>film is LITERALLY about beta males falling victim to toxic masculinity
>adored by altright DRUMPFTARDS on Sup Forums
Explain this. You guys realize you're not supposed to think Brad Pitt was the good guy right?
>film is LITERALLY about beta males falling victim to toxic masculinity
>adored by altright DRUMPFTARDS on Sup Forums
Explain this. You guys realize you're not supposed to think Brad Pitt was the good guy right?
Other urls found in this thread:
Post-modernism and the death of the author means I can interpret a film in whatever way I deem fit. Reclaim your masculinity, cuck.
That's the fun of it, in the movie they ridicule guys that want to look like male models and every dudebro who has seen the movie wanted to look like Brad Pitt they're just too thick to realise the irony
Ted was right.
he was number one
Tyler Durden had a very complex plan, but it made great sense. To end capitalism and revert to a primal tribal way of living. And he was going to get away with it without even killing anyone. All he did was threaten to chop off your nuts. The bank buildings he bombed had been emptied of all staff before the bombings. It was the perfect plan, and I think he made it work.
>greentext is literally gay, baseless and inflammatory
>OP probably imagines he's not a raging dick sucking retard
Explain this. You realize you're not supposed to post this outside your homo subreddit right?
>Reclaim your masculinity, cuck.
I can smell the fedora from here
>Tyler Durden had a very complex plan, but it made great sense. To end capitalism and revert to a primal tribal way of living. And he was going to get away with it without even killing anyone. All he did was threaten to chop off your nuts. The bank buildings he bombed had been emptied of all staff before the bombings. It was the perfect plan, and I think he made it work.
You fucking moron, it’s about how he’s gay. The entire film is him being gay!
I've only ever seen Sup Forums shit on fight club.
With good cause too.
I dont know who you are but its people like you that make being a Democrat
"A bad thing"
Your vocabulary, your personality, everything about you is now repulsive. Simply because you cannot accept the fact your side lost. I fucking hate donald trump but i HATE people like YOU OP, i hate A whole lot More. You've all doomed us.
t. 56% face
shhh don't let the normies know
can someone redpill me on this meme
It's a satire
But retards eat it up
This is from reddit
What are you talking about? It's about hanging out with a bunch of sweaty half-naked dudes in the basement of a bar after closing. There's nothing gay about it.
>toxic masculinity
The more I hear people use this, the less I understand what it's supposed to entail.
The movie is about how emasculating modern society is, and how that drives them to try to recapture it. But, the film doesn't seem to be entirely on board with Fight Club and Project Mayhem as a solution. It quickly devolves into an extremist cult. I don't think the film strictly has any answers, just exploring the question and possible consequences.
>Sup Forums loves it
It was literally the top of fedoracore when we still made thoses images along with every other Tarantino flick
labeling masculine things toxic and feminine things masculine to destroy the fabric of society
Here you go, buddy.
i literally become angry when a fight club thread is up and all these posts are inevitably made saying
>umm you know tyler was wrong about everything? and the narrator's life was fine morans, masculinity is really bad and it shows in the movie you retards
answer me this, is the ending of the movie a happy one? yes it is and it is portrayed as such, tyler's plan is a success
That’s because it’s on your head and you never shower so you reek of human shit. Kill yourself you fucking faggot.
reminder that the book which is considerably different from the movie and it is exactly what OP is saying. it's by a gay author not feeling masculine enough
Are you upset that we put a McDonald’s in your nations capital?
>the death of the author
he's still alive
but you fail to acknowledge that the entire movie is a comedy.
>about beta males falling victim to toxic masculinity
You mean letting out their urges?
>the good guy right?
I see you're mistaking this film for a movie. Movies have good guys and bad guys. Films have characters. The character of Brad Pitt is in the film to show Edward Norton's character its essential to just
>be yourself
or you will become someone else. Like how he had a house full of Tyler Durdens. It wasn't until the main character finally
>just let go
and shed himself of someone else's persona did he finally change at the end and accept himself and others(Marla). In many ways one could argue Tyler had the best interest of the protagonist in mind the entire time, effectively making him a "good guy" but films shouldn't be viewed in such a black/white perspective. There's many grey areas to this film especially.
They use the term redpill to describe embracing their reactionary politics even though it originates from the Matrix, a somewhat Leftist film created by the Wachowskis, whom most of Sup Forums would say are degenerate or some other nonsense. If you look at that context you coukd even say the whole redpill, bluepill coukd be seen as a metaphor for embracing their sexuality vs. staying closetted. But most Sup Forumsacks don't think much further beyond the parameters of what their echo chamber tells them, o they wouldn't get that far
What is TRP?
the movie has comedic tone throughout
that does not mean everything is upside down and the themes no longer exist
No it's not, and only ending and slight details are different
does it smell like cum?
>unironically using movie and film to dissect movies
Any more? Does Fight Club count?
why do i keep seeing this
>the term redpill is originally made by crossdressers so that means anybody who uses it is contradictory and must be disregarded
they could fuck kids it means nothing to the colloquialism
>degenerate or some other nonsense
>embracing sexuality
You realize that you are a degenerate, right? That is what the word degenerate means. Someone who "embraces" their animal nature(instinct) on expense of their human nature(reason).
Top kek, i was teached about this on elementary and never thought about it until today meme age and i thought its funny but americans butthurt about ths it is what makes it better
>claims to hate post-modernism, moral relativism and identity poltics
>when pushed on the logical inconsisties of their beliefs, without a doubt will consistently fall back on post-modernism, moral relativism and identity politics
You people are everything you claim to hate
Am I late for the daily cry about Trump thread?
You assume followers of altright or RP has any intelligence above average to think critically. You assume wrong. They wouldn't be able to tell if irony hit them in the face.
this is only half true, it is worth adding that author thinks the movie improved on his book, so the same themes apply. it's essentially about toxic masculinity.
the red pill
these fragile men think they are the pinnacle of creativity with their shitposts and memes but even their most common term is coined by literal trannies.
Nobody gives a fuck about what the trannies who invented the word wanted it to mean. It's /ourword/ now. Deal with it, faggot
bunch of pajeets and mullatoes on reddit bitching about not being able to land white wymin
>Tfw none of the brainlets in this thread have even read the sequel
Tyler is a sentient meme that jumps from generation of Jacks family till Darla gives him his own kid.
Yeah, and it's pretty much all you can claim at this point.
no one adores this movie faggot
>these fragile men think they are the pinnacle of creativity with their shitposts and memes but even their most common term is coined by literal trannies.
And our frog was some stoner comic character. What are you gonna do about it, my little estronaut?
>Someone who "embraces" their animal nature(instinct) on expense of their human nature(reason).
By that definition the only people who aren't degenerates are ascetic hermits
>No it's not, and only ending and slight details are different
yes it actually is, if you also read "Survivor" which is a follow up to the Fight club it's very apparent that Chuck was just very sexually frustrated and saw his protagonists as extensions of himself. I love the movie but the source is pretty homo.
How were they victims?
>he is claiming victory by claiming memes
How is that wall coming along sweetie?
It was written by an emasculated gay man who had power fantasies, exemplified by Brad Pitt, but he was self-aware and knew that this masculinity fetish was toxic and destructive. Altright manbabbies can only think in black and white, they see BETA BAD and ALPHA GOOD without anything in between.
A true degenerate does it whole-heartedly. Like you, who holds reverence for the concept. You could make the argument that the average person is a degenerate, but it is possible to be in-between human and animal.
>when pushed on the logical inconsisties of their beliefs
you mean that when you throw wildly different systems of beliefs into one pot and demand the resulting strawman adhere to a bunch of a priori assumptions you've made there are some inconsistencies.
You do realize that not everyone calling you a retarded cuck is the same person, right? When it comes to advocates for the rights of an author to determine the fate of his creations, Sup Forums is the last place to look. Not that you'd know, given the fact you're obviously a tourist from reddit or wherever.
your post is just as black and white only you take the other side
You know what I mean, faggot. Yes they're the same thing but looking for the good guys and bad guys in movies is just fucking stupid. They don't all work that way. Who's the bad guy in The Shining? The fucking house? What about Apocalypse Now or Full Metal Jacket? Dog Day Afternoon? Not all of them have bad guys is all I'm saying, smart ass.
Why are people on Sup Forums so obsessed with Sup Forums and the alt-right?
Uhhh no sweetie, you're supposed to realize that the MC needs to overcome his faults without falling victim to destructive hyper-masculine fantasies. :)
>be in-between human and animal.
Humans ARE animals. I'd say the only things that are exceptional about us, is language and technology
He lets Tyler Durden kill him for basically being a useless cuck in Fight Club 2 so you can kiss goodbye to your preconcieved hypothesis and theories, examine the new evidence and start again
Every man wants to look like Brad Pitt, even the people who try to displace their desires onto "dudebros"
>They don't all work that way.
Yes, but some do and you implied otherwise.
The movies you named all have bad "guys". The difference is that some movies dive deeper and go after structures rather than only individuals. At the same time a person acting in that particular structure might be "bad".
>gets BTFO
>whips out his folder of redditors with maga hats
the absolute state of mongrels, everybody
You missed the point. Humans are animals, but we are also different from the other animals in our capacity for complex and abstract thinking.
Due to his inferiority complex, it isn't portrayed as a good thing. Altright manbabbies wrong yet again.
>can someone redpill me on this meme
Shitskins in Sup Forums's attempt at a "meme."
>bitches about black and white
>reduces opposition to black and white strawman
I mean, at some point he's gonna get better, right?
It didn't matter about HIS inferiority complex
His fictional character literally came to life and killed him because he wanted to live.
t. Juan Smith, hates communism and brown people, likes mc donalds and football.
>i was teached about this on elementary
Isn't there some corner of the internet that speaks your native language you can stay in?
Basically pic related.
Which is clearly a metaphor for being overtaken by psychosis, completely involuntary and NOT a positive. How many times were you dropped as a child?
I have some respect for people that hate Trump.
I have no respect at all for half wits that say "drumpf"
What's the female equivalent of toxic masculinity?
>not the shitposting australian meme
You had one job.
>WAAAAAAAAH why don't you stick to the OFFICIAL INTERPRETATION by the AUTHOR
this is literally the film and literature equivalent of quoting tangentially related wiktionary definitions at people
>it doesn't matter what the literal author says the film means what matters is what my FEEFEES say it means
End your life you postmodernist twat.
Hmm, you kinda have a point
That's the goodstuff.
Nothing is created out of thin air. A lot of the material is thrown in there unconciously, during the creation process, which leaves a lot up to interpretation.
If you look at Nazi propaganda films, for instance, you can go by what the intended meaning of these films were, or you can analyze them from your own perspective to understand what national socialism was without necessarily having to be a national socialist.
I used to like it but then I realized David finscher is just OK as a director.
>haha I managed to tie YOU to a thing other people who share some of your opinions profess to hate!
There's nothing post modernist about interpreting shit how you want to, retard. The fact that you're even trying to push this angle is evidence that you're a newnigger from rebbit and don't understand the people you're debating.
you're tossing around terms you barely understand
Is Australia the final solution?
Not quite there.
the movie in question demonstrates he is an excellent director
explain your post
>Yes, but some do and you implied otherwise.
I implied movies don't have good guys and bad guys? No. I implied Fight Club isn't one of those movies. I implied Tyler Durden was not an antagonist and I'm even further implying you're a faggot who can't hold a conversation without putting words in people's mouths to try to help you make a point that doesn't really even need to be made. Everyone knows the protagonist/antagonist structure of storytelling just as well as the hero's journey/circle whatever. You're not educating or being funny as much as you're just being a nitpicking faggot. But do go on. Tell me all about this good guy bad guy stuff you see in movies. Who knew?
>Another famous idea associated with postmodernism is “The Death of the Author”
But he still wins at the end. You can't beat Tyler Durden
Feminists that want to keep men in farms to milk their sperm.
>trying this hard to fit in
Go back to upvote country lad.
>rejects Gucci homo manicured masculinity
>rejects robopathic consumerism
>rejects mammy cultism
>rejects wifey/gf state propaganda
>rejects identity thru purchase mentality
>rejects authoritarianism
>rejects modern technology
>rejects culture industry propaganda like corporate art
>rejects ideas of decency or propriety which are aristocratic-bourgeois in origins
>rejects production and capital
>depicts MC blowing up credit card HQ’s something that will never happen again in cinema
lol mad fucking liberal you must be
>capitalism, consumerism and corporations are leftwing
Spotted the shitskin
I don't understand this movie?
The whole plot seem retarded to me.
Some dudes saw a guy punching himself on the street and decided to make a cult like club where they fight each other?
If I saw a guy punching himself on the street, I would just walk away.