No one rapes like Gaston

>No one rapes like Gaston.

He must have taken advantage of a drunk girl or two at least.

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In the 2017 film, he references missing the "widows" of wartime.

Guess he moved in on some helpless, defenseless women whose husbands died in the wars.

More like "conforting" the widows

They weren't drunk.

>Implying Gaston isn't alpha enough to conquer any girl without the use of alcohol like a loser beta would


>No one blows his head off like Gaston

There's no reason to think Gaston is actually an evil person. Why do you think he's a rapist?

>He's kind of a sleaze, but he's actually the only person in town who doesn't shun Belle besides her father.
>As far as he can tell, Belle's father IS mentally ill, so he's trying to get him help in the way that his society treats the mentally ill
>Belle disappears and is believed kidnapped, then returns talking about a monstrous beast who she "loves," which sounds like Stockholm syndrome, or some kind of curse, and Gaston RAISES AN ARMY TO GO DEFEAT THE MONSTER, for no reason other than to rescue Belle

Name a single Disney villain who's less of a dick.

I'll accept Scar, though I think he was a bit sadistic in the execution of his plan even though "kill the king who makes an entire population starve in a graveyard eternally, and try to help them" isn't evil in itself.

One thing I hated about the live action version is they cut out the "BELLE IS MINE!" line just before he dies, because that indicates he wants to kill the Beast more out of jealousy than concern about this monster that he thinks kidnapped Belle.

in the DVD commentary of the original version, the director says they actually changed the line to "Belle is mine" from something else for pretty much that exact reason.

Sid from Toy Story did nothing wrong.

Shit, you got me. I forgot about Sid. Poor bastard. I'm glad he turned out okay.

Pshaw, as if the chicks wouldn't fug him sober.

Isn't he implied to be a garbage man or something in 3?

Yeah. But he seems happy. Singing and dancing while he works. He didn't end up rich, but he ended up okay. Which is amazing, considering what he went through.

Only Belle was good enough for him, in his mind.

He died a virgin.


Prince Hans
>Wants to marry a princess as part of his royal duty.
>Woos Anna & proposes to her during the only window of opportunity.
>Following orders of royal of kingdom he is visiting, concerns himself with the welfare of the public while assauging relations with other officials.
>Assembles a search party when princess's horse returns with an empty saddle.
>Goes to queen's hideout with party & prevents queen from being shot & committing murder.
>Brings queen back home but handcuffs her as she is a danger.
>Admits to the princess that he was not in love with her.
>Believes princess is dead at the hands of the queen so sentences queen to death for treason.
>Believes killing queen will end the blizzard that is killing the public.

But that doesn't hold because he knew full well he was leaving Anna to die

What could he do to stop that?

he sure as hell didn't try to HELP her at all

After the way she treated him, why would he want to help? Besides, no use in prolonging her suffering. Locking her in the room allows for her to pass peacefully & prevent others from being subjected to her suffering.

How can Hans help her when she is dying from freak magic?

He's probably better off than Andy in the end

>Sid, well paying job that'll, at least partially, help get him fit that has benefits
>Andy, in debt from college, will most likely spend the next decade or so trying to pay that off working so dead in retail job

Did Hans commit any serious crimes? Or can all be written off as circumstance or a misdemeanor.

He attempted to usurp Elsa's throne. That's definitely a crime by royalty standards.

No one gapes like Gaston

People here actually think Gaston is alpha, knowing full well if anyone acts in anyway to him, they'd be arrested, accused for rape.


Is it really usurpation if he was going to inherit it via marriage? If the queen went awol & caused the death of her successor?

Maybe in modern times, back then he would have had a massive family and be in the upper merchant class if he just married up instead of focusing on a uppity peasent girl with marginal land

He was already the greatest hunter in the world (at least, as far as those French peasants knew) and had full control over the entire village's egg economy. How much more powerful could he get by "marrying up"?

Corey go home

>eating 4 dozen eggs every morning helped make get large
>eating 5 dozen eggs made him roughly the size of a BAAAARGE
What if he ate 6 dozen eggs ?
Or 7 ?

Gaston was just a big fish in the small pond that was that village. Unless he married someone from outside the village with plenty of holdings, wealth, land, some combination, etc that's mainly outside the village as well he can't really marry up.

Andy's family had bank. Why do you think they moved so much? His mom flipped houses. Probably made out like a bandit on the real estate market, and if she invested well she would be doing even better after the bubble burst.

You ever wonder what happened to Andy's dad? I'm thinking Gulf War I. Rex was rockin' the SNES in Toy Story 2, so it fits the timetable. They probably get benefits or something too, and Andy's mom is just trying her best to keep the family moving forward. Hence all the toys for Andy.