Will it be kino?
Will it be kino?
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>5 minutes of gameplay followed by 30 minutes of cutscenes
Yeah, just a shit game
Not Sup Forums. Go neck yourself.
Kojima is the modern day _______
Gonna be honest. Trailers for MGSV and Death Stranding were more interesting than shit from Marvel/Disney/DC, most of Hollyjew anyway.
Closest you got to DS trailer is The mist, and that's fucking Stephen kuck and not really close, close
Thats because the competition is high and their audience isn't brain dead like marvel fans.
I'm sure the fans of MGS will think so. It's an acquired taste and it's not really for me. Too much cheese in Kojima games but the mech design is awesome.
If I could give Kojima some advice though, I'd tell him to not waste money on hiring celebrities for their likeness in video games. It really seems a needless waste of money when you can find people who look similar or model your own.
I hope for SOME fucking exposition this time because jesus fucking christ MGSV failed to deliver on that front
>mfw the guy started stabbing himself
It definitely caught my interest. As long as it's not as goofy as MGSV.
I see what you're saying. I think it helps the hype factor though if hype is what you want to create for the product.
there was literally nothing goofy about MGSV
>meme actor
No thanks.
Such a lust for revenge! WHOOOOOO!?!?!
I've never played Metal Gear because I'm just getting into vidya, but I'm pretty hyped for this.
There's something goofy about every Metal Gear game. It's part of the charm.
Stop shilling this until it has a release date retard
this and boss battles, they were what made MGS games so great
It will be trash like literally every other video game.
It's metal gear.
Goofy is part of the charm.
You misunderstood me, I meant that MGSV didn't have that goofiness which makes MGS great
>implying this is a bad thing
That'd mostly because 5 barely had any story aside from the exposition tapes that you find.
You could fuck with the AI though, I had fun with it.
Christmas 2018.
still way too early to shill
The hell is up with that baby anyway? I know that it is linked with the interdimensional creatures but what is the purpose of it?
the dude who was originally carrying the baby gave daryl the thumbs up when he thought the invisible monster shits had gone away. maybe it's some kind of clone. i don't know.
It'll most likely be like every other kojima experience. A good idea not fully implemented due to budget and time constraints. Maybe Sony gives him a bigger leash than Konami but we'll just have to see.
I love it. New trailer was Lovecraftian, Lynchian, and even a little Kafkaesque! This game's gonna be friggin EPIC, right fellow Sup Forums bros?
Every time I see this I think its the internal creampie shot.
the newest trailer is supposedly the earliest gameplay wise they've released but we learned some new things about the gameplay from it so the rain is form another dimension which is why it cause the plants to grow then age almost rapidly or why the guy has his face age while it hits it we also learned that when you die in the game you are sent to a purgatory type world the upside ocean we seem him in after the explosion and in these areas we can gather certain items and explore so dying isn't the end
>when Sup Forums will talk about vidya more than Sup Forums
Pax Hamburgana.
Kojima's directorial debut will be a laughing stock.
Awful writer. Unoriginal hack. Worse than taratino
Sup Forums hates video games.
Why is this off-topic thread being left up wtf
disney not pay and now taking bribes from sony is the only option left??
It's actually not though. I'm betting he has more of this done than you think.
>I'd tell him to not waste money on hiring celebrities for their likeness in video games.
he does that because he is a huge fanboy faggot, I know he is star strucked every time he meets one of the celebrities and the celebrities act almost ashamed since their assistant told them Kojima is the greatest turd in video game industry. So you have a jap stuttering and vowing constantly and an ameriturd trying to follow up. Must be like 10 painful minutes of this faggots just saying hi on each encounter