What was the message of this movie?

What was the message of this movie?

Women aren't worth the trouble

Ignorance is bliss

Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all

Sometimes it is good to remember some things even if shameful or bad
Sometimes it is good to forget certain things as well
Everything leaves a mark, a residue, it turns back the same if you don't transform it
We don't need to manipulate ourselves and each other so much

this was a style over substance piece of shit

You're confusing this with the Moulin Rouge.

women who dye their hair unnatural colors are emotional trainwrecks and will cause you nothing but mental turmoil and emotional anguish if you let yourself get close to them.

>What was the message of this movie?

Women are subhuman

I watched this the other day. What the fuck was the moral of this movie? What's the deal with the harmonium? Why were his sisters so bitchy?

the exact opposite of this

the memories he was trying to erase were some of his fondest memories, something he only realised halfway through the process.

love hurts.

"I want to tear it all down- Skywalker, The Resistance, the First Order, the Jedi..."

drink a lot of soy milk and consume liberal braining media

how long have you been going to Sup Forums?

Can you even imagine how awful is would be to work with Jim Carey on set? Just imagine: You're trying to get the final scene for the day, you're all tired and hot, but Jim's found a pineapple with a long leaf and he's running around like a hyperactive autistic child mimiking something he saw on Youtube once. "Oh hey there, Mr Long Leaf, what are you doing today?" Then he mimics the pineapple speaking "WELL JIM BOY, I'M GOING FOR A HAIRCUT AND A MA-SAAAAGE. tHEN i MIGHT GO FOR A PIZZA!?"

And Jim does the Jim Carey laugh, and everyone on set has to laugh too, or he'll carry on until everyone's laughing. So the director calls for the next take, but now he's moving around the set with the pineapple, talking to each person individually. "Boom operator? Ha, do they let you even go on planes any more?!" "Gaffer? You look far too young for that!" Then he notices you, which you've been dreading since the start of filming. "Best boy? Woah, my momma told me I was the best boy! What do you say to that?" But he actually seems to be looking for an answer, and he actually looks angry. "I-it's just the job title, Mr Carey" but his mood's fucking turned. He turns back to the set, and everyone's looking at you like you've done something wrong and you vow to never, ever be in a Jim Carey film again.

4 years

A timid man searching for something to fight for and love.

An idyllic vision of harmony and love, and other people find strange.

Because he doesn't know how to stand up for himself (out of chivalry or no masculine model to learn from), they walk all over him, eventually becoming unnatural and offensive to them when he does.


you should probably stop going there if you don't know where the soy meme originates. i think you've been trolled, hard.

protip: anybody that uses the term "soyboy" is either a newfag or an idiot that got memed. if you're not a newfag, that only leaves...

not that guy but thanks for the insight. i’ll make sure not to use that word on here. i don’t want anyone thinking i’m new lol

>omg i'm so random xD

yes thank you, i really wanted to love this movie, jim carry obviously loves his shit, but this was so pretentious i couldn't sit though it

So many chicks out there to fuck and "fall in love" with. Endless amounts of women out there. Like clothes, you can get a new "One" every fucking day if you truly want to. I'm wrapping up a book (part one of a trilogy) on the subject that will be available after the New Year.

If it's not satire something has gone terribly wrong.

t. virgins

thank god you found one post that agrees with you now you can finally rest easy knowing you're right