This is resistance admiral Amilyn Holdo...

This is resistance admiral Amilyn Holdo, she sacrifice herself in The Last Jedi by using hyperspace jump into mega-class star Destroyer - "Supremacy"

Say something nice about her

youd think they would figure out not to spend all their resources on gigantic space platforms by now

Is this photoshop? Did they seriously got with that haircolor?

looks cheap to feed

looks like JK Rowling if she was younger and went on Tumblr more often

Who will take care of her pussy now?

In 20 years, this hair color will be incredibly outdated. Fortunately, nobody will watch these movies in 20 years.

>by using hyperspace jump into mega-class star Destroyer
how is that even possible, wouldn't she need to time this to a picosecond?

superior colored hair british woman right here.

that is the best get response i've seen in a long time.

Makes me think of my Soviet babushkas here in in east Europe.

>meanwhile admiral Ackbar die like a bitch

Incredible that I still have some good memories of Star Wars as kid and how Disney Antifa destroying it


Im glad Laura Dern is still getting work.

She takes down the great ship, white supremacy?

I thought trying to jump near a large object or gravity well pulls you out of hyperspace or prevents a jump entirely.

>enough boy wars mom wants to play too
Another unsightly female character in the abstract hopes of making star wars more popular with females and minorities.

Why didn't they just get droids to do that during the clone wars?

hyperspace lanes have been decanonized. We Star Trek warp speed nao



So is this where the Lodge sent Diane while Cooper went to Texas?

why not replace Leia with Laura Dern? I mean Carrie Fisher is dead, replace her role with Laura. Laura is Leia now, I'm serious

>fucked up liberal women own and dictating what old white guys will see in movies they were watching as kids

Revenge for Trump election I guess

And there's almost certainly technology in that universe to stop this since you know, she probably isn't the first person to try to put a ship into hyper space and slam it into something. Otherwise, why didn't the alliance just attach a hyper-drive engine to a meteor or something and propel it into the Death Star's super weapon? Why isn't all war in that universe fought by just propelling all sorts of miscellaneous shit into hyper-space at different targets both in space and on the ground? It's something that probably happened in the past, then someone said "shit we should create something like a hyper space dampener that rips people out of hyper space if they come within a certain radius of our ship." This is shitty writing because if for no other reason, it implies that in all of the history of space travel and space warfare in the Nu-Wars universe, not one single person has ever done this or weaponized it, despite it being absurdly efficient and lethal to do so. It also then forces the device I mentioned earlier to be invented between now and the next movie, because everyone may as well get battle droids to pilot big junk ships at hyperspace and slam them into enemy ships. This is one of those many examples of the Nu-Wars violating the ground rules laid out in previous movies and requires the same set of fanboy hoop jumping to justify it.



>Han dead
>Luke dead
>Kylo is the big bad now
>Finn is an idiot who needs Rose to rein him in
>Poe is an idiot who needs Leia to rein him in

I think I'm seeing a pattern here


Are you forgetting NuPhysics?
>"Aaaaaand NOW!"

>Say something nice about her

Nu-Wars yet again rewrites the rules for Star Wars' technology. In The Force Awakens it was Han lightspeeding through Star Killer base's shields. Now it's hyperspace ramming manuevers.

Hyperspace jumps don't work like that. If they did, ship-to-ship combat would be nothing but hyperdrives strapped to asteroids, piloted by astromechs, Kamikazying each other.

What a shitshow.

Does she say Alahu akbar?

They would have to give her purple hair. This movie is going to be dated as fuck in just 5 years.

Nu-Wars: Attractive People Need Not Apply