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Compared to Paddington, it looks shit.

>This is like watching an actor dress up in my dead dads cloths and walk around the house pretending to be him.

Based yt comments
But really when will Sony J U S T fuck off and die already.

Is Sony pictures the most out of touch film company in history?

>Peter Rabbit movie
Oh cool, this should b-
Oh fuck.

Can't Sony pictures just go away?

Fucking Americans can't help themselves. They're a joke of a country.

The animation department should stick to Hotel Transylvania and the regular movie studio should fuck off.

Because Paddington was made by the Brits.

>James Corden

top kek, that fat faggot needs to die so we can ship him back to the UK

Id be surprised if anyone involved with Peter Rabbit has even visited the the Beatrix Potter museum in Windermere

Why are bunnies so homo?

How does Sony aquire all these rights for beloved franchises?

Why make shitty movies?

What possible reason?

Why use beloved things?

Why release it when you know its shit?

I'm surprised Brits can do animation other than shitty claymation.

It's a kids movie with a marketing budget so it's going to make it's literally free money for the studio.

Why peter rabbit though?

playstation money

better than most in my opinion
cant link video directly

British visual effect studios are some of the best in the world that even Americans come to them for work - Framestore, Milk VFX and Double Negative being a few of the main players.

Didn't mean to quote

>That awful poster
>Absolutely shits on the source material
>James fucking Corden

Everything about this is hideous.

Slight name recognition? I don't know, I'm not a marketing exec.

It's the brits fault for letting James Corden get any amount of fame in the first place.

I just fucked myself in the asshole with a carrot.

The same company who animated Paddington did that raccoon thing in Guardians of the Galaxy.


>white male comes face to face with a cute little pig
>screams like a little girl

what did (((they))) meme by this?

>Rose Byrne
>Daisy Ridley
>Margot Robbie
>Elizabeth Debicki

Did Sup Forums cast this movie?

>No Felicity Jones as a rabbit

Do you see Idris Elba? No? Then Sup Forums didn't cast it.

Why show . character that kids can learn from or think about when you can have a cuck to laugh at (and not in a "he's pathetic way" but in sympathy with). Jesus fucking h Christ.

sadfu just can't pick a good role

My wife really love Beatrix Potter and Peter Rabbit specifically. When the first trailer came out I told it was worse than anything you could possibly imagine. When she eventually watched it she turned to me and said I was right.

I have no idea how Sony managed to come up with something so utterly unredeemable.

calm down europoor. Sony isn't america.

That's why she's sad.

not so sad anymore since getting GYPPED


lmao don't fucking give me that, this is a pure American production. Japs love the traditional style of Peter Rabbit and Beatrix Potter so much that they even created a replica of her house.

if you are referring to aardman animation in anything but a positive light, you sir, can eat my ass

The fact they can make their CGI stuff look like their stop motion stuff is pretty neat.


When Japs do a take on British literature they create things like Arrietty and When Marnie Was There - a respectful and well handled creation, not some travesty like this.


You are all ignorant fucks, Gavin & Stacey is sitcom kino and I watch the entire series every Christmas

But does those movies create huge benefits?

Please stop, James.
He was never funny, will never be funny and his opinions are political cancer. Aside from not wearing glasses or having a beard he is a numale cuck.

>Ginger soyboy

Pick one


Unfortunately it seemed to give Corden an overabundance of hubris. I don't think he's done anything good since then.
Also Smithy was the worst character

I can confirm

I had a male rabbit who would fuck the neighbor's male rabbit any chance he'd get. At least my rabbit would get on top though, even though he was smaller. Alpha af

I'm a britbong and you're the biggest normie retard if you think thata actually good

she should have picked the role as my wife

better animal cgi than jungle book

How do we stop Sony bros?

Would you like an omelette?

fuck portugal the man is fucken gay

dude took the chorus of Please Mr Postman, changed the lyrics and turned it into a whole song.


you lads just wait till the alt right shitters find out that beatrix potter was a socialist fabian, they'll find some way to say this is brain washing kids, i mean it is, with shit, but they'll see like fifty levels of subliminal messaging.

holy shit john gourley

It's going to happen isn't it? Childhood books and shit are going to be forever tainted by this hyper politicized world, isn't it?

that trailer was FUCKING SHIT.

Dear lord why, I hate to sound like a whiny prick but Peter Rabbit and Friends was my childhood. Great animation and nicely balanced story, it was just really good and wholesome.

Then there's this.Sony pictures animation does it again. More generic badly animated shit with pop-cultural references, offensively bad modern pop music and humor that ought to be considered a violation of the Geneva convention's laws on chemical warfare. I just fucking love watching people yelling, It's so hilarious isn't it.

Also I hate James Corden, he's a fat, dumb, unfunny cunt who needs to be fucked up the bum by a train.

It's honestly hard to believe how out of touch Sony are with their audience. They fuck up everything, even Bond which was going pretty well managed a serious quality drop with Spectre. They just seem clueless.

Listen to this to soothe your pain.


I hope they don't touch Squirrel Nutkin.

Americans need to stop falling for the 'British accent is charming and intelligent' routine.

Brits are basically Americas migrant workers in the show business sector. There is a reason all the British media personalities that are popular in the states left the UK because nobody liked them here and they were unsuccessful (John Oliver) or had to hide away for some controversy to blow over (Piers Morgan).

>Rabbits not fat like its VA

>I'm a socialist
>sells storys for capital gain


So hold an international football tournament and invite all the english and maybe even the scottish. All you need is one riot and English american relations will be the same as they were in 1812.

Cant wait for this adaptation, complete with Queen Latifa

>Peter Rabbit then

Something bad happened to our society and culture.

beatrix potter a cute.

>No Anna Kendrick as a mouse

Seriously. Having Felicity Jones play a rabbit and Anna Kendrick play a mouse would be perfect.

By not watching their films. It's pretty simple. Then again, I wouldn't have expected you to use your initiative. This is Sup Forums after all.

It's a mouse not a rat.

That's what I said.
Anna Kendrick should play a mouse.

That opening was so promising

Holy shit man this takes me right back.

I'm just mad at this point. I watched Peter Rabbit on VHS when I was a little kid.

This song still plays in my head from time to time. And now the pieces of garbage at Sony want to "update" it.

It has none of the charm of the original.

Post yfw Mr. McGregor is coming

>In a concrete bunker situated miles below civilisation lives a crack team of scientists dedicated to one thing and one thing only: ruining Peter Rabbit as comprehensively as they possibly can.

>Parents of young children might be fooled into thinking that their mission has already been a success. After all, there’s already a CBeebies Peter Rabbit adaptation that paints the sedate, 115-year-old Beatrix Potter character as a go-get-’em adventurer whose escapades are typically soundtracked by a series of nightmarish sub-Levellers songs about standing your ground and laughing in the face of danger.

>But the scientists persisted. Yes, they’d hugely damaged the Peter Rabbit brand, but they hadn’t yet irreparably ruined it. Then one day, one of the scientists called his colleagues around. Shaking with the power of his own awful imagination, he pointed at what he’d written on his blackboard. It read “3D live-action/CGI animated adventure comedy movie”. The other scientists gasped, but one – emboldened by this hideous new vision – went one step further. He grabbed a piece of chalk and, trembling, added “Starring James Corden” beneath it. The scientists applauded. One started vomiting. They’d done it.


Isn't Peter Rabbit public domain? can't anybody make a Peter Rabbit film at this point?

I wish the Guardian weren't such cucks because they can be beautifully vicious when they want to. I remember there being a great story about how award winning Shakespearean actor Patrick Stewart was set to play a piece of human excrement.

74 years since potters death, so they have 1 year. Probably why this movie is being made

