What is your favourite piece from Sam Neil's wide filmography?
Sam Neil
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Because fuck you, that's why
Event Horizon
Jurassic Park
In the Mouth of Madness.
>yes, one ping only captain
Ew. Definitely not the final conflict.
I'll go with Possession.
Dead Calm
Possession is such inscrutable kino
That was so amazingly bad.
A bunch of 50-year olds playing 20-somethings.
What the hell I've heard of most of those names
A spiral staircase movie, a never-ending metaphysical game of cat-and-mouse, a moral aspiration to the Heavens, a “spotlight” on God, a scornful detective movie, a horror movie and frightful, high-octane baroque work – Possession is all of that at once. It is a film that provokes, but it provokes intelligence above all – not just the merry continuation of our little social mechanisms.
Possession is a visionary, scathing attack on what could be called an “alien” from within. It is a movie that deliberately goes against the new “dominant ideology”, and takes huge risks. This deep-cutting, biological cinema, delves into the guts to reach the soul. Through its fire, it revives something that a lot of contemporary movies have lost: emotion, and the prospect of the audience reacting, perhaps even throwing up (figuratively?) in front of a screen displaying their own fantasies.
He deserved a better career that's for sure
Little fish is aussie-kino
Literally anything he's in is suddenly more interesting.
In the Mouth of Madness is a recently discovered favorite as well as..
Man he was so good in the Tudors
I didn't get it.
Jurassic Park
Hunt for the Wilderpeople
Event Horizon
The Tudors
I unironically enjoy the final conflict. Then again I haven't watched it in a few years.
It's the second best rendition of Merlin and the King Arthur story in popular media after Excalibur.
Hunt for the Wilderpeople
name a comfier guy than Sam Neil, always seemed he'd be cool to be around
I would like to have seen Montana....
Me and my pa went to see Thor Ragnarok and he happened to show up in that too, he actually seems to be in a lot of things just in the background or not for very long
I think Jurassic Park is why I have daddy issues. Sam Neil is god tear husbando material
You'll never guess who plays Guinevere.
Movie from the pic was pretty great. The omen part 3? But he outdid himself in Peaky Blinders. As a realistic, believable, villain. Blew. My. Stack. He made me want to be in movies when I was a kid seeing him in Jurassic Park and Event Horizon. He even saved JP3 for me. I can't choose. I can't you have vanquished me OP. I've been in a few real movies too, he helped push me to the dream.
I never realized how bad of an actor he actually was until I saw him in the mouth of madness
kekekekkekek I believe you
hunt for the wilderpeople is his best performance because I like grumpy old men:
Kino: Possession.
Movie: In the mouth of the madness.
A Cry in the Dark
>sees dingo take away baby
>watches Streep be a bitch the whole movie
>tfw Sam Neill tells the court “lulz I don’t understand your question, but I’m gonna fuck my wife over”
The Tudors was so good. Neill, Northam, and Frain were GOAT.
I found him to be a bit underwhelming in that movie, but maybe that's because it was a John Carpenter movie.