>it’s real
>mouse shills kept saying it wasn't real
You're allowed to upload leaks like that to youtube?
Since when?
LOL mouse shills BTFO!
It's true... all of it
>OP gets assassinated by hitmen dressed as Goofy
This film was the best thing that could have happened to nu/tv/
Okay is this a meme or not? One of you faggots needs to post this shit now.
literally cape shit in space
I don't think Leia flying itself is a meme, but the fact that it hasn't actually leaked yet is
gake and fay
you funny user
now give us the luke titty succ
Ok so I just watched it a couple of hours ago, it's legit.
Here is the context for the scene:
Kylo Ren's group of fighters blows up the bridge of the main rebel ship, Leia gets sucked out into the vacuum of space. Fast forward about 20 seconds, Leia is frozen as fuck and should be dead, her fingers are moving a bit and all of a sudden she uses the force to move herself towards the ship's airlock. She gets inside and survives.
Honestly this scene just kind of sums up how much the director doesn't give a fuck about Star Wars, there is plenty more wrong with this garbage movie. This might sound crazy but I enjoyed TFA more than TLJ.
Holy shit I thought it was all bantz
For real now:
TLJ is unironically one of, if not the very best Star Wars movie.
There are two major themes running through it: letting go of the past and defying expectations. Letting go of the past, as in saying goodbye to the old favorites, and making the new characters take center stage. Honest to god, I didn't care about Rey, Finn or Poe after TFA, but I loved them by the end of this.
And defying expectations, as in putting twists and turns in the story. I can't say that you won't see the plot twists coming, but those are a lot better than in an average blockbuster. I wonder if Abrams is salty that Johnson shaped his ideas so much?
I wouldn't call TLJ a deconstruction, though it comes close. Felt very much like Kotor 2, interpreting the mythos in a different way (Luke has shades of Kreia). The humor was also great, measured gracefully and in the adequate places, Marvel could learn a LOT from this one.
The acting is superb, Del Toro, Dern and Tran all brought something to the table.
And there is a silent space battle scene towards the end which left the audience breathless. I could literally hear jaws hitting the floor.
'Superleia' was a bit cringy I guess, but I didn't hate it like some of you. Always liked it even in the EU when she was shown as force sensitive.
I can do it but I need footage of the explosion that launches her into space
Ironic shilling is my favorite part of Sup Forums.
Is this a MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT situation or is the gif like that
Hahaha fucking asshole.
you can see the thumb flashing real quick on the gif
I'm going to post this a fuckload on reddit.
Confirming this, scene is legit
I have conflicting feelings about the whole movie yet. The first act has Prequels written all over it, but it gets a lot better from the second act on. I have to watch it a second time. I don't think it will age all, too many quips and subpar CGI. Editing is off from the standard and doesn't even use the scene transitions from all the other movies. TFA clicked instantly with me, but TLJ will probably go down to prequel tier as it ages.
I might even like it, but this, this fucking scene, super leia, is a total joke. Cringy AF and I'll probably never accept that. It's worse than midi clorias.
I even wondered during the movie if a Lucas "directors cut" could make it better...
I honestly can't believe that this is not a fake meme.
This is too much even for a pre-teen princess girl movie such as the new Star Wars.
This can't be real.
Originals>prequels>>rogue one>>>>>>>tfa/tlj
Not to mention the twilight muh rumance shit with rey-kylo is shit
Alright faggots if this thing doesn’t leak by 1:40 pm GMT I’m filming it myself
>I have to watch it a second time.
Imagine being this much of a fucking brainlet
We have seen plenty of videos about the "second act on" and it was all absolute trash. Kylo vs Luke was disgusting. The choreography in the Kylo&Rey vs Red Guards was horrible. The death of Snoke which revealed literally nothing about the character was hilariously bad.
The fact you think this movie even deserves a second watch speaks volumes of your shit eating taste.
Goodspeed, friendo.
> I have to watch it a second time.
No you fucking don't, goy. That's exactly how fans reacted when episode 1 came out. "maybe if I watch it again, it won't be so bad." Don't make that mistake, it's bad, just accept it and live on.
I... I just can't believe what I saw... some parts like super leia are so much of a fucking fever dream... Luke going all neo versus Kylo...
I want to like it... there must be something good there...
This. Don't give Mouse more money.
>I want to like it...
Why? Its worthless Disney shit
You're right. I must resist.
I guess... I guess I'll wait for the leaks...
There's too much good will and incredulity in me I guess. Shit there's even a scene like the podracing with the recicled pod SFX...