"I'm such a nerd!"

>"I'm such a nerd!"
>"Oh, so you like science and math?"
>"No, I obsess over childish media franchises like capshit and wahoo bang bang to the point that I basically have a mental illness"

The state of Amerifat culture

yes that's what nerd means

That's a Geekā„¢

>A nerd is a person seen as overly intellectual, obsessive, or lacking social skills (introvert). Such a person may spend inordinate amounts of time on unpopular, little known, or non-mainstream activities, which are generally either highly technical, abstract, or relating to topics of fiction or fantasy, to the exclusion of more mainstream activities.[1][2][3] Additionally, many so-called nerds are described as being shy, quirky, pedantic, and unattractive.[4]

you're thinking of a geek
>The word geek is a slang term originally used to describe eccentric or non-mainstream people; in current use, the word typically connotes an expert or enthusiast or a person obsessed with a hobby or intellectual pursuit, with a general pejorative meaning of a "peculiar person, especially one who is perceived to be overly intellectual, unfashionable, or socially awkward".[1]

The supposed difference between geek and nerd is nonexistent and forced. "Fandom" faggots are hipster shits LARPing at being nerds.

Geek was also originally used to describe someone who would bite the heads off chickens

This is the worst wojak


Geek vs Nerd

>Likes capeshit
>Likes vidya
>lays in bed
>maybe like tabletop dungeon games
>wears black t-shirts and poorly fitted cargo pants every day
>bad social skills except with other geek men
>full of soy

>has at least one stem degree
>literally loves analyzing data and learnig complex ideas
>actually usually dresses pretty well due to having money
>has money
>actually has friends
>average levels of testosterone

Anyone who knows at least one person in either category knows that I'm right.

Essentially this. There are 2 categories being descrIbed under the nerd umbrella. Soyboy filth and smart men.

Faux nerds are retarded normies who trick themselves into thinking they are intelligent by consuming media rather than actually doing anything

What did he mean by this?

sitting on the toilet to make a doo doo

What if I'm a mixture of both?
>Likes capeshit
>Likes vidya
>bad social skills except with other geek men
>has at least one stem degree
>literally loves analyzing data and learning complex ideas
>actually usually dresses pretty well due to having money
>has money

You're all autistic cuckold faggots

Yeah you're a nerd alright lol- Me too XD
Where's my szechuan sauce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

then you are truly unique and you have to get the word out so the rest of us can worship you

I'd rather not. I don't like social attention.

>her derr im an intellectual
>im also quirky and humorous
>i also have money and dress well
Move out of you mothers basement first

I'm not quirky and humorous.
I'm not an intellectual, but I have a stem degree and work in BioPharma
I have money and dress well because of job.
I moved out when I graduated college a few years ago.

"nerd culture" is one of the worst things to come out of society. Just look at the gaming or comic book industry pre-2007 and compare it to now.

Ya'll niggas just jealous that normies took over your hobbies

>relating to topics of fiction or fantasy,


>herr derr im special n unique n smart n stuff
Have some dignity and some self awareness.

I forgot to add the nerds are respected at their workplace

But I only stated facts. I'm not unique and special.

You jelly that normal people took your hobbies away from you?

>likes complex idea n analyzing
>wanting to be classified as unique by society

100% reddit. Your comments are absolutely laced in estrogen.