What the fuck is this movie? Even the trailer () is nonsensical

What the fuck is this movie? Even the trailer (youtube.com/watch?v=a20oRLJ4v4s) is nonsensical.
>bland as fuck voiceover
>random edgy "electrical" effect
>starring Sean Connery for some reason
>looks like it was edited by a 12 year old
Is this all that Scotland has to offer?

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The cover looks like a retiring home leaflet.


fapped to this a few times

Honestly it's probably just a money laundering scheme

fapped to this a few times

fapped to this a few times

To this fapped few times a

fapped to this a few times

fapped to this a few times

Yeah, probably got a ton of tax credits for employing drunk Scottish """animators"""
Why does Connery sound like he's being filmed at the next table?

Sir Billi is EXTREMELY silly!

Who thought that box art was ok? Not only that but why does the title look like it was drawn by a retarded 6 year old?

It looks better than the actual film. Food Fight is better than this shit

>with Alan Cumming as Gordon the Goat
>random yelling

It's pretty amazing that Sean Connery chose that as his last film appearance.

I think it chose him really.

What country do you anons live in? Is it as Silly as the infinitely silly Sir Billi?

Better than Zardoz

DCfags btfo

Is film punishment for Sean Connery being an asshole his entire life?

Thinking about this movie makes me feel weird. Like it genuinely disturbs me.

I don't like how the mustache is animated. It's off putting.

fapped to this a few times

>The filmmakers behind Sir Billi got incredibly butthurt that the Scottish Tourism started using Pixar's Brave in advertising rather then their movie.

*Scottish Tourism Board

What is there to do in Scotland?


Do coke, visit a restaurant that batters and deep fries whatever you give them, have sex with women of ill faith, laugh at Scottish people remembering they'll never be an independent nation in their life times.

Spot trains and heroine

>What the fuck is this movie?
Sir Billi

See the studio where Sir Billi was animated.

>"Do you feel in charge?"

I remember when this was a big meme here. Good times

Why does he look so horrified?

I wish I was as silly as sir billi

fapped to this thread a few times

it's a government money laundering scheme. all of the useless people with arts degrees now work for the government and can pay taxes on exorbitant salaries funded by the tax payer. wait how does this work again?

glass cunts

>post yfw when this will be Sean Connery's last movie

was it as good as "O NO NO NO" Justice League posting?

God the animation is horrendous. This was Sean's last movie?

Get #silly like 'lil billi


>Sean played James Bond
>sir billi opens with a Bond intro

>Sir Billi is relatively silly

Sir Sean Connery's LAST EVER MOVIE ladies and gentlemen.

Let it sink in.....

Based Sascha puts them in their place


Do you think he regrets it?

He probably does but would pretend he doesn't care if they asked him about it.

do heroin and vote for the english to recieve more pakis every year.

Somebody post the THICC animal in the intro

uh oh

>The film Brave went on to receive an audience score of 76% on the website Rotten Tomatoes, Sir Billi received 0%

I think it's nice that a married couple with a passion got something made and I'm sure it took a lot of hard work but they clearly have Tommy Wiseau levels of delusion about it.