Wish i didn't bother to watch this. outside of the clips on youtube that everyone's seen...

wish i didn't bother to watch this. outside of the clips on youtube that everyone's seen, this movie is just super boring. i just don't get it.

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Then don't watch it next tme

What a story, Mark!

i won't, i promise.

Make some friends and watch it with them. "So bad it's good" movies are only good with a group

It's actually legitimately fun to watch with friends.
With a bunch of drunk mates yelling at the screen is SUPPOSED to be how its watched, not alone on your PC like a fuckin nerd.

It's better than TLJ at this point.

hay Georg Rockall-Schmidt

you need to smoke weed

you're just supposed to name drop it so people you're really into movies and weed

Its garbage. Anyone saying its fun because its "bad" is literally autistic.

>Why is this comedy movie less funny after I've spoiled myself to all its best jokes

It's just a movie. Don't take it so seriously, okay?

This, I watched it drunk with some friends in college and had a blast just pissin' on it. It wouldn't be the same watching alone or with just a friend in a sober type of mood. It's stupid and meant for a stupid type of afternoon or like a pre-gaming thing

You just don't understand. This film does has a multitude of problems but for all the right reasons. Sure every character is horrible and almost alien but they are all distinct. The sex scenes show how love operates in the mind of the genius Tommy Wiseau. The breast cancer and Denny's drug problem showcase that every person has their own life and dilemmas. You are clearly just an uncultured swine

Also add alcohol consumption.

The Room is worth watching because not one single scene is pulled off well. Nothing went right in this film. Constant sex scenes, plot points that lead to nowhere. A budget of 5 million dollars despite the fact that nothing in the film shows the money was well spent. It was made by a man who, while not mentally retarded, is up there in terms of lack of thinking. This movie is the worst movie ever made, but it was made with an unironic intention. It's not made to be a comedy.

This is why film fans love it, because it's so bad, but it's honest.

And then you get these plebs:

I'd say watch with friends but you don't have any. I'm sorry.

kek, please be honest. Did you actually watch this on your computer buy yourself?


yes i did. don't act like you don't do the same.

This movie you have to see in the cinema at the midnight screening half drunk with a group of good friends. Of course you didn't enjoy the film, you must have really hated this thing

oh hi leddit