
His hair is still terrible.

His body armor is some one-of-a-kind prototype, isn't it? What's he going to to when it gets shot to shit?

Best boy

Ask or look into where Daredevil got his gear and go to Melvin?

over designed, it makes Frank look like a guy into edgy shit, not just a guy that just happens to have a skull on his shirt/body armor

not saying that it sucks but is not a good design


Lookin' good.

Yeah, not a fan of the hair, and the vest/shirt combo isn't really selling me.

But, Bernthal was phenomenal as Frank, so I'm staying hyped.

>not an edgelord

that part is unknown as this is the stuff he found in his former commanders secret shed room when he was looking for tools to finish the job.

He doesn't want them suffering, he just wants them gone. Stop playing videogames.

>it's a user has never read a punisher comic episode

I've read all of them, he's not an edgelord and you're some seriously stupid shit.

>strings a guy's intestines around a tree while he's still alive
>not an edgelord

He better have a skull on the shirt too.

>throws a woman at a window until she's pulped
>everything that he did to Barracuda
>impaled Pittsy on a fence

You have to go back, user.

>prototype bulletproof armor
>never use it
Whats the point of having it if not to use it

Oh and lest we forget:
>murders the last living people on the planet

Shane is looking like a Dillon drawing.

>He doesn't want them suffering,

I like how the skull looks like it's being projected onto his shirt.

Yeah he just did it for laughs, hahah.
Fucking idiot.
She did much worse.
That was a What if.

He tortures mostly to get information.

Doesn't mean he doesn't take pride in his work tho.

>His body armor is some one-of-a-kind prototype
Uh where are you getting that from?

You know, being an edgelord doesn't mean being joker, right? If he consistently does retardedly edgy things, he's a fucking edgelord, even if he's not doing it for laughs.

Just give it up, you've already made yourself look stupid, and each response just reinforces that.

>If he consistently does retardedly edgy things, he's a fucking edgelord
How are those things edgy, considering the type of people he does them to? It's not like he's torturing cats or something.

Here's to hoping it's not another "One story dragged for 12 episodes" show. Something great about Max is the episodic feel.

I will say though, Jigsaw could be a cool setup.
>Billy "The Beaut" Russo is the new head of the Russo family
>Episode ends with Frank mowing down his men, shooting Russo, them tossing him through a window
>Episode ends there
>Two part finale sees Punisher being targeted by the mysterious "Jigsaw," who has begun uniting multiple groups under him in order to hunt Frank
>Frank finally faces Jigsaw in person
>Jigsaw's face is so messed up that Frank can't tell who he is
>Jigsaw reveals himself as Billy Russo
>Flashback of how Billy survived, and how his plan came together

>into edgy shit
He's a mass killer with a skull on his chest. As for the vest, I can get behind it because it makes some sense. I'm getting the vibe of bulletproof panels that can be switched out when they take too much damage or when the structure is comprimised. Flexibility means he can also move better than your average troop.

...Do you not know what edgy means?

Different user, dipshit.

It seems you don't, hence your confusing Frank with an edgelord.

>all these dickheads saying his hair isn't right

Jesus Christ what the fuck is wrong with you retards? There's obviously gonna be some differences, since comic book to live is never 1:1.

He's meant to be a soldier, and that's what he looks like. His hair isn't even iconic like Osborn's or some shit.

This has got me hyped, and I haven't been hyped since DDS2 flopped.

Flopped? What?

This is the only MNU show I'm looking forward to now. JJ, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist were all shit and the only good parts of DD S2 were Frank-centric. I have no hope for Defenders.

Literally this. You have good taste.

He's literally shadow the hedgehog you cocksucker

On the one hand, this show is probably going to be great.

On the other, Frank fanboys are the most annoying characterfags of all time, and that's saying a lot. If it's not EXACTLY like the Ennis comics they'll spend every waking moment shitting on it in every board they can, because apparently Ennis owns the character and daring to bring up any version besides his is treason.

I'm not looking forward to the discussions here.

Sorry, I normally don't play videogames because I'm not a retard.

Frank butchers people because he gets off on it mane.

I like the Rucka version myself, but I still like Ennis as well. Rucka was more interesting when he took most of the focus off of Frank, and made him a ghost.

He seemed a lot more terrifying to me because of that.

>I'm not a retard.

Already proved false earlier. Try to keep up.

Ennis fags are the worst and sadly represent the majority of Frank fags.

> but I still like Ennis as well

I'm not saying that Ennis didn't produce a great, definitive run of the character, but no other fanbase is as autistic about their only being one run for a Big Two character that isn't the original author. Frank has been around for going on 30+ years at this point, there's a lot to pull from instead of Ennis.

I can't think of another run of comics so poisoned by the fanbase.

for all we know its an user responding to his own post

I really wish Frank had more iconic badguys to kill, instead of focusing on just Jigsaw.

Kingpin works as a great end-all for both DD and Frank. Also, a corrupt real-high-up city official as well.

The sad part is too many of Franks foes are just unimaginative as fuck. The last *great* one was Barracuda.

You at least have Bushwacker, Barracuda, Jigsaw, The Russian, and Ma Gnucci. Some villains you could probably morph to be Frank villains too, like Bullet.

Look, can't we all just agree Jason aarons run is the worst?

Aaron's MAX is bad but his Bullseye is so loveable. Hell it's not even the worst Dillon drawn Punisher run (that's Cloonan's)

>it makes Frank look like a guy into edgy shit, not just a guy that just happens to have a skull on his shirt/body armor
>not just a guy that just happens to have a skull on his shirt/body armor

He's a vigilante who takes pride in his work and wants to be viewed with fear by criminals. It makes sense that he'd play on death imagery.

It looked best when he was in prison.

Bullseye would be great. He was in the ps2 game!

>Frank fanboys are the most annoying characterfags of all time, and that's saying a lot.
When I talk about batman I have to prove I'm a batfag and not a batcasual by jumping through lore hoops.
When I talk about punisher I have to defend him to EVERYBODY. From soccer moms to LCS rats. 99% of the people who give me the slow head nod are ennis fags and god forbid I insult their messiah.
Feels bad bro.
I loved Franken-castle. Come at me bro

I love ennis run, I think it's the best run.
Frankencastle was fun though, not every comic has to be serious and ennis style.

Yeah he's not like Arrow

>over designed
Literally looks like a dude in a tactical vest
>edgy shit
As if Punisher was ever not an edgy shit

>why do you like Punisher, user?
>"Cuz he kills the badguy. How many people you think woulda been saved if Bats tossed Joker off a building? Bats cuts the stem. Frank rips out the root."

Usually people accept that

What's up wth that? I haven't been watching Arrow this season but didn't he kill a guy and say he liked it? I think I saw something about that in some thread, it sounds kinda cool

Why do Punisher fans think they're badass by proxy for liking such a boorish character? Nothing is more obnoxious than some neckbeard wearing skull shirt and posing with guns for his mom.

>Why do Punisher fans think they're badass
Here we go....

Yea fine his bullseye is pretty great.

I kinda think the hair fits because it gives him this nerdy ex-military guy out of touch with reality feel, he's not some fashionable socialite, he's a crazy serial killer vigilante.

Except he just end up looking like a moron.

Punisher is a bad character

hell, Marvel won't even give him a book

>Everyone gets to be seen in their costume, except Danny.

Why must it be so suffering to be an Iron Fist stan?

>Why must it be so suffering to be an Iron Fist stan?
Iron Fist Stan is my porn name.

Franken-castle is great! Good taste user.

I like the Punisher too, but what I enjoy about the Punisher is how much of an edgelord he is, and how futile everything he does is and how even Frank seems to accept that. But my favorite thing about the Punisher is having fun with the horrible villains and the unholy joy one gets from watching them get Frank'd.