*breathes in*


Other urls found in this thread:


lmaaaaooooo chinks are going to love this movie

Sup Forums will defend this

Finn is a pudgy ugly nig but still more sexually desirable than any pol poster. Really sad


LOLLLLLL, could they ban the movie because of this

As ugly as Finn is, he's still waaaaaay out of her league

good lord is this a fucking joke? he doesn't even get to bone rey?

man i hate this movie and I haven't even seen it yet

Why are anti-star wars posters such normalfag reddit memers?

>muh pol



Based Rian making sure the side minorities are a thing so the main characters can have pure aryan love

he looks like he is gonna puke

Nice bullshit mouse shill. I see you faggots are learning.

bet her mouth tastes like 300 dollar sushi

>b-but r-reddit!

Good one!

And there goes the chinese audience.


Holy shit, I just cancelled my tickets. Not gonna pay to watch that baboon slurp on a chinks face.

Oh no he kissed an ugly chink. Imma have to skip tlj now


what an awkward kiss

> that pained expression

I kinda feel sorry for Boyega.

>"mouse shill"
So its the capeshit drone spamming these threads? Makes sense considering the amount of brainlet wojack threads dropped
When will you start making "ho ho" threads?


>Rylo fags BTFO
>Luke's daughter fags BTFO
>Kenobifags BTFO
>Sheevfags BTFO
>Fin gets RICED
>Kylo straight up calls Rey a Mary Sue
Is Rian Johnson /ourdirector/?

is what he said wrong though?

She isn't Chinese

What kind of theater has distracting exit signs right under the screen

And you know Daisy took him back to her trailer as a reward after this scene was shot

not surprised one bit, (((Hollywood))) has been pushing the BM/AF narrative really hard for the past couple years now.

Alright lads, now that Star Wars is confirmed kill, what are some good alternatives to Disneycanon?
Give me every novel, comic and gaem that does what Disney has failed to do in post-RotJ canon.

>defending nuWars
>muh polreddit!

I'm already laughing at you faggot.


how beautiful

How could anyone not see this coming?

I truely wonder how the chinese public will react to this? Considering that he was deleted from the chinese version of force awakens poster. Will they delete this scene for the chinese release? (even though the actress isn't actually chinese, just east asian)


>actual reddit spacing to boot too

Why does Finn look like he's completely disgusted?

I wanted it to be the pilot dude.


She's not Chinese, she's Vietnamese

Chinese HATE Vietnamese more than they do blacks (they don't even really hate blacks just view them as an "other"). So they won't care much and probably will use it to mock vietnamese as a whole

Why does he look more disgusted to kiss her than she is to kiss him wtf

Never been there in my life, meanwhile you faggots are bringing it up, to what, incite Sup Forums contrarianism into liking this trash heap? Pathetic.

Because he'd prefer to BLACK Rey

It's like they put it there as a friendly reminder

She‘s still asian. Chinks are very sensitive when it comes to niggers hooking up with asian women.

eh, poe's too good for finn

It looks more like he's happy to see her alive.

Jesus christ you morons are autistic


only people Chinese hate are Japanese (the most), Indians, Koreans, Vietnamese, Thai, and Filipinos.

If they know beforehand that she's just an ugly Vietnamese girl they might find it funny.

Fun fact of the day

Niggers have an average IQ of 86

>muh asian unity and pride!

literally non existent, especially among china. Asians of different nations absolutely despise each other

A black guy would be much more socially accepted in Japan than a Korean (and they are).

whyd the chinese do that(in a 100% serious non meme answer)

I feel bad for Ninn

If you use the word "contrarian," you're literally an idiot. It's an invented concept by idiots with reddit sensibilities who are too fragile to deal with criticism of mediocre media that has widespread appeal.
It's a troubling manifestation of millennials' mental weakness. Seriously, the only people who would even entertain any "argument" involving the concept of being "contrarian" are weak, lazy idiots who can't deal with criticism substantively.
If it bothers you that much that people criticize mediocre mass-marketed work designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator, like Star Wars, Breaking Bad, pop music, etc., you should find a safe bubble and stay there(Sup Forums). Or kill yourself.

Someone slap a BRACKED logo on this.

Everyone hates blacks


>Chinese HATE Vietnamese more than they do blacks (they don't even really hate blacks just view them as an "other").

another fun fact of the day

Jews have an average IQ of 113, which is the highest in the world

Does that include all nigs or just the ones from a particular region


Chinks hate everything that isn‘t chinese. But the woman who kisses the monkey still resembles their people. They still won‘t like the fact that a nigger is getting it on with an asian woman. They might hate japs, viets and every other asian country around them but niggers aren‘t even human in their opinion.

What's with this "muh based chinks" attempts at solidarity form Sup Forums exactly? Chinks absolutely despise vietnamese, if you claim otherwise you have no idea what you're talking about. I grew up in Singapore and am around these people constantly

Thats korean

Goodnight azn pride






>not human

user, come now.

What's going on here?

They don't view Vietnamese as "their people" though. They won't give a shit as a result

As for kissing a black in China...You certainly wouldn't be praised for marrying a or even dating a black in China but they're huge objects of sexual fetishes over there and a big part of porn.

>Rey: i came to this island to find answers...i never felt so alone..
>Kylo: you are not alone....
>Rey: neither are you.

What about Germans? Not Germany, Germans.


actually that's African Americans. Africans' average IQ is more like 65. Yes, they're on average dumb as fuck.

nm, u

He understood the moment he read the script that they casted an ugly asian girl specfically to romance his character.



Specifically the Jewish IQ figure is for US Jews, Israeli Jews have an average of around 101.

Porn is illegal in China.

live action adaptation when

I dont have that data available. According to Lynn, Germany's average is 99 but I don't know what the IQ's of their non-native population is.

It probably does get brought down a few points though. Israeli Jews are higher in IQ than any other European state but being 25% Arab drops them to the 90s range

what the fuck...?

Really? This literally had me standing up and cheering "DISNEY...DISNEY". I fucking love it. Rey stays unBlacked and the Chinese girl and people get mud in their face. So good.

i loved the x-wing books, they're not that well written but pretty fun. wedge is a boss. kotor is fun but bland (could make for a great cinematic adaptation though,) kotor 2 has a bit more to offer both in story and mechanics (though you do have to really gimp yourself to not be OP as fuck by the end.) aside from that idk, thrawn trilogy is obvious, but it's been a good while so nothing else really comes to mind.

lmao, they're also a marxist state yet have a stock market.

There's the official party line in China, then there's what people actually do. The pornography ban in china is one of those things the regime doesnt enforce. Everyone and their mother in China uses a VPN or free proxy site to fap to porn

blocks your rey