses love that shit

She isnt, but she is old so little humans can have a chance of out run her and she will attack any big predator so the human characters can take that as a plus.

Also they are setting her up as the hero in the mid of the movie just to make her job to the indo-raptor and die so you can be sad.


She's a grandma now.

She'll die.

In jueassic park and lost world the rexes are animalistic, they dont overkill like the spinosaurus who was just a psycho killer but to not attack blue and the humans is too much
I can get blue being tame to owen but the rex? He shoulve persecute the humans at the end

Do we even know her age or what dinos lifespan was?

How long did t Rexes live for? I figured they had a long lifespan. And they already ruined her when she got whatever reason chooses not to eat the raptor and then Chris Pratt in world 1, which was bullshit. Like that T. rex wouldn't still want a meal after the indominus was taken from it.

20-30 years was their life span, apparently.

She was getting her ass kicked by the Indo and probably tired. If the mosasaurus had not been hungry, her and Blue would've gotten killed.

Yeah but she didnt get any meat from the indominus so she had to be hungry

Also why did everyone abandon the park, only the rex and one raptor were loose in the end

the t-rexes were bullies in the lost world

Would it have been better or worse if blue just stood still and the t-rex just couldn't see her. Like that was one of the trick's chris pratt taught her.

She's been around them a while now, she knows there's not much meat going, and that they helped her on occasion

Fuck Owen. That nigger only cares about Blue but the other 3. The youngest one Charlie looked at him the same way a dog looks at their owner and he didn't even bat an eye when Charlie got blown to bits.

No, they were just following their kid

CoolerHow dou

I thought she died in 3?

how do I get a Velociraptor pet?

How do you know that was charlie

That was the baby from the lost world

She tried to eat Owen and the two kids when the Indominus swing her head into the building they were in.
She also tried to eat Blue.
Owen's trying to save her now because she indirectly saved him.

She's not friendly but she hasn't been in a position where she could successfully kill a "good guy".

what if she stepped on you or ate you haha could you imagine

Around the age Rexy would be if she was born in the '90s.
She's reaching the end, bros.

He looked real remorseful about Charlie to me. He just didn't cry or anything.

Echo has the scars and Delta was green. Delta ate the mustache twirling villain later on, so it had to have been Charlie.
They released promotional images of the raptors.

I want Mama Rexy to step on me!!

>be on dinosaur island
>carry 5.56 toy guns

T-Rex martyr death pretty much confirmed for Fallen Kingdom

Yes and Chris Pratt will hop on her and outrun the lava flow

She's not

She's the face of the franchise but she's grandma-tier now

As per tradition before she exits the stage she will put over the new, rising star which in this case is Blue

The Indoraptor is the mega heel for the next movie, Blue and Rexy will team up but in the process Rexy will put over the Indoraptor and the Indoraptor puts over Blue

>all those years being stymied by hummies
>all those years of being caged up and beaten for trying to eat them

Yeah, she's just relying on her experience.

Chickens. I'm serious. I have two left now from raising a clutch in an incubator and they're the best animals I've ever owned, companionship like a dog and hunt and kill mice/frogs like cats, smart and have their own individual personalities/preference etc. Recognise their own names and familiar humans too.

Coming from someone who has owned many animals from dogs, cats rats and snakes to many types of bird (parrots, canaries, corvids, pigeons) I'd put them on par with corvids intelligence wise. I'll never eat chicken meat again only eat free range egg products. Closest thing you can get to a dino.

Honestly fuck the hybrids


>Delta ate the mustache twirling villain
The Raptors didn't "eat" anyone. There was literally no time for it to happen.

Noguns confirmed

It's a figure of speech you fucking asshat.
Saying she chewed on him sounds fucking dumb.

>Acceptable round
AR15s are only acceptable when built in .50 Beowulf, preferably with wooden furniture.

looking at the lifespan of a dinosaur is pure speculation, we can assume that most theropods died young as hunting is very dangerous and most fossil records we have are of adolescents or sub-adults. however in captivity that's a special case since you don't have to take into consideration those dangerous factors, she's not going to get her femur shattered by an ankylosaurus when all she's fed are goats. as far as modern day relatives go, crocodiles and some birds can live 80-100 years, about the same lifespan as a person. in theory, she could live through yet another trilogy, though she was fully grown by the time the events of the first movie took place which was '93 so that's something to consider.

Agreed but the coops smell so bad I can't imagine keeping them around

I own ferrets, I doubt chickens could smell worse.

Lol why eat pork then they are smart too

Owning ferrets is a trap. Same with sugar gliders and hedgehogs

>raptors and t-rexes are loveable puppy's now

fuck JW

No it isn't, the only thing that sucks is their poop. They have such great personalities and were really fun to work with.

I never owned sugar gliders but if they're like what I hear, ferrets aren't even comparable to ceiling pissing chain chomps.

Ferrets are just puppies who never grow into dogs that you need to keep inside and train like cats.

are really fun*
I need to play with them soon.

You just know there will be a scene where they discover the evil dino from the last movie laid legs before it died.

Yeah but how would dinosaurs act in real life? Even bears and tigers can be tamed to a certain extent. I can't imagine dinosaurs would be drastically different

No they just cloned a more dangerous version of it.

Sup Forums hates anything fun

t-rex could get pretty old, and they could survive and heal from near fatal wounds (one skeleton dubbed W-rex had over half it's tail missing, most likely bitten off by another t-rex in a fight. the bone showed signs of healing and regrowing before it died)
from other skeleton research scientist assume around 30 years is the max life span, if they made it that long.

of course the JP/JW dino's aren't real dinosaurs, so what their life span is would just be gues work. but rexy is old in JW.
but they need to add a giganotosaurus for once


>Have the fight of your life
>Nearly die
>Hey, let me continue my rampage

The threat was gone. Rex just wanted to rest.


She and Blue were pretty much wrecking Indo at the end there. Indo was fucked up. Rexy was too, but it was an even match at that point.

Thank you, that's my point too

Owens rifle is chambered in big boy 45-70 rounds

I loved the sealth mode holy fuck I wanna know why they implanted something like that in it's ass

>send 12 guys on foot with handheld nets and rubber bullets to capture a 40 foot t rex on steroids
The biggest failing of JW imo is that the park collapsed because of overwhelming stupidity rather than an outside force like the originals. The people running the park never came across as retards in JP like they did in JW

She's going to get killed by the new big baddie volcanoe monster

are you retarded?

Clearly not as you can't name anything I said that was wrong and most of the thread's post fall in line with mine.

Lizards are fucking retarded with their brain to mass ratio

>pretends to look deep in childrens movie about lizards

They are good now. Probally have a scene with all raptors and t- rex bonding like would be expected from shit movies like these

Sure but professional dinosaur hunter is a baller fucking job.

>eating in the middle of a fight for your life
No, she's not trying to eat Blue, idiot. She saw the Irex was distracted and when for a neck strike. Did you forget T-Rexs also had high intelligence? One of the first things we see her do in JP is test the fence.

Stop confirming you never fired a weapon before

>The people running the park never came across as retards in JP like they did in JW
it's a lot more explicit in the books, but jp was doomed to fail nedry or not. there's lots of signs that the way the park was set up, it just wouldn't work. the first dinosaurs on the tour never even showed up and the triceratops became sick because it ate plants that the people making the enclosure thought looked pretty. it reeked of incompetence and the only one who didn't point that out to hammond was the blood sucking lawyer that would have made a fortune off the place.

Thing is I'm not looking deep, I'm just not a braindead idiot who can't see that the Rex attacks the good guys when she's able to but hasn't been able to recently.
If you're having trouble understanding a children's film, THAT'S a problem.

Yes, she went for the neck. The neck is located at the front of the face, where Blue was. Clearly.
And it's less eating and more biting the tiny thing moving around.

love this meme

>finally show the Carnotaurus
>Rexy immediately kills it


>It also doesn't cloak

I hope there are more when it's the horror movie part. They would be excellent for that.

How else would have you done it? The script requied for the park to fail

Confirmed for tacticool fucktard, probably owns several Glock brand Blocks.
5.56 is fucking pathetic as a rifle round and nobody with any relevant amount of brain cells can deny this. It's only good against unarmored hajis in the sandbox.
There's a reason the US military is desperately looking to replace it as we might have to fight something other than shitskins in rags.
I bet you're a fucking Fudd and think that nobody should own an assault rifle because an AR15 would blow a deer to pieces when it takes MULTIPLE shots to down a health adult deer with 5.56.
You're a fucking idiot and even if you're hasguns you're a cancer to the firearm community with your dumb Fuddery and retardation.


>Owen and Red Head are asked by Ingen to revisit island on humanitarian mission to save the dinos before the park explodes
>Real secret mission is to recover speciao expiremental dinodna
>DNA is recovered and by accident Owen ends up carrying it
>Volcanoe erupts. Red head and others escape, but Owen dies in the ash
>6 month flash forward
>A distress signal is sent from the park and red head goes back to investigate
>The dinodna somehow fused with Owen and he is a half-human, half-dinosaur monstrosity.
>He stalks and kills the good guys until Blue comes to their defense. Remembering his bond with Blue, he allows himself to be killed by her.

man thats so stupid its awesome

>expecting idiots on Sup Forums to understand power

If animals are well fed they can be kept together without much conflict, even if they would be preadator/prey in the wild. You can make a pet out of almost any animal, as long as you learn how to deal with its untrainable habits.

However, you should not make pets out of wild animals. It's irresponsible and a burden most people are unprepared for.

For some reason i decided to watch all the movies back to back yesterday. The first one fell apart because of stupidity too, thanks to Nedry.

JW fell apart because of repeated mistakes. Even when Pratt noticed the claw marks the first instinct should not have been to enter the cage especially since they have a track on her. If anything if they assumed she climbed out of the cage that is when they should have locked everything down. Every other decision after that was terrible.

>Post-credits twist reveals he didn't die and the military is cloning him to create a raptor man army
There, now I'll believe it's by the same writers.

The idiot is defending 5.56 as a good rifle round, he probably thinks .45-70 is .45 ACP and goes in the "One Nine One One"

>And it's less eating and more biting the tiny thing moving around.
>movie deliberately shows rexy and blue cooperating to take down the irex
>blue is going for precision strikes while rexy makes power moves
Stop it.

I'm not either of these asshats arguing but this isn't a bad point. Say you had a dinosaur island with hostile dino. What weapon would you prefer? Would the difference between 7.62 and 5.56 even matter against a T-rex?

I'd say shotgun for man size and grenade launcher for the big guys.


The cherry on top is that even if the events in JW did not happen, the park would end up being destroyed by this volcano anyways.

>5.56 as a good rifle round
But it is.

>>movie deliberately shows rexy and blue cooperating to take down the irex
No it doesn't. You'd have to be a child to see it like this.
Both Rexy and Blue happened to be attacking the I. Rex at the same time.
>rexy makes power moves
Rexy does T. Rex stuff. T. Rex sees a tiny thing jumping and it's vision is based on movement. It tries to bite the moving thing.
How fucking stupid are you.

How does this fuck look worse than the one in the 20 year old movie?

>5.45 having better results than 5.56
You're proving my point lol
5.56 is fucking worthless as a rifle round

>spot the battle rifle fag

I think it looks better desu. If the older one were in the same lighting/focus it would look terrible. Placement is a big thing. I don't think that looks great, but it looks better than the old one. Too bright though.

Your meme rounds for your $400 plastic meme gun performs worse than a round that can't drop an unarmored starving gook Sad!!!

Forrest Gump: The Legend Continues

>No it doesn't. You'd have to be a child to see it like this.
The movie goes out its way to show you this. Both high intelligence animals taking down a larger threat. Otherwise, Blue would've been attacking rexy and vice versa. Even the offical site notes it was teamwork. You could even see this when they choose not to attack each other at the end of the fight. You're being retarded on purpose.

>Rexy does T. Rex stuff.
No, her behavior is extremely different from other Rex fights and attacks we've seen. She is cooperating with Blue.

>T. Rex sees a tiny thing jumping
Tyrannosaurs had excellent vision. She knew exactly what Blue was.

>it's vision is based on movement
Literally debunked in TLW and JP3.

>How fucking stupid are you.
I may be dumb but I at least pay attention to movies: youtube.com/watch?v=csxRlSN1UVk

I don't think we know where they shot him. How many times was 50 cent shot?

oldest t-rex on record is 28 years old and reached full adulthood around 20 years

so probably 40 years is the maximum age barring injury

sauropods were thought to live 100+ years. but its all speculation

From what I had seen, T Rexes reached adult size by age 20 and lived up to 30 years. Then again lifespan of wild animals is really lower than their absolute maximum lifespan: domestic cats can live up to 20 years while they rarely make it older than 5 in the wild.

But in the JP / JW setting they have been heavily tampered with genetically, so anything goes.

oh my mistake
>spot the akfag

How did the T-Rex in the first Jurassic Park bite the raptors without them exploding?

Why not just take tanks to the island, the main cannon for the big dinos and change the machine gun for a grenade launcher, if a dino comes near just blast it or retreat inside the tank, not like they can chew metal.

4 or 5 tanks should be enough to cover each others back

Yeah but Nedry being bribed by another company and purposely shutting down the electricity is not an inherent flaw in the park. The people in charge being completely incompetent and repeatedly making boneheaded decisions in the face of a crisis is an inherent flaw and makes me wonder how the park even got off the ground in the first place.
In the book they're incompetent in a different way. It was a bunch of theme park and zoo experts thinking they could run JP like Disney World or a zoo when in reality they were doing something completely different. It was a failure of hubris to imagine that they could ever possibly harness nature in this unnatural way.

JW meanwhile is
>lol a carnivorous dinosaur is out and the only helicopter pilot on the island is the literal CEO lmao