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Ocean's 8
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Wasn't Ocean supposed to have an all star cast? Isn't that supposed to be the appeal. I don't like any of those broads
>couldn't even find 8 box office draws
Only if there are Anne Hathaway panty scenes!
You go, girls! Go go go! Yay woman movie!
Which 8 actress would you cast?
what the fuck is that
Is the villain a woman too?
That you don't like them doesn't mean they aren't stars (almost all) idiot
Everyone knows Bullock and Rihanna
>Sarah Paulson
Literally whomst
>This is real
Why am I still suprised?
I wouldn't. The whole idea's stupid.
According to Google:
> is an American rapper, comedian, television personality, television host and actress known by the stage name Awkwafina
I'm ok with this
Like 3 of the Ocean's Eleven cast were draws dude
Hold on to your seats.
What the fuck. They will stop at nothing, won't they?
>female confidence tricksters
there's only one thing they can do and the demographic they're shooting for is NOT going to like it
so it has to suck
there's no other option
You could put an eye out with those things.
>summmer 2018
>wearing winter clothes
i dont get it?
I'm not a misogynist or anything but these fucking skanky, attention-seeking holes should be gagging on cock cause that's all they're good for
>George Clooney
>Brad Pitt
>Matt Damon
>Don Cheadle
>Bernie Mac
>Julia Roberts
This is retarded.
Who would want to watch a bunch of broads commiting high level crimes?
Women don't even watch action/crime movies, and men wouldn't watch a movie about female criminals because it makes no sense.
Seriously, these movie companies don't even care about money anymore, that's the only thing that explains this sort of retarded investment. NOBODY IS GONNA WATCH THIS.
Society is over
what the fuck
i'm hard
>Original is Ocean's 11
>All-woman verion is Ocean's 8
>77% of 11 is ~8
What the fuck was this intentional?
how can it possibly compete with this nigkino?
>Don Cheadle
>Bernie Mac
no lmao
>Julia Roberts
she wasn't a part of the group until the 2nd one
oh jesus I thought at least JLaw would be in this
bloody nora
Idris elba
Nothing surprises me anymore. The onion makes more sense than reality.
>Literally MUH VUGINA comedy
>Basic bitch, bottom-barrel, discount """rapper""
So she's a literally who that has the same talent as Jake Paul
her ass and thighs are divine
>take an already-made movie and remake it with females
>regardless of the reception, it'll always be compared to the original and will never be seen as better
why can't they just make a new series? I don't enjoy female comedies, all I remember from Brides Maids is them shitting in sinks, and that's fucking gross
I'd gladly watch an all female movie if the premise didn't revolve around them being all female
>ocean's (gender diversity) eight
Age notwithstanding
Cameron Diaz
Lucy Lui
Drew Barrymore
Angelina Jolie
Catherine Zeta Jones
Charlize Theron
Jennifer Lawrence
Scarlett Johansen, why not
>Don Cheadle and Bernie Mac aren't draws for black folks
Maybe not anymore but they were. Well Bernie is dead now obviously but still.
>tiny asian lady to the right
This post is so ugly, what were they thinking?
replace the singers/rapper with actual actresses and get rid of Mindy (she's so fucking annoying. sure sometimes she's funny, but her humour is never sincere, it's always sarcastic which gets old)
Don't worry, i'm sure it'll get a 96% on Rottentomatoes.
I never knew Sandra Bullock was such a giant wow. She must be like 7ft tall
are they seriously expecting us to believe a group of women could plan something like this?
And an oscar where the cast goes on stage and trashes blumpf
Finally a feminist versión of Ocean's Eleven.
She responds differently to gravity.
>Let's pack our movie with celeb cameos
love this meme....
>Kylie Jenner
>Kim Kardashian
Is this satire?
>kylie jenner purple
>not kendall
fucking cuck
Don't know which one is which
It's something else entirely
She's pretty bland as far as celebrities goes.
Is Anne Hathaway one of those broads that fucks for movie parts.
Because she's horrible even amongst this cast she stands out in terribleness
Kendall is the hot one that works for Victoria secret
kylie is the one who got BLACK'D then dumped
kendall is the hot one
Is it wrong that I think she's actually pretty hot?
Kendall is the Pepsi commercial one that everyone laughed at, I think.
Love her.
Love her too.
Tolerable, will be fun to see her in this role though.
She's fun, will also be excited to see her in this role.
Don't know who that is.
Isn't that a water bottle? Don't know who that is.
I enjoyed her in Valerian. It's nice to see her continuing to act.
>Bonham Carter
Don't know who that is.
Overall I enjoy heist/con movies, even the weaker ones, so I bet this one will be an enjoyable ride.
It says both are in it you mong.
Didn't this shit get greenlit because of an instragram pic?
Holy chocolate milkers batman. When did she develop those torpedos
>>Bonham Carter
>Don't know who that is.
It's the old lady that Tim Burton is keeping alive by always casting her with Johnny Crackhead Depp.
Elle, Kiernan, Dafne, Millie, Sheuorsha and 3 Emmas
I was referring to that fact that OP had clicked the hyperlink for Kylie's page and thus the link became purple, you retard.
Oh her, I like her. Kind of a scary face and that's fun. I also looked up Aquafina and she's cute, even if her music is weak and offputting.
If it’s done well then I’ll probably enjoy it. Only autists hate a movie before even seeing it.
>whore pretends to be interested in socially awkward loser in order to advance the conjob.
How many times will that happen in this movie?????
What the fuck, so that slut bitch dolphin from bojack is an actual real person and not a fictional exaggeration of common singing celebrity? Oh god why, this is possibly the most sad and terrifying news i had all this month.
No, that was Rihanna and Lupita Nyongo
>Everyone knows Bullock and Rihanna
Yes but nobody likes them. They're celebrities, but they're not draws. Not like, say, Emma
wasn't it supposed to have a black one?
I'd be willing to bet that the villain is a straight, white, male.
>let's milk every movie franchise with women only casts
Yeah, it's been a success so far.
The only box office draw missing from the Sodenbergh's version is Cruise and DiCaprio.
Probably some marketing team that tried to appeal to every single female audience.
>We have the old audience with Bullock and Blanchett. We have the middleaged audience with Hathaway. We have the 20-something audience with Bonham Carter. Now we need the teenage audience too.
The entire movie is made by an AI.
Female only Saving Private Rwanda when?
Who the fuck is Awkwafina ?
they couldn't a least get Julia Roberts so it makes fucking sense?
Who the fuck is Awkwafina
>no Eva
>no Tilda
>no Rooney
>no Bryce
>no Christina
One job
top kek
>Maria Sharapova
Sunglasses are coooool daddio
Also, does this chart represent what they got paid for the movie, or the important of their characters in the movie? Or both?
Look how small they the nigs are, racist!
The movie needs a Paris Hilton.
What a shitty poster
>mindy kaling
automatic chernobyl-tier trash. Anyone who shells out shekels to actually watch this in a theater needs to kys themselves by drinking bleach and battery acid