Sure, it's realistic they'd send just 4 women into something like that.

I mean, it's not like teams are comprised of varying sexes and ethnicities in the real world.

Other urls found in this thread:

Its bleak as fuck in all honesty. The whole world dies to some eldiritch level glitch

>some eldiritch level glitch
Come on, an all female team isn't that much of a fuck-up.

I imagine it follows the books? They had multiple expeditions, only the last one was all female for kinda sorta plot reasons.
Every female character being a COMBAT TRAINED and STRONG got exhausting fast though, the writer is 100% numale cuck.

lol WTF...Why are they all women..

I don't doubt that it may be good, what bothers me is that with the new trend of "inclusiveness" and "female empowerment" we still aren't representing reality.

Sure we have women in more prominent roles, but when we do we go too far and make the whole damn movie "all women".

In reality there would have probably been 2 men and 2 women, at the least on the team.

But then again, 2017 is the year "man-hating" became acceptable and "cool".

I guarantee you if the team was made of all men, we'd have a shitfest online and in the media about it.

I read the three books (the sequels are quite bad), can you remind me why they sent an all-female team?

I hope women are gonna pay to go see this cause im not watching this "muh strong woman" bullshit. Another movie ruined, one that looks to be set in a promising sci fi setting.

They go in to study it, not stop it. It ends up taking over the whole planet. They cant stop this bubble that basically warps reality inside.

Basically one of the last thing they didn't try yet. They were mostly throwing shit at it and trying to make it stick. Guess everyone being a dyke pushed it there.

Pls can you give me a complete run down, I wont see it but i' curious

This looks like someone watched "The mist" and thougt "hey lets add all that inane, disappointing bullshit from "The Village" to it

>Waaahhhh women waaahhh
See this is why normalfags need to go. You guys care so much about checkboxes that you're literally throwing a hissy fit over imaginative scenarios without knowing any of the context.

These people are literally throwing bodies at an eldritch plane trying to see if theres anything or any way it will react. They are the equivalent of different labrats thrown into space to see what happens. Hell the main character herself and the entire premise of what is happening is based on her being an anitsocial neckbeard about biology.

This whole book series is retarded.

Has noone is this entire thread actually taken the 4 hours required to read the (excellent) book?

It's an experiment to see if the zone responds differently to different team compositions. The fact that that idea is ridiculous straw clutching is the entire point - they have no idea how anything works inside.

>no trailer
looks pretty good.
>calling the author a cuck
>still buy and read all his books to ""shitpost"" on the internet
you definitely showed him what a loser he his, user.

I forget the reasoning but they were basically trying something new everytime. They tried sending mixed teams..all male teams..finally this female team, who fail anyway.

>buying books
What? Is it even a thing? Not to mention I only read the trilogy because of the good first book and generally good reviews.

>muh strong women
Lol user, could you be any more wrong or triggered over nothing?

Movie looks comfy. Very BeksiĊ„skiesque

That movie looks so bad. It looks like an animated photoshop image. The CGI looks horrible.

Who the fuck comes up with this shit!?

They're literally swimming in these males clothes. the state of Hollywood. Kike producer fuck you attractive thin women, they get roles for characters written for men.

The books give hints as to what's happening but they don't explain it.
>large piece of coast in the US was shut off after an inexplicable "ecological disaster"
>some scientific institution in charge of understanding what happened and what the fuck is going on inside area X
>sent a bunch of teams, all ended in disaster
>they don't know wtf is going on so they just send groups of people following various criteria
>twelvth expedition is "all women" criteria
>spoiler: shit goes wrong

They are playing with the parameters

>not going to space to try and get away from LSD land

looks purt good

You didn't spoil how the entire thing happened because of alien terraformation device gone haywire and impregnating gay ex preacher, transforming him into some transdimensional slime poet.
Wish I was shitposting.


The roles were literally written for women.

It's all conjecture!!!!

Anons on Sup Forums are worse at demanding representation on screen than any woman or POC I have ever seen

The tone of this seems incredibly off. The book is about this super rational almost autistic biologists slow descent into madness while confronted with cosmic horrors. This shit looks like Ripley fighting off xenomorphs.

>It's something they termed "The Shimmer"
Oh not one of these fucking stories. I hate fucking new young adult fiction that gives everything the fakey ass "the" names.
>The Scortch
>The Barge
>The Quarter Quell

That's a term the movie came up with. The books are nothing like YA fiction.

Read a plot summary of the books, then come back and tell me why you're retarded

>Read a plot summary of the books

I have, there's no reason they couldn't have made the movie about any of the other teams, or a combination of them.

But you are retarded, so you probably can't think logically anyway.

Yeah let's just make a movie that is not about the book at all

It's literally following the book, and you're complaining because you think they are trying to twist things to suit a leftist narrative. If the book had an all male cast and made this change, you would have a case here. Instead you're just bitching for the sake of it.

So every fucking movie where something something is tight to a female, a woman or something is not a male is bad or is a problem or is not logic...

Jeez, fucking christ, you bunch of fucking looser, go back drinking you onionjuice.

If it follows the book the women are gonna go hysterical and turn on each other quickly. It's not a bunch of strong queens blasting monsters. Books are decent as far as modern fiction goes tbhfam

>animated photoshop image
could you be anymore stupid?

>sees director's name
oh ok I'm intrigued
>sees all female lead
oh shit the internet will not leave this alone

Please familiarize yourself with the source material before you criticize something, fucking plebs