Name a better female cop.
Name a better female cop
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She looked so much cuter in her cop uniform in the early season(s?). Missed that.
Chick from Robocop or pic-related
I only watched one episode of Dexter it was awfully boring.
You must not have watched Fringe or Person of Interest anyway so fuck off op.
>Fringe or Person of Interest anyway so fuck off op.
You fuck off. Olivia wasnt a detective and the black detective on POS was basically back up. Atleast Fusco was useful
Linden, yo.
Short hair Deb a qt
someone post short hair deb
I really hated her plaid shirt phase that happened for like 2 seasons
she looks like a tranny
Linden was a whiny emotional wreck who should have spent the entire series on administrative leave.
This bitch is ugly
Looks like a tranny
The cop who couldn't work out her brother was a serial killer, and wanted to fuck him?
I think you meant 'worse' female cop.
Amy Santiago
She had to rely on a damn novelist to crack her cases. No way.
I thought we were talking about their body of work.
>magically solves everything as soon as the story requires it while crying her eyes out and calling everyone names
yep, it's female alright
The coalburning superslut?
Not even difficult.
the negro lady from The Wire
Don't ever, EVER, use that word again.
I'm a police officer and if a civilian like you called me a cop to my face I would shoot you dead right on the spot and I'd get away with it.
So watch your fucking ass.
Sarah Shahi was so hot in this show. Best lady cop in TV history
Robocop was mvp though
Fuck you, Pig.
that's the best part. I always wanted her to fuck me with her massive cock while yelling obscenities just like in the show
You'd lose your job and go to jail though if you did that though. Except if it's a nigger you killed, obviously.
She's like the cheap version of Olivia Wilde
what movie is it?
I think Sicario is a pretty cool guy, eh kills illegal aleins and doesn't afraid of anything.
correct answer
I dont know. Some British cop show with a super generic name I think.
Nice taste
Christ Melissa Leo got rough
lol'ing at these r-tards taking thr post seriously. it was obviously meant as satire.
>cops take their job this seriously
RIP in peace August Ames
Original was better
For sure. Could have used a few episodes less tho
do nothing for all day
Second season worth a watch? I like Gillian but the first one didn't do much for me.
Underrated post + movie
no no no no no no no
sexy cop
sexy outfit!
> does your female cop have over 30min of leaked hardcore sextape? No?
can you go into detail about this alleged tape?
souce pls
or molly or gloria
fargo got best lady cops
and sexier too
all of my hnnng
>and sexier too
sure if you're a pederast
fbi doesnt count
Objectively the correct answer.
That chick FBI(?) agent from Limitless the series
she looks like shes half lion
Becka Paulson from Tommyknockers for cuddles, Misty Knight from Luke Cage for deep humps.
She was yum. Did that cat killer get to screw her?
Christina Doppler
Who's that?
It's Christina Doppler, who do you think it is?
how does no one know about wheeler-fu
I've never heard of that show. But clearly I oughta.
She was so hot as a blond
Disappointed when I saw her naturaly
Because she's the worst CI-fu.
Law and order criminal intent
it was surprisingly ok when they alternated out bobby and eames cause of whats his name who was in the original show but once jeff goldblum showed up it got unwatchable bad
not to mention the hacker episode featuring wheeler-fu
I want to bed deb
Ok no this bitch is insufferable. Have you even seen the sopranos episode shes in?
>Ok no
No right to call anyone else insufferable.
Shes just very shallow and painfully bland.
Maybe I just dont like the actress but shes definitely one of the worst on the show, especially considering Annabella Sicora was on a season or two.
Doesn't even have reading comprehension.
I disagree. It was Bobby that made the show unwatchable. Goldblum was a lot better.
But the Logan episodes were the best of the show
She's so wooden though. Goren's partner was better
>mfw no Kima in this thread