Name a good lovekraftian movie.
Name a good kafkaesque movie.
Name a good lovekraftian movie
This thread is a bit Kafkaesque
The movie about your life because you're some kinda freak show
Awfully Joycean of you to say
Mullholand Drive
>Name a good lovekraftian movie.
I can't
>Name a good kafkaesque movie.
The Lobster
Imagine being such a pleb you mention that hack like a peer of Kafka
In the Mouth of madness
Groundhog day
>Name a good kafkaesque movie
The Tenant by Polanski
Kafka did a pretty solid job at acting in The Sopranos.
From Beyond
Bruno Schulz was very much inspired by Kafka so I guess this counts?
Arrival is actually a lot more Lovecraftian than most things that get normally labeled as such.
I respect how directly racist lovecraft was
those same 5 movies everyone post all the time
The Trial (Orson Welles)
Don't get too excited. He did marry a Jew.
There are no good lovecraftian movies since it's an aesthetic that only appeals to manchildren
The Thing
Killing of a Sacred Deer
>Name a good lovekraftian movie.
In the Mouth of Madness
>Name a good kafkaesque movie.
Joseph Kilian
Gorod Zero
Detenuto in attesa di giudizio
Hourglass Sanatorium
if you actually read kafka you will find he is not "kafkaesque" at all
Awfully Diogenesian of you.
i've read kafka and it is very kafkaesque
Sneed 2: Feed's Revenge
but this is cronenbergian and burroughsesque
His racism stemmed from the fear of other cultures combined with the era. Like he didn't name his cat Nigger because he hated black people, he named it that because it was black and that wasn't a weird thing to call a black cat. He was racist but I don't think he had any genuine ill will towards other races.
Name a good beckettian movie.
inb4 Film
Turin Horse
How kafkaesque...
Niggerman is unironically the best non-speaking cat in all of fiction
Arrival is way, way, way too optimistic to be remotely Lovecraftian/Cosmic Horror
Still more lovecraftian than most things that get called lovecraftian.
Well, we don't know how much fucked the DISTANT future will be
Maybe Abbot and Costello contacted a race of aggressive apes to deal with shit THAT MUCH fucked
he clearly states that black are an inferior race in his correspondance.
his antisemitism was more subtle tho. he didnt regard jews as inferior, but didnt want them to pervade american's culture
Was it Kafkaesque for an Anglophilic racist like Lovecraft to marry a Jewess?
The Double
Waiting for Gadot
"film" by Samuel beckett
I thought that was nietzschian
How is MD kafkaesque?
donnie darko
the terminal
Kafka: Mulholland Drive
Lovecraft: Absentia
Post-Nietzchean ergo proto-Beckettian
I never knew it before seeing that picture, but apparently Dumbo is Kafkaesque.