your arsehole?


Kylo kills Snoke. Luke dies.

my head gash with bondo

kylo cuts snoke in half and theres a pause and snoke's upper half falls over and another pause for audience laughter

Wasn't Snoke supposed to be an alien? Why is he just a decaying human geezer in a bathrobe now?

He was supposed to be Plagueis as per JJ but Rian threw that out the window.

Someone spoil me. Who the fuck was Snek? If they killed him off did they at least explain where the fuck he came from?

No one knows, it's a fucking trainwreck with Disney. They were going in one direction then said "fuck it" and killed him off.

>here's this mysterious powerful villain
>and here he is getting sliced in half by an ugly jew


but if snake/stroke dies who the fuck will be the villain in the next 4 star wars movies?

tell me about snoke

Just some bad guy. Kylo kills him in the new movie.

Was Plagueis, turned into a nobody, now he is just an old rotten corpse sliced in half.

They make this shit up as they go along, nobody knows

So Kylo is a good guy now?

Man he couldn't have been like an evil Whills or some shit? Literally a no-background character that gets teased like hell only to be killed in his first proper appearance? And to think I actually had hope for this shit.

Snuke, Snoke's brother seeking vengeance. He's extra white and 100% heterosexual. Mary Sue and Edgy kid will side together, light and dark side, to defeat this pure evil, bringing balance to the force. Like pottery, semite pottery.

I'll only watch it if Finn and Rey have a chimplet and Kylo willingly watches it get conceived. Anything less is too far-right for me.

Or literally JJ will just bring back Snoke in Episode 9 "because muh Darkside ancient powers" and reveal him as he initially intended to be Plagueis and fuck that Kylo boy up.

>he initially intended to be Plagueis
I call BS. Maybe in Luka's ideas, but I bet the Mouse isn't even aware that Plagueis existed.

JJ wanted Plagueis, he even likes the prequels and worships George, and he was enough yes man to please Disney for the first film. Rian and Disney changed their mind for the second film and said fuck that and killed him off.

>JJ wanted an old white heterosexual man
Again, I call BS.

Cool, doesn't change it.

Why doesn't he wear the mask?


I smell a Snoke spinoff movie in the works