What was up with this episode?

What was up with this episode?

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a cneed and cfeed xD

very lovecraftian

>they can never show this episode again because of the sexual harassment

Homer's Feed

wtf did they feed on homer's flesh??

Would this episode even be made today?

No, they chuck it out.

what if marge pooped later that night and there were little bits of homer in her turd like when you eat a fruit have seeds in your poop haha



Sopa de homero, uma delicia


>Homer remains home while the rest of the family goes on a vacation with Patty and Selma. Homer gets comfortable, but ends up eating his food supplies, ending up with only vegetables before finding a frozen hot dog. Losing the hot dog to Santa's Little Helper in the process, Homer accidentally cuts his finger off while grilling with his severed digit cooked as he eats it. He discovers how tasty it is, losing interest in other food when invited by Ned for lunch, and starts to cannibalize himself by cooking parts of his body before his family come back. When Marge discovered Homer's self-cannibalism, she takes him to a addiction counselor for help, but Mario Batali, in search for new ingredients, convinces a despondent Homer to cook his remaining body parts as ingredients sold at Chez Homer and several restaurants across Springfield. In Heaven, Homer comments to Jesus of how he shares people eating parts of his body with him.

Also this is one of the restaurants that sells Homer meat in that episode.

Simpsons exist's solely to make fans of the classic seasons angry

Is this a Treehouse of Horror episode?

Homer is being feeded

This segment was without a doubt the absolute lowest point zombie Simpsons fell to, beating even the Lady Gaga episode by a huge margin.

This sounds awful. Who did this?

Too soon.

It was.


Says John Frink is credited for main writer on that one, and this is his credits:
