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The apex predator

Get Out 2

You just know...

""""""""""""great""""""""" britain

Get Out 2, Unzip Quicker

>these were fine watermelons.. why are you looking at me like this?


>mens favorites
>step mom
>step sister
what the actual fuck is wrong with americans?


deracination of family relationships and values

fucking weebs

Wow look at his face. He is attractive. Black people are attractive.

>The cotton is over there, nigger

>tranny men having porn hub account
>women having porn hub account
Which of these makes more sense to you?

This proves all women are at least a little bisexual

You realize the searches for black related terms are primarily niggers?
Same with all the Asian.

Divorce generation

prove it
you can't

Not even tranny desu, just catfishing or roleplaying assholes. I seriously think that 80% of female accounts on PornHub are actually men

bunch of old betas get fucking SERVED and then have to pay $1000 a month to fuck their hands.


>porn is a plot by jews, an industry dominated by jews
>taking statistics published by porn sites as cold hard fact

Create your own porn site and show the true statistics.

>my ancestor

Jews are niggers.

Is she in on the SHITTED plot across her various roles or just happy to accept the checks?

this level of mental gymnastics LMAOO

she isn't white

>finally i will be sexually satisfied

>has white skin
>"s-she isn't white because she's doing something i don't approve of!"

Luckily humanity won't survive, once the white race dies, it's over for everyone.

no one actually watches for the bullshit scenario. they all watch because the chick is hot, and completely ignore the title...i hope .

>race isnt a social construct
>also here are all of these arbitrary socially constructed lines I'm drawing amongst caucasians


Is this how the wh*Te race dies?

>white race is so powerful but cannot overthrow the small amount of jews that control the entire world

needs to have 'soyboy' and 'cuck' added.

big black dick at no 4 for girls. White boi's BTFO

Not powerful, but organized. Blind power is what's killing it anyway.

lol you poor boy

yeah the shitskin women outnumber and search for bbc so much it overpowered all white women's searches

>fuck this bitch is ugly


>Her jaw is bigger than mine

i'll look bloated when i get older so take advantage of my hot young ass now

nigger nigger nigger

>other races
>posts what wh*Te "people" did to the innocent Africans they abducted from their homeland
Wh*Te are truly monsters

>big black cock for women only comes in after their lesbian fantasies

its over white bois just give up

>fucking milf pron is number one while teen porn is at 5
The fuck? I literally get all the faps I need by searching "teen amateur" on any given site. Why bother watching a video if it isn't the peak of female form?

America went from that to this in less than a 100 years. Amazing

>I wonder what he means by "ficki ficki"

Someone edit in the blacked logo please

>I wonder if he realises that, between sexual fantasies and rage-fueled fantasies, this single frame will fill the average Sup Forums-user's mind for up to 7 solid hours a day

Good thread

Look at their eyes.
The white man at his most desired state: lusting for more blood.

What's wrong with Americans?

I'm a Jedi. How 'bout you?

That would only make the degeneracy appear on the list, user, not top it

Jews, we've been over this.

>Women registering for porn sites.
>Men pretending to be women to get nude pics of women.

I dont see how the first one is more believable though.

>the west*

those bitches look derpy af tbqh


Why are they so fucking ugly?

>Most of the women looking at porn are lesbians.

So how do we know what normal women even like?.
Do all women have a secret pornhub account?.

She's british, you Eurocuck

Did they go through with the brexit yet, or are they still listening to the jews?

Only blood will be the blood from their daughters vagina after tyrone and the gang runs a train on them hoes

The actual page with all those graphs go into more detail and from a lot of the data they make the assumption that it's the cunnilingus that they like to watch.

That girl isn't even white tho

White girl here

I prefer Indian men

>no true Scotsman

sho vagene

Yeah, sure, """"girl""""

I prefer asian women.

Well that's just pathetic.
The mark of a soyboy.

How about us drunk spics?

Not as pathetic as going soyboy on anons.

>said no one ever

look at that head, he looks like a fucking monkey

>White girl
>I prefer Indian men
Keep your chin up, Raj

Are you people retarded? Demographics are an easy enough concept to understand.
t. Jew

i love how triggered pic related makes americans

the look in their eyes...

Why do women like these disgusting niggers instead of us superior white men? Its the fucking jews I'm telling you!!!!!

She isn't white or American.


The message of this picture is understandable globally: ugly babies.

There's no way to know who is male and female on a website

Please My black master...give me some of that delicious Black SPerm....breed me like a Wh*te whore.....yu please give me some of your Superior Mambo Dick so we can stop Wh*te babies from being born....hahahahaha i abort my white i can carry ur Black child...strong fetus! Wh*te man are nothing to me! I love the Black race!

Euros chimp out even harder tho. If you don't believe me, post this pic on a board with flags.


Ah so this is where all of the shills are hiding.

Is it because the jews are pushing immigration in europe right now?




>I prefer asian women
>Is probably white

Lmao im saving all these to my shitpost folder I use to trigger Sup Forumstards


>women's favorite searches

>ignoring the fact that majority of female accounts on pornhub are roleplaying men or spammers

>implying women are searching for extreme gang bang, japanese, squirting orgasm, anal, and big black dick (implying men aren't the ones searching for that shit the most)